Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals ASCR, v.v.i.

Department of Multiphase Reactors
Annual Report 2008

(For current information click here)


Head: J. Drahos

Deputy: M. Ruzicka

Research staff: M. Fialova, J. Havlica, S. Kordac Orvalho, V. Penkavova, V. Sobolik, M. Simcik, J. Tihon, V. Tovchigrechko, J. Vejrazka, M. Vecer, O. Wein, M. Zednikova

Technical staff: S. Novakova

PhD students: M. Baszcynski, Z. Gogova, L. Kulaviak, P.Novak, P. Stanovsky

Fields of research

Research projects

Continuous fermentation of alcohol-free beer

(M. Ruzicka, joint project with ICT, supported by GACR, grant No. GA104/06/1418)

The goal of this project is the investigation of the rheological properties and hydrodynamic behaviour of a bed of carrier particles for supporting biomass in a gas-liquid-solid three-phase system. The particles are the spent grains, because of availability and low price. They form a bed ('sludge blanket') in the fermentor that tend to sediment and settle at the bottom. The fermentor is flown through the liquid phase with a recycle, to keep the bed in a quasi-fluidized state, which is required for the fermentation purpose. Occasionally, it is also sparger with gas, for technological reasons. Our goal is to find the values of control parameters when the bed neither settle nor escape from the reactor. [Refs. 5, 8, 14, 31, 34, 39-42, 45, 47]

Analysis of hydrodynamic forces acting on bubbles by PIV measurements

(J. Vejrazka, supported by ASCR, grant No. IAA200720801)

The liquid flow in proximity of bubbles is studied experimentally by using the time-resolved particle image velocimetry and high-speed flow visualizations. The measured velocity field will be treated in order to get information on the forces acting on bubbles in different flow situations. The calculation and analysis of the viscous dissipation and inertia of liquid in motion will be performed for various situations both in pure liquids and in surfactant solutions. The results will enlarge the knowledge of bubble flow dynamics, required to improve computational models used for the prediction of macroscopic two-phase flows. [Refs. 20-21, 45, 47, 48]

Hydrodynamics of bubble-particle interactions under liquid circulation

(M. Zednikova, supported by ASCR, grant No. KJB200720801)

The project deals with bubble-particle interactions under liquid circulation. Theoretical description exists only for small particle-large bubble interactions, used in mineral flotation. If the objects proportion is inverted, the mechanism of interaction is no longer fully understood. Thus, the objectives of the project are to study: i) small bubble-large particle interactions under liquid circulation and ii) interaction of more bubbles with a particle and formation of stable bubbles-particle aggregate. The bubble trajectory, velocity, momentum and deformation during impact are obtained by high speed camera visualization and the liquid velocity flow field is measured by PIV. The experimental data will create a base for theoretical description of bubble-particle interactions. [Refs. 9, 20-22]

Effect of bubble size on stability of homogeneous bubbly layer

(M. Vecer, supported by GACR, grant No. GP104/06/P287)

The goal of the project is to investigate experimentally the effect of the size of bubbles on the stability of the homogeneous flow regime in bubble column reactors, and its transition to the heterogeneous flow regime. The former regime lack large-scale motions of the two-phase mixture in the column, while convective currents ('circulations') set in, when loses the stability. There is a theoretical concept developed of the regime transition that is to be verified by measurements. This forms the core of this project. [Refs. 5, 29-31, 33, 35, 36, 44-48, 50-52]

Transport and reaction processes in complex multiphase systems

(J. Drahos, joint project with ICT and UPa, supported by GACR, grant No. GD104/08/H055)

Project is focused on training of doctoral students in the field of chemical engineering via targeted research in modern branches of chemical, pharmaceutical, biological and process industries with emphasis on research in new areas such as micro- and nanotechnologies and material engineering. It includes theoretical and experimental work of 20 students of Chemical Engineering Departments at ICT and UPa, and at ICPF. Particular research programes involve 16 areas from microsystems to industry-scale processes. Project will be led by 18 supervisors. The training includes both general courses on mathematical modeling, statistical analysis and methodology of scientific work, and courses specialized on specific research fields. Students will take part in national and international projects of cooperation with major research laboratories. The project output will be publications in impacted international journals, presentations at conferences and special workshops with lectures by students, supervisors and invited specialists, published in proceedings. [Refs. 9, 28-31, 37, 38, 41]

Integrated multiscale process units with locally structured elements (IMPULSE)

(J. Hanika, V. Jiricny, J. Drahos, 6th FP integrated project, Priority 3 NMP, supported by EU under Contract No. 011816-2)

The objective of IMPULSE project is effective, targeted integration of innovative process equipment such as microreactors, heat exchangers, thin-film devices and other micro components to attain radical performance enhancement for whole process systems in chemical production. We are involved in the application of electrodiffusion sensors for the experimental flow diagnostics in microreactors. Another our activity consists in the implementation of numerical simulations for the prediction of two-phase flows in narrow channels. We also participate in the workpackage dealing with the results dissemination.

CFD-RANS supported prognoses to growth conditions in bioreactors

(M. Fialova, bilateral co-operation with Institute of Chemical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria)

The CFD model of bubble column was verified by experimental data. Bubble column flow field calculated numerically was used in selection of bubble-bed structural models. Results obtained by CFD modeling were employed to analyze oxygen availability for aerobic cell growth in a bio-fluid in bubble column bioreactors. [Refs.12, 19]

Presidency of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE)

(J. Drahos, supported by MEYS, INGO project No. LA 319)

TThe EFCE is one of the most important institutions in the field of chemistry. Prof. Jiri Drahos successfully served for two years as its President. In September 2007 he has been re-elected as the President for the period 2008-2009. Together with Prof. Ruzicka, he also participated at the activities of the EFCE Working Party Multiphase Fluid Flow.

Development of micro-bubble fluid chamber for tissue engineering bioreactor

(M. Ruzicka, joint project with Kyushu University Japan, supported by MEYS, KONTAKT project No. ME 952)

Objective of this project is to design a novel bioreactor for tissue engineering. The conventional tissue engineering uses so-called scaffolds as a supporting structure, into which the cells are seeded. The novel bioreactor will have scaffold-less design based on a flow chamber equipped with a device for producing micro bubbles. The tissue growth will be controlled by means of accurately setting the flow conditions in this chamber, i.e. flow of the culture medium and content of micro bubbles in it. [Refs. 41-43, 48, 49, 62]

Research into small-scale structure of gas-liquid systems with optical probe

(M. Ruzicka, joint project with LEGI Grenoble, supported by ASCR and CNRS France, Project No. 11-20213)

This project gives us the possibility to use French probe technique for detailed study of fine structure of multiphase mixtures, on our own gas-liquid systems. Simultaneous measurements of bubble concentration, bubble velocity and bubble size are available because of original construction of monofiber probe. The probe does not much affect the flow structure due to its small proportion (fiber diameter like 150 microns). Study of local properties in multiphase systems allows us to understand its structure on small scales. This knowledge will lead to calibration of macroscopic theories necessary for description of real systems. [Refs. 45, 47]

Hydrodynamics and transport phenomena in multiphase systems: from microscale to macroscale

(M. Ruzicka, joint project with TU Ostrava, supported by GACR, grant No. GA104/07/1110)

The essence of the research project is the investigation into the basic physical mechanisms involved in hydrodynamics and transport phenomena in complex multiphase systems. Transport of mass and momentum in both two-phase systems (gas-liquid) and three-phase systems (gas-liquid-solid) will be studied. The stress is put on the momentum transfer between the phases, i.e. on the hydrodynamics of multiphase flows. Hand in hand with the understanding the multiphase motion, the mass transfer phenomena will be explored. The typical feature of the multiphase systems is the existence of a microstructure, given by the presence and configuration of the dispersed particles. The microstructure has a multi-scale nature and determines the system rheology. The project is aimed at resolving the relation between the microstructure and the macroscopic behaviour of the multiphase systems. [Refs. 3, 5, 8-10, 14, 18, 20-22, 28-31, 34, 37-42, 45, 47, 50]

Hydrodynamic concept of stromatactis formation in geology

(M. Ruzicka, joint project with Institute of Geology of the ASCR, v.v.i., supported by ASCR, grant No. IAAX00130702)

The stromatactis cavities are present in fine-grained carbonate sediments in the nature, forming the specific shapes and reticulate arrays. However, the mechanisms behind the origin of these cavities are subjects of heated discussions in geology for 125 years. Numerous biotic and abiotic factors were considered, but with unclear results. Most recently, our team produced a critical analysis of these sedimentary structures and formulated a new hypothesis that these cavities would likely originate during the rapid deposition of extremely polydisperse and multimodal granular mixtures. Although the first experiments simulated the production of these cavities with a considerably high level of similarity, there is a lot of work to be done if we wish really explain these unique phenomena in terms of hydrodynamics. The proposed interdisciplinary study is novel, and the results would be fundamental for sedimentology and hydrodynamics, with possible implications in related technologies. [Refs. 8, 14, 28, 30, 31]

Effect of the surface roughness, ohmic resistance, and electrode kinetics on autocalibration of electrodiffusion friction probes

(O. Wein, supported by GACR, grant No. GA104/08/0428)

Experimental part of the project consists in studying fast transient processes driven by a step change of voltage in electrolytic microcells. Experimental part of the project consists in studying fast transient processes driven by a step change of voltage in electrolytic microcells. In the first year of the project, an experimental set-up (electrolytic cells, working electrodes, measuring and controlling hardware) were prepared and tested. The programs for PC-driven process control and data acquision, written under LabView, were prepared and tested. This preparatory activity is documented in a series of 3 research reports. The related results in electrodiffusion diagnostics of flow were published. [Refs. 13, 43, 49]

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International cooperations

Visits abroad




Original papers

1. Huchet F., Havlica J., Legentilhomme P., Montillet A., Comiti J., Tihon J.: Use of Electrochemical Microsensors for Hydrodynamics Study in Crossing Microchannels. Microfluid. Nanofluid. 5(1), 55-64 (2008).

2. Kristiawan M., Sobolik V., Al-Haddad M., Allaf K.: Efect of Pressure-Drop Rate on the Isolation of Cananga Oil Using Instantaneous Controlled Pressure-Drop Process. Chem. Eng. Process. 47(1), 66-75 (2008).

3. Paglianti A., Fujasova M., Montante G.: A Simple Model for Power Consumption in Gassed and Boiling Stirred Vessels. AIChE J. 54(3), 646-656 (2008).

4. Rochova K., Sovova H., Sobolik V., Allaf K.: Impact of Seed Structure Modification on the Rate of Supercritical CO2 Extraction. J. Supercrit. Fluids 44(2), 211-218 (2008).

5. Ruzicka M., Vecer M., Orvalho S.P., Drahos J.: Effect of Surfactant on Homogeneous Regime Stability in Bubble Column. Chem. Eng. Sci. 63(4), 951-967 (2008).

6. Sobolik V., Wein O.: The Levich Problem with an Eccentric Segmented Electrode on Rotating Disk. Russ. J. Electrochem. 44(4), 424-433 (2008).

7. Sobolik V., Wein O.: Zadacha Levicha: Ekstsentricheskii Segmentnyi Elektrod na Vrashchayushchemsya Diske. (Russ). Elektrokhimiya 44(4), 459-469 (2008).

8. Simcik M., Ruzicka M., Drahos J.: Computing the Added Mass of Dispersed Particles. Chem. Eng. Sci. 63(18), 4580-4595 (2008).

9. Vejrazka J., Fujasova M., Stanovsky P., Ruzicka M., Drahos J.: Bubbling Controlled by Needle Movement. Fluid Dyn. Res. 40(7-8), 521-533 (2008).

10. Moucha T., Linek V., Erokhin K., Rejl J.F., Fujasova M.: Improved Power and Mass Transfer Correlations for Design and Scale-up of Multi-Impeller Gas–Liquid Contactors. Chem. Eng. Sci., in press.

11. Ruzicka M., Bunganic R., Drahos J.: Meniscus Dynamics in Bubble Formation. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., in press.

12. Staykov P., Fialova M., Vlaev S.D.: Bubble-Bed Structural Models for Hybrid Flow Simulation: An Outlook Based on a CFD-Generated Flow Image. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., in press.

13. Tihon J., Penkavova V., Pantzali M.: The Effect of Inlet Pulsations on the Backward-Facing Step Flow. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, submitted.

Review papers

14. Ruzicka M.: On Dimensionless Numbers. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 86(8), 835-868 (2008).


15. Hajek M., Drahos J.: Method of Drying of Book and Similar Paper Material and Equipment for Its Processing. Pat. No. EP 1441191. Applied: 22.12.2003, Granted: 08.02.13.

International conferences

16. Cvetinovic D., Tihon J., Vejrazka J., Drahos J.: Numerical Modelling of Turbulent Circular Air Free Jet and Its Experimental Validation. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, pp. 899-900 (2 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

17. Cvetinovic D., Tihon J., Vejrazka J., Drahos J.: Unsteady Numerical Modelling of Turbulent Circular Air Jet Impinging on a Flat Surface and Its Experimental Validation. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, pp. 901-902 (2 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

18. Fialova M., Orvalho S.P., Fujasova M., Ruzicka M., Drahos J.: The Use of the Ideal and Non-ideal Dynamic Pressure Step Method for kLa Measurement and Effect of Electrolyte Addition on Gas Holdup and kLa in Bubble Column. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, p. 858, Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

19. Fialova M., Staykov P., Vlaev S.D.: Interpretation of CFD-Generated Bubble Swarms Oscillation for Bubble Column Bioreactor Performance Analysis. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, p. 859 (11 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

20. Fujasova M., Vejrazka J., Ruzicka M., Drahos J.: Hydrodynamics of Bubble Bouncing on a Wall, Experiment and Modelling. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, p. 878 (9 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

21. Fujasova M., Vejrazka J., Ruzicka M., Drahos J.: On a Bubble Bouncing on a Wall in Various Liquid Phases. 35th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings, p. 304, Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 26-30 May 2008.

22. Fujasova M., Vejrazka J., Ruzicka M., Drahos J.: Hydrodynamics of Bubble Bouncing on a Wall, Experiment and Modelling. XXII. Symposium on Anemometry, Proceedings, pp. 20-27, Holany-Litice, Czech Republic, 03-04 June 2008.

23. Gogova Z., Hanika J.: Design of Gas-Lift Reactor for Catalytic Oxidation. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 1, p. 248, Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

24. Gogova Z., Hanika J.: Model Aided Design of Gas-Lift Reactor for Oxidation Reaction with Fast Reversible Catalyst Deactivation. 10th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference - CHEMPOR 2008, Book of Abstracts, p. 711 (6 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Braga, Portugal, 04-06 September 2008.

25. Gogova Z., Hanika J.: Purpose Tailored Design of Gas-Lift Reactor. 35th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings, p. 271 (10 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 26-30 May 2008.

26. Hladil J., Koptikova N., Lisa L., Cejchnan P., Ruzicka M, Kulaviak T., Adamovic J., Janecka J., Vecer M., Drahos J., Havlica J.: Stromatactis and Stromatactum Pattern Formation in Sediment: Constraints from Fluid Mechanics and Rheology and Implications for Environments, Sedimentary Architecture and Cyclostratigraphy. International Conference Global Alignements of Lower Devonian Carbonate and Clastic Sequences, Book of Abstracts, pp. 36-40, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 25 August - 03 September 2008.

27. Kristal J., Havlica J., Jiricny V.: Hydrodynamic Characterization of Electrochemical Microreactor. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 5, p. 1726 (7 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

28. Kulaviak L., Ruzicka M., Drahos J., Hladil J.: Cavities Formation in Sedimentary Deposits. 35th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings, p. 241, Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 26-30 May 2008.

29. Kulaviak L., Vecer M., Ruzicka M., Drahos J., Hladil J.: Viscosity Characteristic of Model Suspensions. 35th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings, p. 312, Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 26-30 May 2008.

30. Kulaviak L., Vecer M., Ruzicka M., Drahos J., Hladil J.: Viscosity Characteristics of Geological Suspensions. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, p. 927, Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

31. Kulaviak L., Vecer M., Ruzicka M., Drahos J., Hladil J.: Flow Behavior of Model Suspensions. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, p. 823, Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

32. Mouheb N.A., Solliec C, Montillet A., Comiti J., Legentilhomme P., Havlica J.: Numerical Study of the Flow and Mass Transfer in Micromixers. 6th International ASME Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels ICNMM2008, Proceedings, p.1(6 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Darmstadt, Germany, 23-25 June 2008.

33. Obalova L., Vecer M.: Thermal Dehydration of Phthalic Acid. 35th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings, p. 97, Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 26-30 May 2008.

34. Orvalho S.P., Martin M., Fujasova M., Ruzicka M., Drahos J.: Aspects of Coalescence of Pairs of Bubbles. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, p. 879, Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

35. Smutna K., Wichterle K., Vecer M.: Study on Behavior of Bubbles Rising in Various Liquids. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, p. 875 (7 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

36. Smutna K., Wichterle K., Vecer M.: Oscillation Frequency of Bubbles Moving Periodically in Various Liquids. 35th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings, p. 196 (6 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 26-30 May 2008.

37. Stanovsky P., Fujasova M., Ruzicka M., Drahos J., Sanada T., Shirota M., Sato A., Watanabe A.: Experimental Investigation of in Line Rising Bubbles. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, p. 876, Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

38. Stanovsky P., Ruzicka M., Drahos J., Sanada T., Shirota M., Sato A., Watanabe M.: Interactions between Bubbles Rising in Line. 35th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings, p. 234, Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 26-30 May 2008.

39. Simcik M., Havlica J., Ruzicka M., Drahos J.: CFD Simulation of Laboratory Scale Airlift Reactor Hydrodynamics: Case Study. 35th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings, p. 310, Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 26-30 May 2008.

40. Simcik M., Havlica J., Ruzicka M., Drahos J., Teixeira J., Branyik T., Novak P., Baszczynski M., Kurec M.: Euler-Euler Simulation of Gas-liquid and Gas-liquid-solid Airlift Reactors: Case Study. 10th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference - CHEMPOR 2008, Book of Abstracts, pp. 264-265, Braga, Portugal, 04-06 September 2008.

41. Simcik M., Kulaviak L., Havlica J., Ruzicka M., Drahos J., Teixeira J.: Gas Holdup in Laboratory Scale Bubble Column: CFD Simulations vs. Measurements. 10th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference - CHEMPOR 2008, Book of Abstracts, pp. 453-454, Braga, Portugal, 04-06 September 2008.

42. Simcik M., Ruzicka M., Havlica J., Drahos J., Teixeira J.: CFD Simulation of Hydrodynamics of Rectangular External Loop Airlift Reactor. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, p. 862, Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

43. Tihon J., Penkavova V.: Experimental Investigation of the Near-Wall Flow behind a Backward-Facing Step. 7th EUROMECH Fluid Mechanics Conference, Abstracts, p. 336, Manchester, Great Britain, 14-18 September 2008.

44. Tihon J., Vecer M., Penkavova V.: Rheology of Nanofluids. 35th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings, p. 301, Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 26-30 May 2008.

45. Vecer M., Kabieszova J., Sechet Ph., Vejrazka J., Orvalho S.P., Cartellier A., Ruzicka M.: Interaction of Bubble with Optical Probe Sensor. 35th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings, p. 198, Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 26-30 May 2008.

46. Vecer M., Tihon J., Penkavova V.: Rheology of Aqueous Nanosuspensions. 1st Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Meeting Nano Ostrava 2008, Book of Abstracts, p. PP-37, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 01-04 September 2008.

47. Vecer M., Vejrazka J., Sechet P., Orvalho S.P., Ruzicka M., Cartellier A., Drahos J.: Validation of Optical Probes - Fiction and Reality. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, pp. 798-799 (2 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

48. Vejrazka J., Vecer M., Orvalho S.P., Sechet P., Cartellier A.: Optical Probes and Their Measurement Precision. (Czech). XXII. Symposium on Anemometry, Proceedings, pp. 109-118, Holany, Czech Republic, 03-04 June 2008.

49. Wein O.: Directional Characteristics of Multisegment ED Probes under Apparent Wall-Slip (AWS) Effect. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, p. 921, Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

50. Wichterle K., Raska P., Vecer M.: Bubbles Rising in Non-uniform Velocity Field. 35th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings, p. 311 (4 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia, 26-30 May 2008.

51. Wichterle K., Raska P., Vecer M., Ruzicka M.: Self-organization of a Group of Large Rising Bubbles. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, p. 795 (5 pp. full text on CD-ROM), p. 795, Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

52. Wichterle K., Smutna K., Vecer M.: Oscillation of the Shape of Rising Bubbles. 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2008, Summaries 3, p. 874 (7 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Praha, Czech Republic, 24-28 August 2008.

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