- Academic
Journals is a publishing house providing access to peer
scientific research.
- American
Chemical Society AuthorChoice open access articles
- arXiv
- informace
- Bentham
Open - open access articles
- Bentham
Science Pub. - free 2000-2002; over sixty-one biomedical and
pharmaceutical journals and five book series
- BioMedCentral
- publisher of more than 150 peer-reviewed open access journals
- British
Medical Journals (BMJ) - original research articles
- free,
all other articles - 12 months embargo.
- Blackwell
Synergy - provide free access to the recent back
files already
online after a different
period of time.
- Cell
Press - 1
year embargo
- CogPrints
- an
electronic archive for self-archive
papers in any area of Psychology, neuroscience,
Science (e.g., artificial intelligence, robotics, vison,
speech, neural networks), Philosophy, Biology
ethology, behavioral ecology, sociobiology, behaviour genetics,
evolutionary theory), Medicine (e.g., Psychiatry, Neurology, human
genetics, Imaging), Anthropology (e.g., primatology, cognitive
ethnology, archeology, paleontology), as well as any other portions of
the physical, social and mathematical sciences that are pertinent to
the study of cognition.
- Directory
Open Access Journals (DOAJ) - increase the visibility and
ease of
use of open access scientific and scholarly journals.
- doiSerbia
- 26 Serbian scientific journals
- časopisy
Slovenské akademie věd
- Elsevier
Preprint Archive - computer science, chemistry, mathematics
preprints - ended in 2004. Registration needed.
- Emerald
- the Electronic Management Research Library Database; an expanding
database offering over 58,000 articles on the subject of management
- E-print
Network - a source for scientists and engineers to find,
assimilate, and use scientific and technical e-prints in their fields
of interest.
- ePrints@IISc
repository collects, preserves and disseminates in digital
format the research output created by the IISc
research community.
- European
Agency for Safety and Health at Work
- informační sítě BOZP Evropské unie jsou zaměřeny
na problematiku bezpečnosti práce v EU
- elektronická knihovna časopisů nabízí komfortní a snadný přístup z
jednoho místa ke všem plnotextovým odborným elektronickým časopisům,
které má daná knihovna dostupné v rámci různých předplatných nebo které
jsou k dispozici volně na internetu
- Free
Journals - the Free Medical Journals Site was created to
the free availability of full text medical journals on the Internet.
- HAL -
french research repository with over 40.000 eprints.
- Hindawi
Corporation announced 9 free online journals
- Highwire
- hosts the largest repository of free full-text life science articles
in the world, with 1,343,957 free, full-text articles from 267 journals
- Chemical
Journals in China
- more than 10,000 web sites or pages carefully selected by ChIN team
were indexed in ChIN and are accessible both in Chinese and English
- Institut
of Physics - IOP
- a FREE service from IOP Journals comprising articles chosen by our
Editors for their novelty, significance and potential impact on future
- Institut
of Physics -
all papers are freely available for 30 days from the date of
online publication:
- 77 electronic
journals, 1921 published articles, 925 editors and reviewers, 3 541
links from other web sites
- - the informatics portal offers fast and convenient
access to about one million publications in informatics and related
subject areas from all over the world.
- IREL-Open Project - the
collaborative workspace of the IREL-Open Project Working Group which is
tasked with building a federated open access repository service for
- Japan
Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic - publications
- LivRe!
- scientific journals with full or partial free access.
- Maney
Publishing - free 1999-2002
- Medical
Image Database Repository - MIDR
Database Wiki
- medIND -
provides online access to full-text of Indian biomedical periodicals to
the users in within and outside India.
- Medscape
- to provide clinicians and other healthcare professionals with the
most timely comprehensive and relevant clinical information to improve
patient care; to make the clinician's task of information gathering
simpler, more fruitful, and less time-consuming; and to provide
physicians with the educational tools needed to stay current in their
- National
Institutes of Health - NIH is the nation's medical research
- making important medical discoveries that improve health and save
- NewsRx
- free medical news and disease research newsletters
- Medknow
India) is an open publishing firm that builds academic (mostly medical)
journals, puts them online, and makes them accessible to all.
- Molecular
Preservation International (MDPI) - free 9 online journals
but for
only some of
articles have been
free since 2005 year.
Encyclopedias and dictionaries
- American
Historical Collection
- digitální dokumentace amerických dějin. Jeho náplní
rukopisy, dopisy, deníky a poznámky, knihy rukopisné i tištěné,
mluvené slovo, zvukové záznamy, pamflety, filmové materiály,
fotografie, plakáty, mapy a hudebniny. Dokumenty a artefakty, jejichž
digitální kopie jsou zde bezplatně vystaveny, pochází ze sbírek
Kongresové knihovny (Library of Congress) a dalších amerických
- the
ultimate answer engine, with quick accurate dictionary, thesaurus,
- Artcyclopedia
the guide to great art on the Internet
- Cambridge
Dictionaries Online - informace
- Columbia
Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition
- Definr - incredibly fast
dictionary (explanatory dictionary)
- Encyclopedia
- encyclopedia of mythology, folklore, and religion
- The
Dictonary by Farlex
- English, Medical, Legal, Financial, and Computer Dictionaries,
Thesaurus, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, a Literature Reference Library, and
a Search Engine-all in one!
- Laboratorní
encyklopedie - nabízí stručné vysvětlení
některých speciálních pojmů používaných v laboratorní praxi, analytické
technice, chemii, fyzice a příbuzných přírodních vědách.
Encarta -
encyclopedia, dictionary
- Scholarpedia,
the free peer reviewed encyclopedia of
written by scholars from all around the world.
- TechEncyclopedia
- more than 20 000 IT terms
- Velký
lékařský slovník
- výkladový slovník určený lékařům, farmaceutům a odborným pracovníkům
působícím ve zdravotnictví a v biomedicínském výzkumu
- IT encyclopedia and learning center
- Wikipedia
- free encyclopedia
- The
World Factbook,
2003-the U.S. government's complete geographical handbook
- the Biomolecular Interaction Network Database is a collection of
records documenting molecular interactions.
- Chemcyclopedia
- ChemFinder
- has been providing free chemical searching to hundreds of thousands
of scientists since 1995; this free database includes Chemical
Structures, Physical Properties, Hyperlinks
- ChemIDplus
- provides access to structure and nomenclature information for the
identification of chemical substances cited in NLM databases. The
database contains over 379,000 chemical records, of which over 257,000
include chemical structures. ChemIDplus
Lite is
available for Name and RN searching without the need for plugins or
- CrystalEye
- the aim of the CrystalEye project is to aggregate crystallography
from web resources, and to provide methods to easily browse, search,
and to keep up to date with the latest published information.
free database of the comprehensive online dermatology information.
is a non-commercial academic research project sponsored by the Bergstrom
lab in the Department of Biology at the University of
They aim to develop novel methods for evaluating the influence of
scholarly periodicals and for mapping the structure of academic
research - about.
- Kyoto
of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) - The primary objective
of KEGG is
to computerize the current knowledge of molecular interactions; namely,
metabolic pathways, regulatory pathways, and molecular assemblies. At
the same time, KEGG maintains gene catalogs for all the organisms that
have been sequenced and links each gene product to a component on the
pathway. KEGG also organizes a database of all chemical compounds in
living cells and links each compound to a pathway component.
- MatWeb
- searchable database of material data sheets, including property
information on thermoplastic and thermoset polymers; MatWeb is freely
available and does not require registration
Chemistry WebBook
- the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) site
provides chemical and physical property data on over 40000 compounds.
Data Gateway
- provides easy access to many (currently over 80) of the NIST
scientific and technical databases.
- Nucleic
Database - A variety of structural databases on
nucleic acids,
developed by the Nucleic Acid Database Project at Rutgers University.
- Příklady
z fyzikální chemie online - pomůcka
vedoucí k usnadnění aplikace teoretických vztahů při řešení
praktických problémů.
- PubChem
- free database of chemical structures of small organic molecules and
information on their biological activities.
databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health, and
toxic releases.
- JoVE
- The Journal of
Visualized Experiments
was established as a new, open access tool in life science publication
and communication. We utilize a video-based approach to scientific
publishing to fully capture all dimensions of life science research.
- SciVee
- an
aggregator of science movies. SciVee was built in partnership
The Public Library of Science
(PLoS), The National Science Foundation (NSF) and The San Diego
Supercomputer Center (SDSC). SciVee allows only the upload of
movies associated with papers published in Open Access Journals.