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Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. Jilská 1 110 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic tel. +420 221 183 111 fax: +420 222 220 108 e-mail: flusekr(at)
Filosofický časopis (Philosophical Journal)
Editor-in-chief: Prof. PhDr. Petr Horák,CSc. Managing editor: PhDr. Olga Baranová,CSc.
The journal deals with the whole spectrum of philosophical problems. It publishes articles by domestic and foreign authors from the history of philosophy and studies on the problems of present philosophical research. English and German summaries. It appears six times a year |

Teorie vědy/Theory of Science
Managing editor: PhDr. Jiří Loudín Executive editor: Mgr. Jan Balon, PhD., Mgr. Tomáš Dvořák, Ph.D.
It is a quarterly. Czech, English. |
Acta Comeniana
Editor-in-chief: PhDr. Marta Bečková,CSc. Editor: PhDr. Vladimír Urbánek
International review of Comenius studies and Early Modern Intellectual History In German, English and French. |

Listy filologické (FOLIA PHILOLOGICA)
Editor: PhDr. Martin Svatoš, CSc., Managing Editor: Mgr. Jana Konvičná
The quarterly is devoted to classical studies and classical tradition in mediaevaland early modern Central Europe (linguistics – literature – cultural history – philosophy, etc.), to the history of Czech language and literature.
Editor: Doc. PhDr. Jan Bažant, CSc., Managing Editor: Mgr. Jana Konvičná
The journal deals with classical studies in Central Europe. It welcomes contributions on ancient Greece and Rome, classical traditions in Europe and essays on the humanities and classical heritage that surpass divisions of subjects. |
Organon F
Editor-in-chief: Prof. PhDr. Pavel Cmorej,CSc. Executive editor: Mgr. Marián Zouhar, Ph.D. Deputy editor: Mgr. Tomáš Marvan, Ph.D.
ORGANON F is a philosophical journal with main concern in analytical philosophy. Besides papers dealing with problems of ontology and epistemology, there is a room for works concerning in problems of philosophy of language, semiotics, mathematics, logic, as well as of natural and social sciences, and interesting questions of cognitive science and philosophy of mind. Publishers: Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences and Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic