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Subcategories Heider, Dvorak

Description of research
Research department for the History of Older Czech and European Philosophy consists of scholars conducting research in two fields within the history of philosophy: ancient philosophy and medieval philosophy, including early modern scholasticism and renaissance studies.
- In October 2008 our research group organized the conference Suárez’s Metaphysics: Disputationes Metaphysicae in their Historical and Systematic Context
- June 1st, 2007 meeting and lecture by D. Heider "Suárez and the concept of being".
- April 20th, 2007 workshop "Why study
ancient and medieval philosophy today?" organized by the department.
- Information
on the conference dedicated to the figure of Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz
(1606-1682) October 12th-14th, 2006 in Prague is available at the conference web-site
- The record from the group meeting on October 6, 2006 will be posted here soon (in Czech only). Part of the meeting was a lecture presented by Mgr. K. Boháček.
- In June 21st-23rd 2006, our research group co-organized the seventh international symposium The Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice.
The record from the group meeting on June 2, 2006 is to be found HERE. (In Czech only). Part of the meeting was the lecture "Possibility as an ontological category in late scholastic philosophy" by dr. Petr Dvořák
Record - meeting Feb.3, 2006 HERE.
Ancient philosophy
Medieval and renaissance philosophy
Webmasters of the pages of the research group are dr. Petr Dvořák (mediaeval section) and dr. Václav Němec (ancient philosophy section)
Projects of individual scholars, lectures, conferences, institutions
Suarez conference 2008
Aither Journal
Conference on analogy Caramuel conference 2006 Czech Aristotelian Society Philosophical Union - Vinohrady Branch International Society of St. Thomas Aquinas (SITA) Journal Studia Neoaristotelica Association of Philosophy Teachers at Theology Faculites of the Czech Republic and Slovakia AITHER