• Oblasti zájmu
logická analýza přirozeného jazyka
transparentní intenzionální logika
• CV-Studium
Narozen 21.4.1930 Hněvkovice
Vzdělání 1949-53 PhDr (dodatečně po obnovení titulů) na filozofické fakultě Univerzity Karlovy, obor filozofie-psychologie. 1957 Kandidát filozofických věd, specializace logika.
Disertace: Zu einigen Fragen der modernen Definitionslehre (Rozpravy ČSAV)
Akademické stupně 1966 Odborný asistent na filozofické fakultě Masarykovy univerzity (tehdy "Univerzita J.E. Purkyně") v Brně 1967 Docent logiky na MU Brno 1969 - 1989 zabráněno v akademické dráze (politické důvody) 1989 – Vědecký pracovník na Filozofickém ústavu AV ČR, oddělení logiky 1990 – 1991 Docent logiky na MU Brno 1991 – Profesor logiky na MU Brno
• Publikace (výběr)
1969: Identity, Equivalence and Isomorphism of Problems. Journal of Symbolic Logic 34, 24-34.
1970: On Problems. Rozpravy ČSAV (Transactions of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), Praha.
1974: Some remarks on Montague's language L0 in comparison with Tichy's language Lm . Linguistische Berichte 34.
1978: Theory of Types and Data Description. Kybernetika 14.
1979: An Intensional Approach to Questions. Kybernetik 15.
1981: Question-like and Non-question-like Imperative Sentences. Linguistics and Philosophy 4.
1981: Applying Simple Theory of Types to Data Bases. Information Systems 6 (with J.Pokorný).
1983: On Understanding and Believing. Prague Studies in Mathematical Linguistics 8.
1984: Kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der Fregeschen Kategorie des Sinnes. II. Frege Conference, Schwerin.
1984: Optional Participants in a Semantic Interpretation (Arity of Predicates and Case Frames of Verbs). In: P.Sgall,ed.: Contributions To Functional Syntax, Semantics and Language Comprehension. J.Benjamins PC Amsterdam/Philadelphia(with P.Sgall).
1987: Redundant Answers and Topic/Focus Articultion. Linguistics and Philosophy 10 (with E.Hajičová, P.Sgall).
1988: 'Linguistic Constructions' in theTransparent Intensional Logic. In: W.Buszkowski, W.Marciszewski, J.van Benthem, eds.: Categorial Grammar (with E.Hajičová, P.Sgall).
1989: Logická analýza přirozeného jazyka [Logical Analysis of Natural Language]. Praha: Academia (with K.Pala, J.Zlatuška).
1990: Distinguishing Capability vs. Informational Capability ofAttributes. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 9 (with M.Duží).
1995: Svět pojmů a logika [The World of Concepts and Logic] Praha: Filozofie AV ČR. (second edition in 1998).
1995: Logik und Begriff. In: I.Max, W.Stelzner, eds.: Logik und Mathematik, de Gruyter.
1995: The Modes of Presentation: Concepts. In: J.Hill, P.Koťátko, eds.: Karlovy Vary Studies in Reference and Meaning, Praha.
1996: Three Kinds of using the identity sign. In: B.H.Partee, P.Sgall,eds.: Discourse and Meaning. Papers in Honor of Eva Hajičová.
1997: How Many Concepts Are There? In: T.Childers, P.Kolář, Vl.Svoboda, eds.: Logica'96.
1997: Rules of Existential Quantification into 'Intensional Context'. Studia Logica 59.
1998: Pragmatic Meaning. In: T.Childers,ed.: The Logica Yearbook 1997, Prague.
1998: Concepts and Objects. Acta Philosophica Fennica 63, Helsinki.
1999: Actuality and Possibility from the Viewpoint of TransparentIntensional Logic. In: J.Cachro, K.Kijania-Placek, eds.: 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Volume of Abstracts, Cracow.
1999: Indirect Correspondence Theory of Truth Vindicated. In: T.Childers, ed.: The Logica Yearbook 1998, Prague.
1999: Smysl, denotace, reference. Organon F: Denotácia, referencia a význam, 9-15.
2000: Simple Concepts and Simple Expressions. In: Majer, O., ed.: The Logica Yearbook 1999, Praha, Filosofia, 245-257.
2000: Two Notions of Concept. In: Majer, O., ed.: Topics in Conceptual Analysis and Modelling, Praha, Filosofia, 13-54.
2000: Empirical Concepts. In: Majer, O., ed.: Topics in Conceptual Analysis and Modelling, Praha, Filosofia116-125.
2000: Filozofická logika: nová cesta? Olomouc, Univerzita Palackého (with J. Štěpán).
2001: Konceptuální pravdy (aneb může pohádka obsahovat logický spor?). Filosofický časopis 49 (3) , 425-440.
2001: Funkce a konstrukce. In: Nosek (ed.): Funkcionalismus ve vědě a filosofii. Filosofia. 52-68.
2001: Propositional Attitudes Revised. In: Majer, O., (ed.): The Logica Yearbook 2000, 163-173, Prague: Filosofia. (with M. Duží)
2001: Logika, pravda a pluralita. In: Horák, Krob, Rivenc (eds.): Filosofie po postmoderně. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 19-22.
2002: Intensional Logic as a Medium of Knowledge Representation and Acquisition in the HIT Conceptual Model. In: Kangassalo, Kawaguchi (eds.): 12th European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases. Krippen, 62-76. (with M. Duží)
2002: Are Wooden Tables Necessarily Wooden?. Acta Analytica 17, 28, 115-150. (with Jespersen, B.)
2003: Actuality and Possibility (From the Viewpoint of Transparent Intensional Logic), In: A. Rojszczak, J. Cachro, G. Kurczewski (eds.): Philosophical Dimensions of Logic and Science,Kluwer, 289-295.
2003: Is Strong Correspondence (Theory of Truth) Possible?, In: J. Hintikka, T. Czarnecki, K. Kijania-Placzek, T. Placek, A. Rojszczak, (eds.): Philosophy and Logic. In Search of Polish Tradition, Kluwer, 13-26.
2004: A Procedural Theory of Concepts and the Problem of Synthetic a priori. Korean Journal of Logic 7, 1, 1-22. (with Duzi, M.)
2004: The So-Called Myth of the Museum. Organon F 11, 3, 229-242.
2004: Conceptual Systems. Berlin: Logos Verlag.
2005: Quine's Criticism of the First Dogma of Empiricism. Logic and Logical Philosophy, 13, 5-30.
2005: Parmenides Principle (The Analysis of Aboutness), Philosophia 32, Nos 1-4 (2005), 155-180. (with Duzi, M.)
2005: Logical Form, In: G. Sica (ed.), Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics and Logic, Monza: Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher. 115-153. (with Duzi, M.)
2005: Ordinary Modalities, Logique & Analyse, 189-192, 57-70.
2006: Bolzanova teorie pojmu viděná z dnešního hlediska, In: K. Trlifajová: Osamělý myslitel Bernard Bolzano, Praha: Filosofia, 27-45.
2006: Points of View from a Logical Perspective (I), Organon F. XIII, č. 3 (2006), 277-305. (with Duzi, M. and Jespersen, B.)
2007: Points of View from Logical Perspective (II), Organon F. XIV, č. 1 (2007), 5-31. (with Duzi, M. and Jespersen, B.)
2007: Church's Criticism of Carnap's Intensional Isomorphism from the Viewpoint of TIL, Marvan, T.; Zouhar, M. Svet jazyka a svet za jazykom, Bratislava: Filozofický ústav SAV.
• On-line texty
Two Levels of Semantics
Sense, Denotation, Reference : A terminological/philosophical Chaos
Dva druhy propozičních postojů
Propositional attitudes revised
Type-theoretical analysis as a preparation of analyzing expressions of a natural language (PDF)
Constructions (PDF)
Rehabilitation of Concepts (PDF)
Once More on Analytic vs. Synthetic (PDF)
• Kontakt
Adresa FLÚ AV ČR Jilská 1 Praha 1 111 00
Telefon: +420 222 220 099 / 322
Email: MaternaPavel (at) seznam.cz materna (at) phil.muni.cz
Stránka na Masarykově univezitě v Brně: http://www.phil.muni.cz/~materna/