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RNDr. Ondrej Majer, CSc.

Research interests

• Conferences

• Publications



• Research interests

game theory, dynamic logic, the logic of counterfactuals, modal logic, fuzzy logic, foundations of probability

• Conferences

Uncertainty: Reasoning about probability and vagueness, Prague International Colloquium, Prague 2006 - co-chair of the organising committee

Logic, Games and Philosophy: Foundational Perspectives, Prague International Colloquium, Prague 2004 - co-chair of the organising committee

Prague International Colloquium on Formal Epistemology, Prague International Colloquium, Prague, vila Lanna, 2002 - chair of the organising committee

Is Meaning Dynamic? Prague International Colloquium, Prague, vila Lanna, 2001 - co-chair of the organising committe

Contributions at international conferences (selection)

1st Int. Congress on Universal Logic, Montreux 2005

Prague Colloquium on Dutch Book Arguments, Prague 2005

Logic Colloquium 2004, Torino

International Workshop “Possibility and Reality - Logic and Metaphysics”, University of Regensburg, Germany, June 2002.

• Publications

Selected publications

Cintula, P., Majer, O., " Towards Evaluation Games For Fuzzy Logics", in: Logic, Games, Philosophy, Majer O., Pietarinen A., Tulenheimo T. (eds), Springer, to appear .

Majer, O., "Logické hry a pravdivostní hodnoty", in: Hra ve vědě a filosofii, J.Nosek (ed.), Filosofia, Praha 2005.

Majer, O., "Hry a význam logických spojek", in: Logika, jazyk, filozofie, P. Sousedík (ed.), Filosofia, Praha 2005.

Majer, O., "Teoria zdarzen sekvencyjnych", in: Filozofia Nauki X/ 2002 No.1 (37), ss. 83-108, (in Polish Theory of sequential events).

Majer, O., "Logika a pravděpodobnost", Miscellanea Logica III, Filosofická fakulta University Karlovy, Praha 2002 ss. 71-80.

Majer, O., “Global probability for possible worlds“, in: The Logica Yearbook 2001,
T. Childers and O. Majer (eds), Filosofia, Praha 2002, ss. 195-205.

Majer, O., Childers T., “Má dnes smysl mluvit o logickém pojetí pravděpodobnosti?”, in: Pravdivost ve vědě a filosofii, Filosofia, Praha 2001, ss. 179-192.

Majer, O., “Subjektivní pravděpodobnost a realistické možné světy “
in: Filosofický časopis 3/49 2001, ss. 495-505.

Majer, O., “Counterfactual probability redistributed“, in: Reports on Philosophy 20/2000, Jagellonian University Press, pp 37-49.

Editing work

Majer, O., Pietarinen, A., Tulenheimo, T., (eds.): Logic, Games and Philosophy: Foundational Perspectives, Springer, to appear

Majer, O., Childers, T., (eds.), The Logica Yearbook 2002, (Filosofia, Praha 2003),

Majer, O., Childers, T., (eds.), The Logica Yearbook 2001, (Filosofia, Praha 2002),

• CV
Master's Degree in Theory of Systems and Game theory, Charles University Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics;
CSc (an equivalent of PhD) in Logic, Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Present position - Researcher, Dept. of Logic, Institute of Philosophy, ASCR

• Contact


Institute of Philosophy, ASCR
Jilská 1
Praha 1
111 00

+420 222 220 099 / 354

majer (at) site.cas.cz

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