
Timothy Childers, PhD.

• Publications

• CV

• Contact

• Interests

• Publications

T. Childers, "After Dutch Books", (Foundations of the Formal Sciences VI: Reasoning about Probabilities and Probabilistic Reasoning ) Eds.  Benedikt Lowe, Eric Pacuit, Jan-Willem Romeijn

T. Childers, 2005, "Was Carnap a foundationalist?", (Je možná diskuse mezi
analytickou a kontinentální filosofií ? ) Ed. Prokop Sousedík.

T. Childers and O. Majer, eds, 2003, The Logica Yearbook 2002 (Prague: Filosofia).

T. Childers and O. Majer, eds, 2002, The Logica Yearbook 2001 (Prague: Filosofia).

T. Childers and V. Svoboda, 2002, "On the dynamics of prescriptions",
Meaning: The Dynamic Turn, ed. J. Peregrin, (Elsevier, Amsterdam), 185-199.

T. Childers and O. Majer, 2001, "David Lewis (1941-2001)", (Filosofický časopis 5/49, 882-884).

O. Majer and T. Childers, 2001,
“Má dnes smysl mluvit o logickém pojetí pravděpodobnosti?”, Pravdivost ve vědě a filosofii (Filosofia, Prague).

T. Childers and Jari Palomäki, 2000, eds.
Between Words and Worlds: A Festschrift for Pavel Materna, (Prague: Filosofia).

T. Childers, 2000,
“Probabilities and Possible Worlds”, Reports on Philosophy (Jagellonian University, Krakow).

T. Childers, 2000,
“Probabilities and Modal Logic” Topics in Conceptual Analysis and Modelling, ed. O. Majer,
(Prague: Filosofia).

T. Childers, 2000,
“What Kind of Arguments are Dutch Book Arguments?” Topics in Conceptual Analysis and Modelling, ed.
O. Majer, (Prague: Filosofia).

T. Childers, 2000, ed.,
The Logica Yearbook 1999, (Prague: Filozofia).

V. Svoboda and T. Childers, 1999,
“The Kinematics of Permission” in Childers 1999.

T. Childers and O. Majer, 1999,
“Representing Diachronic Probabilities” in Childers 1999.

T. Childers, 1999, ed.,
The Logica Yearbook 1998, (Prague: Filosofia).

T. Childers, 1998,
“Russell and the Foundations of Probability”, The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly 98, pp. 9-15.

T. Childers, 1998,
The Logica Yearbook 1997, (Prague: Filosofia).

T. Childers and O. Majer, 1998,
“Łukasiewicz's Theory of Probability”, The Lvov-Warsaw School and Contemporary Philosophy,
eds. K. Kijania-Placek and J. Woleński (Dordrecht: Kluwer).

T. Childers and O. Majer, 1997,
“Counterfactual Probabilities: with applications”, in T. Childers, P. Kolář and V. Svoboda, eds., 1997.

T. Childers, P. Kolář and V. Svoboda, 1997, eds.
Proceedings of Logica '96, (Prague: Filozofia).

T. Childers, 1997,
“Popper on Naturalism and the Foundations of Methodology”, Foundations of Science 2, pp. 355-360.

T. Childers and O. Majer, 1996,
“The Money Pump as a Game”, in Childers, Kolář and Svoboda, eds., 1996.

N. Cartwright, T. Childers and R. Hendry, 1996,
“Feyerabend”, “Lakatos”, “Methodology”, Oxford Companion to Philosophy, ed. T. Honderich (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

T. Childers, P. Kolář and V. Svoboda, eds., 1996,
Proceedings of Logica '95, (Prague: Filosofia).


(with V. Svoboda), 2005 ,
Pavel Tichý, "On Explicating the Notion 'the Content of a Sentence'", and
"Do logically true sentence have content?", Pavel Tichy's Collected Papers
in Logic and Philosophy, C. Cheyne, V. Svoboda and B. Jespersen eds.,
(Prague: Filosofia).

• Education

1989-1996 PhD Philosophy, London School of Economics, Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method.
1987-1989 MA Philosophy, Louisiana State University.
1982-1987 BA Philosophy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

• Contact


Institute of Philosophy, ASCR
Jilská 1
Praha 1
111 00

+420 222 220 099 / 354

I use a gmail account: if you must, you can write me there. The address is my first and my second name separated by a dot, and then followed by the obvious.

• Interests

Cooking, eating what I cook, beer, sniffling to country music, and some other things I'm not going to tell you about (maybe).

Favourite colour
Grey, especially if worn by a cat

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