Ivan Kramosil
- An Alternative Approach to Rough Sets. KYBERNETIKA 28 (1992) n.1, 1-25.
- On Pseudo-Random Sequences and Their Relation to a Class of Stochastical Laws. KYBERNETIKA 28 (1992) n.5, 383-391.
- Comparing Alternative Definitions of Boolean-valued Fuzzy Sets. KYBERNETIKA 28 (1992) n.6, 425-443.
- Approximations of Believeability Functions under Incomplete Identification of Sets of Compatible States. KYBERNETIKA 31 (1995) n.5, 425-450.
- An Axiomatization of Extensional Probability Measures. KYBERNETIKA 32 (1996) n.4, 325-342.
- Alternative Definitions of Conditional Possibilistic Measures. KYBERNETIKA 34 (1998) n.2, 137-147.
- Probability Propositional Calculus with Doubled Nonstandard Semantics. KYBERNETIKA 35 (1999) n.2, 195-207.
- Possibilistic Alternatives of Elementary Notions and Relations of the Theory of Belief Functions. KYBERNETIKA 37 (2001) n.2, 109-126.
- A Nonstandard Modification of Dempster Combination Rule. KYBERNETIKA 38 (2002) n.1, 1-12.
- Approximations of Lattice-Valued Possibilistic Measures. KYBERNETIKA 41 (2005) n.2, 177-204.
- Decision-Making Under Uncertainty Processed by Lattice-Valued Possibilistic Measures . KYBERNETIKA 42 (2006) n.6, 629-646.