Skrytá kategorie
Institute of Philosophy
of the Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic, v.v.i.

Jilská 1
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic

tel. +420 221 183 111
fax: +420 222 220 108

e-mail: flusekr(at)


An international conference to commemorate Jan Patočka 1907 - 1977 and the 37th Annual Meeting of the Husserl Circle
April 22 - 28, 2007, Prague (link).
Scholars from around the world who are interested in the philosophy of Jan Patočka will gather in Prague to commemorate his centenary and the thirtieth anniversary of his death. The conference will explore the significance of his work and its continuing influence on contemporary philosophy.The conference will be organised in two sessions. One will be devoted to the work of Jan Patočka with papers in English, French, or German. At the same time, the Husserl Circle will be holding its annual meeting with all papers in English.