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PhDr. Vladimír Svoboda, CSc.

Areas of Interest




Selected publications

Texts on-line

philosophical logic, deontic logic, metaethics, logical analysis of natural language


MA - philosophy - Faculty of Philosophy and the Arts, Charles University Prague - 1985
PhD. (CSc.) – logic – Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences – 1990 (dissertation: The Logic of Imperatives and Deontic Logic)

Head of Department of Logic – Institute of Philosophy


Faculty of Philosophy and the Arts, Charles University, Prague – since 1992
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Western Bohemia, Pilsen – since 1999


The series of annual international conferences LOGICA
LOGICA 2008, LOGICA 2007, LOGICA 2006, LOGICA 2005, LOGICA 2004, LOGICA 2003, LOGICA 2002, LOGICA 2001 , LOGICA 2000 , LOGICA 1999, 1998...


Semantic foundations for the Logic of Imperatives.
In: Logica '91 - Proceedings of the symposium, V. Svoboda (ed.), FÚ ČSAV, Praha, 1992.

Logická struktura vět o jednání - I,II,III (with P. Kolář)

In: Filosofický časopis, vol. 40 3,4,5/1992.

Ascribing an Action (with P.Kolář)

In: From the Logical Point of View, vol. 1, 1992/1.

Hume's Thesis and Modern Logic.
In: LOGICA '92, Prague, Institute of
osophy, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 1993.

Davidson on Action Sentences.
In: Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 3/1993.

Some Puzzles Concerning the simple terms of Arithmetic.
In: Logica '93 - Proceedings of the 7th international symposium, P. Kolář, V. Svoboda (eds.), Filosofia, Praha 1994.

Základy společenských věd (co-autors B. Eichler, J. Ryska)

Fortuna, Praha, 1995.

Imperativy v deontické logice.
In: Filosofický časopis, 3/1995.

Od faktů k hodnotám a zpět.
In: Realismus ve vědě a filosofii, J. Nosek, J. Stachová (eds.), Filosofia, Prague, 1995.

Logika a etika (with P. Kolář)

Filosofia, Praha, 1997.

On the Kinematics of Permission (with T. Childers)

In: Logica Yearbook 1998, T. Childers (ed.), Filosofia, 1999.

Negative Truth and Knowledge.
In: Truth and Its Nature (If Any), J. Peregrin (ed.), Kluwer, 1999.

Význam: věc, iluze, nebo obojí.
In: Filosofický časopis, vol. 47, 1999/6.

O existenci a povaze normativní logiky.
In: Právník, vol.139, 2000/7.

Where Do All the Individuals Go?
In: Between Words and Worlds, T. Childers, J. Palomäki (eds.), Praha, Filosofia 2000.

On the Meaning of Different Theories of Meaning.
In: Topics in Conceptual Analysis and Modelling, O.Majer (ed.), Filosofia, Prague 2000.

Semantics of Prescriptive Language and the Problem of Permission.
In: Topics in Conceptual Analysis and Modelling, O. Majer (ed.), Filosofia, Prague 2000.

Empirista v babylónské knihovně.
In: Organon F/Príloha - Denotácia, referencia a význam, Bratislava 2000.

Individua na odpočinku.
In: Filosofický časopis, vol. 49, 2001/3.

Individuals, Worlds, and Modalities.
In: Possiblity and Reality - Metaphysics and Logic, H. Rott and V. Horak (eds.), Ontos-Verlag, Frankfurt/London 2003, p. 149-167.

Forms of Norms and Validity.
In: Analytic
Philosophy in Finland, Poznań Studies in the Phil
osophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, L. Haaparanta, I. Niiniluoto (eds.), Rodopi, 2003, p.223-247.

Modeling prescriptive discourse.
In: The Journal of Models and Modeling, Volume 1 No. 1, January 2003, p. 23-46.

On the Meaning of Prescriptions (with T. Childers)

In: Meaning: The Dynamic Turn, J. Peregrin (ed.), Elsevier, 2003. p. 185-200.

Causation, Interpretation and Omniscience: A note on
Davidson's Epistemology (with T. Crane)

Organon F, vol. 11, 2004/2, p. 117-127.

Rossův paradox a (deontická) logika.
In: Používanie, interpretácia a význam jazykových výrazov, M. Zouhar (ed.), Veda, Bratislava 2004. p. 56-66.

Pavel Tichý's Collected Papers in Logica and Philosophy (co-editors B. Jespersen, C. Cheyne)
Praha - Dunedin, Filosofia - University of Otago Press, 2004.


In: Jazyk-logika-věda, P. Sousedík (ed.), Praha, Filosofia, 2005, 163 – 179.

Pravidla normativních her.

In: Hra ve vědě a filosofii, J. Nosek (ed.), Praha, Filosofia, 2006.

K principům logické analýzy.

In: Organon F – Príloha, M. Zouhar (ed.): Jazyk z pohľadu sémantiky, pragmatiky a filozofie vedy, 2006, s. 50-67.

Logická analýza a jazyka jako kód.

In: Filosofický časopis 54, 2006/3, 449-453.

Between Sentences and Propositions. What Is the Role of Ideal Entities in Philosophy of Language? (with J. Peregrin)

Svet jazyka a svet za jazykom. Festschrifft for Pavel Cmorej, T. Marvan, M. Zouhar (eds.), Bratislava : Filozofický ústav SAV, 2007.


Semantics of Prescriptive Language

On the Meaning of Different Theories of Meaning

Where do all the individuals go

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