Petr Zagalák
- Fundamental Theorem of Proportional State Feedback for Descriptor Systems. KYBERNETIKA 28 (1992) n.2, 81-89.
- An Approach to the Morgan Problem. KYBERNETIKA 29 (1993) n.5, 423-430.
- On Various Interpretations of the Rosenbrock Theorem. KYBERNETIKA 29 (1993) n.6, 583-592.
- Dynamics Assignment by PD State Feedback in Linear Reachable Systems. KYBERNETIKA 30 (1994) n.2, 153-158.
- A Computational Method for Reduced-Order Observers. KYBERNETIKA 32 (1996) n.1, 95-100.
- On the Morgan Problem with Stability. KYBERNETIKA 32 (1996) n.5, 425-441.
- Parametrization and Reliable Extraction of Proper Compensators. KYBERNETIKA 38 (2002) n.5, 521-540.
- Some Remarks on Matrix Pencil Completion Problems. KYBERNETIKA 40 (2004) n.6, 665-680.
- Some Remarks on the Problem of Model Matching by State Feedback. KYBERNETIKA 41 (2005) n.1, 47-58.