Jan Šindelář
- On Pseudo-Random Sequences and Their Relation to a Class of Stochastical Laws. KYBERNETIKA 28 (1992) n.5, 383-391.
- On L-estimators viewed as M-estimators. KYBERNETIKA 30 (1994) n.5, 551-562.
- Variational Theorems in Gnostical Theory of Uncertain Data. KYBERNETIKA 31 (1995) n.1, 65-82.
- Kolmogorov Complexity and Probability Measures . KYBERNETIKA 38 (2002) n.6, 729-745.
- Kolmogorov Complexity, Pseudorandom Generators and Statistical Models Testing. KYBERNETIKA 38 (2002) n.6, 747-759.
- On Unequally Spaced AR(1) Process. KYBERNETIKA 39 (2003) n.1, 13-27.
- Stochastic Control Optimal in the Kullback Sense. KYBERNETIKA 44 (2008) n.1, 53-60.