Nákup softwaru/hardwaru online (software online):
Diskuzní fórum
(discussion lists):
Citační software (bibliographic software):
referenční, časopisecké, patentové aj.
(software,databases etc.)
Aktuality (the latest news):
- 15.5. 09: Karel Čapek on-line - v
těchto dnech spustila Městská knihovna v Praze
speciální webovou prezentaci věnovanou životu a
dílu spisovatele Karla Čapka. Stránka obsahuje nejen
životopisné a bibliografické informace, citáty,
zajímavé fotografie, ale především na
ní najdete dílo Karla Čapka v elektronické podobě.
Stáhnout je zatím možné knihy beletristické
a dramata, a to v několika různých formátech včetně těch
pro mobilní telefony a PDA.
- Aktuálně: Francie, EU a odpojování od Internetu (abclinuxu.cz)
- 7.5. 09: Evropský Parlament včera na plenárním hlasování znovu přijal
dodatek 138/46 k telekomunikačnímu balíčku. Dodatek
138/46 zajišťuje, že nikdo nemůže být odpojen od
Internetu bez soudu. Nebyl však, bohužel, přijat dodatek mající zajistit síťovou neutralitu, toto téma zůstane tedy na libovůli národních vlád. - více informací zde v komentářích.
- 26.2.09: JabRef -
citační software napsaný v Javě pro správu
databáze ve formátu BibTeX, který je velice
populární a otevřený. Člověk se nemusí
bát, že nějaký výrobce změní politiku a
jeho oblíbená databáze už nebude dál
podporována. Podporuje široké nastavení
formátu citace pro vložení do článku
psaného ve wordu. Snadno se používá a je zdarma.
- 1.9.08: Pár zajímavých linků MIMO OBOR:
- Vlaková doprava:
- Automobilová doprava:
- A něco pěkného:
- 2.1.2008: 18. října 2007 se v
Lutychu konalo setkání představitelů několika evropských vysokých škol,
jehož účastníci se rozhodli položit základy evropského hnutí za
otevřený přístup k vědeckým a akademickým publikacím pod názvem EurOpenScholar.
- 14.12.07: Max
Planck Society Cancels Licensing Agreement with Springer - extreme
price developments in the supply of information, as well as
usage restrictions, are prompting scientific organizations around the
world to rethink their policies.
- Elsevier
Launches a Medical Wiki - Like most Wikis on the internet
(such as Wikipedia), WiserWiki
can be
read by anyone who has internet access. However, unlike most Wikis,
WiserWiki can only be edited by board certified doctors to ensure that
the information is as trustworthy and reliable as possible. Doctors can
also use WiserWiki as a valuable resource to collaborate with each
other and to determine best practices by group consensus?.
- As of today the Directory
of Open Access Journals
(DOAJ) contains 3000 open access journals, i.e. quality controlled
scientific and scholarly electronic journals that are freely available
on the web.
- 12.12.07: Free resources:
- Scholarpedia,
the free peer reviewed encyclopedia of
written by scholars from all around the world.
- HAL -
french research repository with over 40.000 eprints.
- Vyhledávání informací o časopisech:
- Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving,
related open access journals:
- 15.11.07: Free resources:
Nanoscale Research Letters - http://www.springeronline.com/journal/11671/about:
"As an open access journal, Nanoscale Research Letters (NRL) is the
first nanotechnology journal from a major commercial publisher to make
all research results available to anyone with an internet connection."
- 23.8.07: Tool Eigenfactor.org is a
non-commercial academic research project sponsored by the Bergstrom
lab in the Department of Biology at the University of Washington.
They aim to develop novel methods for evaluating the influence of
scholarly periodicals and for mapping the structure of academic
- about.
- Wiki Eureka
Science Journal Watch - a freely-editable source of information on
scientific journals, starting with mathematics. It aims to be a central
resource for understanding the journal system, and a catalyst for
change ? change away from the current system of corporate-run journal
monopolies, towards an open-access system run by the scholars
- Free resources:
- The Journal of
Visualized Experiments (JoVE)
was established as a new, open access tool in life science publication
and communication. We utilize a video-based approach to scientific
publishing to fully capture all dimensions of life science research.
- SciVee - an aggregator of science movies. SciVee
was built in partnership with The Public Library of Science
(PLoS), The National Science Foundation (NSF) and The San Diego
Supercomputer Center (SDSC). SciVee allows only the upload of
movies associated with papers published in Open Access Journals.
- 13.8.07: Free resources :
- Library4Science
has been established to bring technical reference and educational
resources for the sciences to the internet.
- 7.8.07: Free resources: ScientificCommons.org
- the major aim of the project of the University of St.Gallen (Switzerland)
is to develop the world?s largest
communication medium for scientific knowledge products which is freely
accessible to the public. Currently ScientificCommons.org has
indexed about 13 million scientific
publications and successfully extracted 6 million authors out of this
data (January 2007) - http://en.scientificcommons.org/.
- 25.7.07: Free resources: CrystalEye
- the aim of the CrystalEye project is to aggregate crystallography
from web resources, and to provide methods to easily browse, search,
and to keep up to date with the latest published information. http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/crystaleye/
- 28.6.07: Free
resources: Academic
Journals is a publishing house providing access to peer reviewed
scientific research. Academic Journals portfolio of over 80 journals,
which publish both online and in print. Subject coverage includes
animal and veterinary sciences, computer science, information
technology, biochemistry, cell biology, immunology, microbiology,
molecular biology, parasitology and pharmacology.
- 8.6.07: Mimo obor - projekt LITERÁRNÍ SKVOSTY
MINULOSTI VE FORMÁTU PŘÍTOMNOSTI - vydavatelství SOCHA - www.cdknihovna.cz
Jde o audioknihy v
nezkrácené podobě ve formátu MP3 na CD (až 15 hodin na jednom
CD). Nahráno je zatím 7 knih - Erbenova Kytice, Máchův Máj,
Nerudovy Povídky malostranské, Čechovy Výlety pana Broučka, Jiráskova
Filosofská historie a Haškova Škola humoru. Cena je 179,- Kč za 1 CD,
990,- Kč za celý komplet. Zda se bude v tomto projektu pokračovat
rozhodne čtenářský ohlas.
- Free resources:
- Portal LivRe! covers
scientific journals with
- free access to all the issues and articles. Most of the
titles are included in this category;
- free access requiring mandatory registration;
- free access for a pre-established period after
- free access only after a period following publishing;
- partial free access, that means, only part of the
articles are available for free.
- doiSerbia
- 26 Serbian scientific journals.
- 20.4.07: Free resources: Academic Journals - the
database provides free access to research information to the
international community. All articles published in Academic
Journals are peer-reviewed. The database contains about 17 journals.
For instance:
- 13.2.07: TASI review
of image search engines.
PROSPECT (RSC)- "See science come
alive with a new initiative that allows papers published online in RSC
journals to become machine-readable." The Prospect
View will be freely available to all readers for
an initial period after the launch of Project Prospect, and will revert
to being free or subscriber-only depending on the status of the other
article formats (PDF and unenhanced HTML) later in 2007.
- Free resources: Welsh
Journals Online will be a new web resource, available free to all.
The resource will be launched in 2008.
- 22.12.06: Free resources:
- Archive for Organic Chemistry, ISSN 1424-6376 (Arkat
- Kyoto
Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) - The primary
objective of KEGG is to computerize the current knowledge of molecular
interactions; namely, metabolic pathways, regulatory pathways, and
molecular assemblies. At the same time, KEGG maintains gene catalogs
for all the organisms that have been sequenced and links each gene
product to a component on the pathway. KEGG also organizes a database
of all chemical compounds in living cells and links each compound to a
pathway component.
- Nucleic Acid
Database - A variety of structural databases on nucleic acids,
developed by the Nucleic Acid Database Project at Rutgers University.
- eMolecules
- the chemical search engine.
- 28.11.06: Free resources:
- Autorské manuskripty uveřejněné v PubMed Central najdete
- CiteXplore
- free tool that links electronic literature resources to
bioinformatics databases. Sometimes CiteXplore links from
abstracts to full-text articles at various locations such as
PubMedCentral and publisher websites - about.
- 8.11.06: Publish,
or perish? aneb příspěvek k vlastnostem odborného textu.
- Free resources:
- Nature
Publishing Group (NPG) is pleased to announce
that its academic and society journals will be opening access to all
online content published before January 2003. The archives will be
accessible from January 2007.
- The Royal Society Digital Journal Archive, dating back
to 1665 and containing more than 60,000 articles, is now available
online at www.journals.royalsoc.ac.uk
and is FREE to access until the end of November 2006.
- Medknow (Mumbai,
India) is an open publishing firm that builds academic (mostly medical)
journals, puts them online, and makes them accessible to all.
- TechXtra
aggregates content from a large number of different databases
containing technology-related content. A search of TechXtra will search
across more than 4 million records of various kinds ? articles,
technical reports, digital theses and dissertations, books, eprints,
news items, job announcements, video, learning & teaching
resources, key websites, and more ? most of which relate to technology
subjects.... - about.
- 10.8.06: Citation Bridge
Citation BridgeTM
is a free search utility lets you look up forward and backward U.S.
Patent Citations (also called U.S. Patent References) on an individual
patent and search back and forth through citation generations. After a
free registration, you can find out who's citing your patents and whom
your patents are citing.
- Academic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Departments in the United States
comprehensive list contains some 1300 links to the web pages of
chemistry and biochemistry departments at four-year academic
institutions in the United States.
Also among the top 10 journals publishing original research in the
fields of plasma and polymer science is the sister journal Plasma
Processes and Polymers. Its IF of 2.846.
- 10.7.06: Free resources:
- Directory Free
Full-Text Journals in Chemistry (by Aliaksandr Rahoisha). The Directory lists the fully and partly free journals that
comply with the following criteria:
- publisher's
grading of a journal as peer-reviewed;
- one-year, at least, free full-text content, or
extensive free supplements to printed versions of papers;
- chemistry or chemistry-related subject coverage;
- English language of articles (journals in Russian
are also listed on a separate page).
- 23.6.06: Edwin A. Henneken and six co-authors, Effect of
E-printing on Citation Rates in Astronomy and Physics, a preprint
submitted to the Journal of Electronic Publishing.
- Free resources:
- CogPrints, an
electronic archive for self-archive
papers in any area of Psychology, neuroscience,
and Linguistics,
and many areas of Computer Science
(e.g., artificial intelligence, robotics, vison, learning, speech,
neural networks), Philosophy
(e.g., mind, language, knowledge, science, logic), Biology (e.g.,
ethology, behavioral ecology, sociobiology, behaviour genetics,
evolutionary theory), Medicine (e.g., Psychiatry, Neurology, human
genetics, Imaging), Anthropology (e.g., primatology, cognitive
ethnology, archeology, paleontology), as well as any other portions of
the physical, social and mathematical sciences that are pertinent to
the study of cognition.
- ePrints@IISc
repository collects, preserves and disseminates in digital
format the research output created by the IISc
research community.
Rudy M. Baum, editor-in-chief of
the American Chemical Society's Chemical and Engineering News, writing
in the June
5 issue
of Chem. Eng. News, urged the members of the American Chemical Society
to oppose Federal
Research Public Access Act (FRPAA; S.2695). He urged
the membership to send a "letter to Sen. Susan M. Collins (R-Maine),
who chairs the Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental
Affairs, the committee to which S. 2695 has been referred, urging her
"to oppose S. 2695 and to prevent any attempts to advance this
- 20.6.06: Free resources:
- Blackwell
Synergy - provide free access to the recent back files already
online after a different period of time.
- Oxford
Open - free content, mostly last 12 months embargo.
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. is pleased to offer a series
of web seminars covering a broad range of topics. Each seminar runs for
about 30 minutes and is followed by a Q&A session.
You can view abstracts and sign up at bio-radevents.webex.com.
- Later this year the Public Library of Science
(PLoS) will launch PLoS ONE:
- A peer-reviewed publication that publishes all rigorously
performed science,
- A vibrant online forum that encourages scientific
dialogue and debate,
- A "hassle-free" process that gets your work online within
- 12.6.06: Na podzim
3.9.06-9.9.06 se bude na jihu Čech konat mezinárodní setkání turistů EURORANDO
- 12.5.06: Open access news:
- Trade
Publications FREE
- OpenDOAR - The
Directory of Open Access Repositories - the OpenDOAR service is
being developed to support the rapidly emerging
movement towards Open Access to research information. This will
categorize and list the wide variety of Open Access research archives
that have grown up around the world.
- Open J-Gate -
directory indexes articles from 3000+ academic, research and industry
journals. More than 1500 of them are peer-reviewed scholarly journals.
databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health, and
toxic releases.
- 5.5.06: The journals below are
a part of the China Collection on ScienceDirect. They are
available at no cost until December 2006.
- Od 1.7.06 nabude
účinnosti novelizace pravidel silničního
provozu. Předpokládá se zcela nová koncepce
zkušebního testu k získání
řidičského oprávnění..
Na následujících stránkách si
můžete nový způsob skládání testu
vyzkoušet a doplnit a osvěžit si své znalosti: http://www.novapravidla.cz/
nebo http://etesty.mdcr.cz/.
- Elsevier, the Publisher of Chemical
Physics Letters, is pleased to announce the creation of the
Ahmed Zewail Prize in Molecular Sciences.
The Prize will be awarded biennially, beginning in the year
2007. The Prize consists of a monetary award of US$ 20,000, a Gold
Medal, and a certificate.
- 10.4.06: Některá
hollywoodská filmová studia se rozhodla zpřístupnit vybrané filmy
pro online stahování. Studia Warner Bros., Universal Pictures, Sony
Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox and MGM nabízejí
své filmy prostřednictvím systému Movielink, a to v cenách za $20 až
$30 za nový film a v cenách mezi $10 a $20 za starší tituly. Sony a
Lionsgate naopak spolupracují se Cinema Now, který nabízí podobné ceny.
( viz Hollywood
Studios Sell Films Online).
- 5.4.06:PharmaManufacturing
Yet another great free topic specific
news source from Putman publishing -- the new Web site of
PharmaManufacturing is a Web pharmaceutical industry resource that
worth a visit, either just to keep up with pharma industry news or to
read FREE white papers. Check out the "Ask the Experts" tool. You may
find a free technical advice.
- API China 2006 Spring
18-20 May 2006
- Od ledna
letošního roku jsou na Portálu veřejné správy volně přístupné následující
e-learningové kurzy:
1. Databáze
2. Práce s počítačem a správa souborů
3. Prezentace
4. Služby informačních sítí
5. Tabulkový procesor
6. Textový editor
7. Základní pojmy
8. Krok za krokem Portálem veřejné správy
9. Kurz o elektronickém podpisu
10.eDoceo 3.5 ? modul Student
- Milan Špála: Impakt
faktor - Dobrý sluha, ale špatný pán
- American Memory
Historical Collection
- digitální dokumentace amerických
dějin. Jeho náplní jsou rukopisy ? dopisy,
deníky a poznámky, knihy rukopisné
i tištěné, mluvené slovo, zvukové
záznamy, pamflety, filmové materiály,
fotografie, plakáty, mapy a hudebniny. Dokumenty a artefakty,
jejichž digitální kopie jsou zde bezplatně
vystaveny, pochází ze sbírek Kongresové
knihovny (Library of Congress)
a dalších amerických institucí.
- 19.1.06: RefWorks
- osobní bibliografická
databáze. Na rozdíl od všech Reference
Managerů, EndNotů a ProCitů nejde o aplikaci nainstalovanou na
konkrétním PC, ale o online službu.
Osobní databáze je tedy uživateli
dostupná kdykoli a odkudkoli a navíc je doplněna
i o modul RefShare, který umožňuje zpřístupnit
svou bibliografii nebo její části na internetu
dalším uživatelům.
- 17.1.06: Free resources: British
Medical Journal - original research articles -
free, all other articles - 12 months embargo.
Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition
Free Dictionary by Farlex-English, Medical, Legal, Financial,
and Computer Dictionaries, Thesaurus, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, a
Literature Reference Library, and a Search Engine-all in one!
the ultimate answer engine, with quick accurate dictionary, thesaurus,
Encarta-encyclopedia, dictionary
World Factbook, 2003-the U.S. government's complete
geographical handbook
than 20 000 IT terms
encyclopedia and learning center
guide to great art on the Internet
Mythica-encyclopedia of mythology, folklore, and religion
Cell Press
announced free on-line access to journals from 1996-2003 years.
- 10.1.05: Open access-news:
- MatWeb
- ... searchable database of material data sheets, including property
information on thermoplastic and thermoset polymers such as ABS, nylon,
polycarbonate, polyester, polyethylene and polypropylene; metals such
as aluminum, cobalt, copper, lead, magnesium, nickel, steel,
superalloys, titanium and zinc alloys; ceramics; plus semiconductors,
fibers, and other engineering materials.
- Journal e-Polymers.
Specializované vyhledávače
(science-specialized search engines):
Užitečné odkazy (useful links):