» Projekty » Přehled grantů » Tokové vlastnosti a turbulentní charakteristiky micelářních aditiv pro snížení ztrát v rozvodech ústředního topení

Tokové vlastnosti a turbulentní charakteristiky micelářních aditiv pro snížení ztrát v rozvodech ústředního topení

  • Číslo grantu: 103/93/1050 - Grantová agentura České republiky
  • Období: 1993 - 1994
  • Vedoucí řešitel: Ing. Jiří Myška CSc.

Phenomenon of drag reduction in turbulent flows by means of polymer additives is known about 50 years. The disadvantage of these additive is their irreversible degradation in regions of high shear and therefore more suitable for practical usage are some surfactants the flow properties of which are not yet well known. Their application in closed loops of district heating system is feasible because there are already developed heat resisting surfactants. Operating power costs can be reduced or the capital costs of pipes, fittings and pumps can be reduced with the utilization of additives. The project comprises both research of flow and turbulent characteristics of micellar solutions and the field test in a district heating system in Kladno.