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Team Members

Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences

Jilská 1

110 00  Praha 1

Czech Republic

Phone:  +420 222 221 655

Fax:       +420 222 221 658


2005 - until now Ph.D. study
TU Delft, Netherlands.
2005 - until now Ph.D. study
Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
1997 MA in Sociology
Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
1994 MA in Economics
Economic University, Faculty of International Relations, Prague, Czech Republic.
Professional Experience
1993 - 1994 Educational Assistant - creation of manuals for the office software SAP, SAP AG, Za Mototechnou 1, Praha 5 - Stodůlky.
1994 - 1995 Translator - translation of texts for Department of Enviromental Studies, University of Economics, náměstí W. Churchilla 4, 130 67   Praha 3 - Žižkov.
1996 - until now Research Fellow - Socio-Economic Department, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Jilská 1,  110 00   Praha 1.
03/2000 - until now The head of the Socio-Economics of Housing Team.
2009 - until now The head of the Socio-Economics of Housing Department.
  Research Assistant:
1996 - 1998 Participation on grant project Social Trends lead by Doc. Ing. Jiří Večerník, CSc. and Doc. PhDr. Petr Matějů, PhD. (ISSP surveys). SPSS programme courses. Multiple statistical procedures. Supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic.
1998 - 1999 Head of the project The transition in Consumer Patterns and Adjustment of Consumer Behaviour to EU Standards. The large statistical comparative analysis of household expenditures and qualitative focus group research on the change in shopping behaviour were realised. Supported by the Research Support Scheme of the Open Society Support Foundation.
2000 - 2003 Head of the project The Social Aspects of Housing and their Change during the Transition in the Czech Republic in Context with the Adjustement to the EU Standards. The research is focussing on SPSS modelling a housing allowance; the management of social housing operation; large scale representative research on public attitudes to housing. Close relation between the team and Ministry for Regional Development was established. Supported by Grant Committee of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
09/2001 Editor/manager of the international comparative research project Local Government and Housing. Comparative research in the six selected CEE countries. Supported by the Local Government Initiative of the Open Society Institute in Budapest.
2001 - until now Consultant of the Ministry for Regional Development, Czech Republic, the National Audit Agency, Czech Republic, in housing policy legislation and implementation. Member of the Association for Real Estate Market Development (expert of the Association and co-author of the Trend Report 2002).
2002 - until now Expert of the UN Economic Comission for Europe (country profile of Albania on housing legal framework, chapter on market-based housing finance development in the CEE region).
2002 - 2004 Participation in the international project SUREURO NAS (Sustainable Refurbishment Europe). Research and aplication of tools on refurbishment of prefabricated housing in the CEE region. Supported by the European Comission (5th Frame Programme).
2002 Participation in the international project Housing the Poor in Major Urban Centers. Research and policy recommendations concerning the affordability of housing for poor households in the CEE region. Supported by the Open Society Institute.
2003 - 2004 The Quasi-Normative Approach to Housing Affordability. Marie Curie Fellowship, supported by the European Comission (5th Frame Programme).
2003 - 2005 Housing Standards and their Growth Potentials in Comparison with Situation in the EU Countries. Supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic.
2005 - 2006 Head of the project The Analysis of Housing Policy Measures Aiming to Support Work Flexibility in the Czech Republic supported by the Ministry for Regional Developlment of the Czech Republic.
2006 - 2008 Head of the project The Housing Market in Prague from the Perspective of Economic Sociology: "Transitive" Factors behind the High Prices of Owner-Occupied Housing supported by the Grant agency of the Czech Republic.
2007 - 2011 Head of the project "Regional disparities in availability and affordability of housing, their socio-economic consequences and tools directed to increase availability and affordability of housing and decrease the regional disparities" supported by the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (WD-05-07-3).
2008 - 2009 Head of the ENHR (European Network for Housing Research) 2009 Prague Conference Comittee "Changing Housing Markets: Integration and Segmentation". Co-organizers of the conference besides the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences (main organizer) are: Faculty of Science, Section of Geography, Charles University in Prague and Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, University of Economics, Prague. General partner of the conference is Hypoteční banka, other partners: Association of Czech Building Savings Banks, Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Architecture, Ministry for regional development of the CR, and Ekospol.
2009 - 2011 Head of the project "Social Inequalities and the Market Risks Following from Housing Consumption. The Real and Desirable Response of State Fiscal and Monetary Policies" supported by the Grant Agency of the CR.
Research fellowships, conferences
07/1999 Monthly stay at the University of Grenoble, France. Study of French social housing system. Supported by the French Government.
1999 - 2000 Research stay in Warszawa (Poland), Bratislava (Slovakia), Paris. The interviews on social housing operation with researchers. The co-operation with French Statistical Office (INSEE) on housing surveys analysis was established.
10/2000 Iniciator and organizer of the international workshop Social Housing in Europe 2000, Prague. Editor of the publication Social Housing in Europe 2000. Supported by the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic.
7/2004 Participation on the ENHR (European Network for Housing Research) International Conference in Cambridge, Great Britain. The theme of the conference was Housing: Growth and Regeneration. Paper "The quasi-normatives for housing affordability: costs of alternative rent structures" (workshop 12 Housing Economics).
7/2006 Participation on the ENHR (European Network for Housing Research) Conference, Ljublana, Slovenia. The conference theme was Housing in an expanding Europe: theory, policy, implementation and participation. Paper "Housing Privatization and Management of Privatized Dwellings in the Czech Republic" (workshop 17 Housing Renewal and Maintenance). Co-author of the paper "Housing finance efficiency in the Czech Republic". Plenary session speech "Housing Systems´ Change on the Way to EU – Similarities and Differences, Integration or Convergence".
6/2007 Participation on the ENHR (European Network for Housing Research) Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands. The conference theme was Sustainable Urban Areas. Paper "Housing affordability of rental and owner – occupied housing over the course of the economic transformation in the Czech Republic" (workshop 14 East European housing & Urban policy).
7/2008 Participation on the ENHR (European Network for Housing Research) Conference, Dublin, Ireland. The conference theme was Shrinking Cities, Sprawling Suburbs, Changing Countrysides. Paper "Housing supply reactions on growing housing demand in Prague".
9/2008 Participation on the international symposium "Welfare-oriented Housing in New Europe" organized by Austrain Forschungsgesellschaft für Wohnen, Bauen und Planen, Vienna, Austria (8.9.2008). Paper "Housing Policy in the Czech Republic – Future Challenges".
9/2008 Organization and participation on the workshop "Regional Disparities in Housing Affordability 2000-2006", Prague (15.9.2008). Paper "Regional disparities in affordability of rental housing (2000 – 2006)".
10/2008 Participation on the international workshop "Options and Perspectives of Social Rental Housing in the CEE Region", Budapest, Hungary (6.10.-7.10.2008). Paper (co-author Ing. arch. Daniela Grabmüllera) "Social housing in the Czech Republic – unresolved question and future prospects".
Membership in societies and boards
2001 - until now Member of the Association for the Development of the Property Market.
2005 - until now Member of the working group "housing economics" of the European Network for Housing Research.
2005 - until now Member of the Advisory Board of theEuropean Journal of Housing Policy
2005 - until now Member of the Board for Popularization of Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Awarded Prices
2004 Erhard Busek Price (2. place) for the study "Efficiency and effectiveness of housing policies in the Central and Eastern Europe countries". The price was awarded in Vienna, Austria.
2006 Awarded by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Award for young researchers for excellent results of research activities in the socio-economics of housing field.

Lux, M. (1993). "Číslo nebo vyprávění." (Number or Narration) S-obzor 4.

Lux, M. (1997). "Konzervativní myšlení v postmoderní době" (Conservative thinking in the postmodern Age). Sociologický časopis 33: 273-288.

Lux, M. (1998). Konzervatismus a liberalismus a percepce sociálního státu. (Conservatism and liberalism and perception of the welfare state).
Working Papers 4/98, Prague: Isntitute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences.

Lux, M. (1999). "Bytů je dost, ale pro koho." (Allocation of municipal flats). Ekonom 26: 24-25.

Lux, M. (1999). "Struktura politických postojů pravicově orientovaných voličů v ČR." (The structure of political attitudes of Czech voters).
Politologický časopis 4: 392-413.

Lux, M. (1999). The changes in rental housing sector during the transition in the Czech Republic.
Paper for ENHR conference 1999. Balatonfüred, Hungary.

Lux, M. - Burdová, P. (2000). Výdaje na bydlení, sociální bydlení a napětí na trhu s bydlením (mezinárodní komparace a polistopadový vývoj v ČR). (Housing Expenditures, Social Housing and Tensions on Housing Market - Comparative View).
Studie Národohospodářského ústavu Josefa Hlávky 2/2000. Praha: Josef, Marie a Zdeňka Hlávkovi Foundation.

Lux, M. (2000). The Housing Policy Changes and Housing Expenditures in the Czech Republic. Sociologické texty 1/2000. Prague: Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences.

Lux, M. (2000). Social Housing in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia... . Paper for ENHR conference 2000. Gävle, Švédsko.

Lux, M. (2000). "Sociální nájemní bydlení v ČR ve světle komparativního srovnání." (Social rental housing from comparative perspective).
Sociologický časopis 36: 157-181.

Lux, M. (2000). "Changes in consumption of households during 1990-1997."
Czech Sociological Review Vol. 8 (No. 2: 211-232).

Lux, M. (2000). History and challenges of "social" rental housing in the Czech Republic.
Paper for international workshop "Social Housing in Europe 2000". Prague: Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences.

Lux, M. (2000). Sociální bydlení v zemích EU. (Social Housing in the EU Countries). Paper for the Ministry for Regional Development. Prague: Ministry for Regional Development.

Lux, M. (2000). "Výdaje na bydlení. Mají kam stoupat?" (Housing expenditures. Is there a space for further growth?). Euro 20: 46-47.

Lux, M. (ed.) (2001). Social Housing in Europe 2000. Prague: Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences.

Lux, M. (2001). "Social housing in the Czech republic, Poland and Slovakia."
European Journal of Housing Policy Vol.1(2): 189-209.

Lux, M. (2001). "Sektor sociálního bydlení v zemích EU." (Social housing in the EU member states). Sociální politika 1: 2-4.

Lux, M. (2001). "Sociální bydlení v Polsku a Německu." (Social housing in Poland and Germany). Sociální politika 2: 2-4.

Lux, M. (2001). "Sociální bydlení v zemích Evropské unie." (Social Housing in the European Union Countries). Veřejná správa 12 (číslo 22): 24-25.

Lux, M. (2001). Quasi-Normative Approach to Housing Affordability.
Paper for ENHR conference in Warsaw 2001. Warsaw, Poland.

Lux, M. (2002). Mikroekonomie bydlení. (Micro-economics of Housing).
University of Economics, Prague.

Lux, M. (2002). "Jaké postoje k bydlení a bytové politice mají lidé žijící v tržním nájemním bydlení?" (What are the attitudes towards housing and housing policy among those living in market rental housing?). Data a fakta (

Lux, M., S. Wilcox (2002). Housing Allowances in East and West Europe. Contrasting Context, Structures and Trends. Paper for the ENHR Conference 2002. Vienna, Austria.

Lux, M., A. Kährik, L. Sýkora, A. Yoveva (2002). Local Governments and Housing in Comparative Perspective: The Case of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. Paper for the ENHR Conference 2002. Vienna, Austria.

Lux, M. (2002). "Local housing policies and performance indicators in municipal housing of six CEE countries." European Journal of Housing Policy (reviewing).

Lux, M. (2002). Změny ve spotřebních vzorcích českých domácností 1990 - 1999. (Changes in consumption patterns of the Czech households 1990 - 1999).
In: Současná česká společnost. (Contemporary Czech Society). Prague: Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Lux, M. (2002). Finanční dostupnost bydlení v ČR a zemích EU. (Financial Affordability of Housing in the Czech Republic and EU countries).
Prague: Josef, Marie and Zdenka Hlavkovi Foundation.

Lux, M. (2002). Spokojenost českých občanů s bydlením. (Satisfaction with Housing among the Czech population).
Sociological Papers 02:3. Prague: Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Lux M., P. Sunega, M. Obadalová (2002). Finanční dostupnost vlastnického a nájemního bydlení v ČR a zemích EU. (Financial Affordability of owner-occupied and rental Housing in the Czech Republic and EU countries).
In: Lux, M. et al.: Bydlení - věc veřejná (Housing - Res Publica). Pp. 11-71. Prague: Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON).

Lux, M. (2002). Sociální bydlení. (Social Housing).
In: Lux, M. et al.: Bydlení - věc veřejná (Housing - Res Publica). Pp. 73-159. Prague: Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON).

Lux, M. (2002). Legal Framework. In: Country Profile - Albania. Genéve: UN/ECE.

Lux, M., P. Sunega (2002). "Modelování rovnovážné úrovně nájemného a důsledků aplikace vybraných nástrojů bytové politiky" (Modelling of market rent equilibrium and consequences of housing policy tools' application). Finance a úvěr 53: 31-59.

Lux, M. (ed.) (2002). Housing Policy: An End or A New Beginning. Budapest: LGI, Open Society Institute.

Lux, M., P. Sunega, T. Kostelecký, D. Čermák (2003). Standardy bydlení 2002/03. (Housing Standards 2002/03). Prague: Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Lux, M. (2003). "Efficiency and effectiveness of housing policies in the Central and Eastern Europe countries". European Journal of Housing Policy Vol. 3 (3): 243-265.

Lux, M. (2004). Quasi-Normative Approach to Housing Affordability. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.

Lux, M. (2004). Housing the Poor in the Czech Republic: Prague, Brno and Ostrava.
In: Fearn, J. Too Poor to Move, Too Poor to Stay. Budapest: Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, Open Society Institute.

Sunega, P. & Lux, M. (2004). "Participace nájemníků a sociální aspekty regenerace panelových sídlišť jako jedna z podmínek trvale udržitelného rozvoje." ("Tenant participation and social aspects of regeneration of housing estates as a precondition of sustainable development"). Urbanismus a územní rozvoj 3: 5-9.

Lux, M. (2004). The quasi-normatives for housing affordability: costs of alternative rent structures in social housing. Paper for the international conference ENHR (European Network for Housing Research), July 2th-6th 2004 in Cambridge, GB.

Lux, M., P. Sunega, T. Kostelecký, D. Čermák, P. Košinár (2004). Standardy bydlení 2003/2004: Bytová politika v ČR: efektivněji a cíleněji. (Housing Standards 2003/2004: Housing policy in the Czech Republic: more efficiently and more effective). Prague: The Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Lux, M. 2005. O spokojenosti českých občanů s užívaným bydlením. (On housing satisfaction among Czech citizens) Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 41:2. Pp. 227-252. (in Czech)

Lux, M., P. Sunega, T. Kostelecký, D. Čermák, J. Montag (2005). Standardy bydlení 2004/2005: Financování bydlení a regenerace sídlišť. (Housing Standards 2004/2005: Financing Housing and Refurbishing Housing Estates). Prague: The Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Lux, M. 2005. "Present State of Housing Finance in Countries in Transition." Pp. 3-9 in Housing Finance Systems for Countries in Transition - Principles and Examples. Edited by Müllender, L. New York, Geneva: Economic Committee for Europe OSN.

Lux, M. 2005. "Komparace vybraných nástrojů i přístupů bytové politiky." (Comparison of selected instuments and approaches of housing policy). Veřejná správa 16(25): I - VIII. (in Czech)

Lux, M. 2005. "Efficiency and effectiveness of housing policies in the Central and Eastern Europe Countries." WohnbauForschung in Österreich 1/2005: 11 - 13.

Lux, M. 2005. Housing Attitudes 2001. Paper presented in the workshop for the representatives of the ministries of housing of Netherlands, Slovakia and Czech Republic. Bratislava, 10.2. - 11.2. 2005.

Lux, M. 2005. Komparace vybraných nástrojů i přístupů bytové politiky. (Comparison of selected instuments and approaches of housing policy). Paper for the workshop of the Society for Housing Development. Prague, 19.5. 2005.

Lux, M. 2005. Veřejná podpora vlastnického bydlení ve vyspělých zemích. (The public support of owner-occupied housing in developed countries). Study for the Ministry for Regional Development. Prague: Ministry for Regional Development.

Sunega, P., M. Lux 2006. Housing Finance Efficiency in the Czech Republic. Paper for ENHR (European Network for Housing Research) conference, 2.7.-5.7.2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Lux, M., P. Sunega 2006. Vývoj finanční dostupnosti nájemního a vlastnického bydlení v průběhu hospodářské transformace v České republice (1991–2003). Sociologický časopis-Czech Sociological Review 42:5. Pp. 851-881.

Lux. M., P. Sunega 2006. Jak dobře investovat do bydlení. Prague: SLON. 164 p. [only in Czech available]

Lux, M. 2006. Housing Systems´ Change on the Way to EU – Similarities and Differences, Integration or Convergence. Plenary speech for ENHR (European Network for Housing Research) conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Lux, M. 2006. Gemeinnütziges Wohnen: Eine Herausforderung für Mittel-Ost-Europa. Str. 77-90 v Lugger, K., W. Amann (eds.). Der soziale Wohnbau in Europa. Österreich als Vorbild. Vídeň: IIBV.

Lux, M., P. Sunega, M. Mikeszová, J. Večerník, F. Matyáš 2006. Analýza opatření bytové politiky směřujících k podpoře flexibility práce v ČR. 1. díl – teoretický úvod. Prague: Institute of Sociology AS CR. 58 p. [only in Czech available]

Lux, M., P. Sunega, M. Mikeszová, J. Večerník, F. Matyáš 2006. Analýza opatření bytové politiky směřujících k podpoře flexibility práce v ČR. 2. díl – výsledky empirických šetření. Prague: Institute of Sociology AS CR. 113 p. [only in Czech available]

Sunega, P., M. Lux 2007. Market-Based Housing Finance Efficiency in the Czech Republic. European journal of Housing Policy 7:3. Pp. 241-273.

Lux, M., P. Sunega 2007. Vliv podmínek bydlení na zamýšlenou migraci české populace za prací. Sociologický časopis-Czech Sociological Review 43:2. Pp. 305-332.

Lux, M. 2007. The Quasi-Normative Approach to Housing Affordability: The Case of the Czech Republic. Urban Studies 44:5/6. Pp. 1009-1024.

Lux, M. 2007. The Context-Sensitive Methodology for Comparative Housing Research in Transition Countries. Working Group Comparative Housing Policy ENHR. Dublin: University College Dublin. Pp. 1-20.

Lux, M. 2007. Market-Based Housing Finance Efficiency Research among Czech Mortgage Lenders. Paper for "Congress on Housing Finance in Central and Eastern European Countries". Warsaw: Polish Bank Association. Pp. 62-82.

Lux, M. 2007. Housing System Change on the Way to the EU – Similarities and Differences. ENHR Newsletter 18:1. Pp. 5-6.

Lux, M., P. Sunega 2007. Housing allowances in the Czech Republic in comparative perspective. Pp. 239-264 in Kemp, P. (ed.). Housing Allowances in Comparative Perspective. Bristol: Policy Press.

Lux, M., P. Sunega 2007. Housing affordability of Rental and Owner-Occupied Housing over the Course of the Economic Transformation in the Czech Republic. Paper for ENHR (European Network for Housing Research) conference, 24.6.-28.6.2007, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Mikeszová, M., M. Lux 2008. "Regionální disparity ve finanční dostupnosti nájemního bydlení v letech 2000-2006." Veřejná správa 2008 (11): V – VIII. [only in Czech available]

Lux, M., P. Sunega, M. Mikeszová, T. Kostelecký. 2008. Standardy bydlení 2007/2008. Faktory vysokých cen vlastnického bydlení v Praze. Prague: Institute of Sociology AS CR. 206 p.

Lux, M., M. Mikeszová 2008. "Regionální rozdíly ve finanční dostupnosti nájemního bydlení mezi roky 2000 a 2006". Pp. 17-63 in Lux, M., F. Kuda (eds.). Regionální rozdíly v dostupnosti bydlení v České republice. Prague: Institute of Sociology AS CR. [only in Czech available]

Sunega, P., M. Mikeszová, M. Lux. 2008. "Souvislost mezi regionálními rozdíly ve finanční dostupnosti bydlení a rozdíly v ekonomické výkonnosti regionů ČR". Pp. 87-106 in Lux, M., F. Kuda (eds.). Regionální rozdíly v dostupnosti bydlení v České republice. Prague: Institute of Sociology AS CR. [only in Czech available]


- articles in newspapers,

- studies for the Ministry for Regional Development,

- scientific reviews.

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