O ústavu Výzkum Studium Knihovna Časopis Aktuality Nabídka práce Hledání
Vstup do intranetu
Jaroslav Horak, DrSc.
RNDr. Hana Kucerova, PhD.
Ing. Olga Zimmermannova, PhD.
RNDr. Jirina Kolinska, CSc.
Prof. RNDr. Arnost Kotyk, DrSc.
Mgr. Lydie Maresova, PhD.
Mgr. Lenka Pribylova, PhD.
Technical Assistants
Pavla Herynkova
Mgr. Silvia Petrezselyova
Ing. Marie Zakostelecka
PhD students
Mgr. Lucie Kraidlova
MSc. Yannick Krauke

Department: Membrane Transport
Head: RNDr. Hana Sychrova, DrSc.
Contact phone/fax number: +420-296442667
e-mail: sychrovabiomed.cas.cz
Photo gallery
Main Topics:
  1. Study of transporters of alkaline metal cations in various species of model yeast cells

  2. Characterization of heterologously expressed non-yeast transport systems in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

  3. The role of ubiquitin in down-regulation of model proteins in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

  4. Characterization of proteins involved in the activation cascade of yeast H+-ATPase

  5. Study of regulation of development and differentiation of enterocytes and thymocytes



Research group: Transporters in cell physiology
