7 - 11 June, 2009
Prague Czech Republic |
Registration & Abstract Submission | Second Circular (printable) |
Aims & Scope | Programme | General Information | Publication | Deadlines | Accommodation | Sponsors | Contact |
Preliminary schedule |
Plenary & Keynote Lectures | Special Lectures | Poster Communications |
Opening lecture: H. STRATHMANN (Germany) |
Electrodialysis, a mature technology with a multitude of new applications |
E. DRIOLI (Italy) | Membrane operations in redesigning process engineering |
G. RIOS (France) | Enzymatic membrane reactors |
V. I. ZABOLOTSKY, V. V. Nikonenko (Russia) | The perspectives in the development of electromembrane separation processes |
Closing lecture: M. WESSLING, P. Długolęcki, D.C. Nijmeijer (The Netherlands) |
Ion exchange materials for energy production |
The presentation time for each plenary lecture is 40 min, including discussion.
V.V. NIKONENKO, N.D. Pismenskaya, E.I. Belova1 V.I. Zabolotsky, C. Larchet (Russia) | Effect of membrane surface properties on the membrane behavior in electrodialysis |
V. TEPLYAKOV, O.Malykh, E.Favre, I.Beckman (Russia) | Polymeric materials for membrane: new aspects of empirical approach for prediction of gas permeability parameters |
The presentation time for each keynote lecture is 35 min, including discussion.
Generated on 18.5.2009 from the source modified on 18.5.2009.