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19 May 09 - 1 May 10
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Permea 2009 7 - 11 June, 2009
Czech Republic
Registration  &  Abstract Submission  Second Circular (printable)
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  Plenary & Keynote Lectures Special Lectures Poster Communications


Poster sessions will take place on Monday and Tuesday in the afternoon.

V. Vasileva, V. Zabolotsky, A. Zhiltsova, O. Grigorchuk
The oscillation of concentration field at the membrane-solution interface and transport mechanisms under overlimiting current density
M. Kultys, S. Koter
Current voltage curves and the limiting current for the system: anion exchange membrane - acid and salt solutions
N. Kononenko, N. Loza, S. Dolgopolov, M. Chernyaeva, S. Timofeev, L. Bobrova
Characterization of the various modifications of perfluorinated sulphocationic MF-4SC membranes for fuel cells
N. Kononenko, N. Berezina, N. Loza
Voltammetric characteristics of MF-4SC membrane, modified by polyaniline
L. Brožová
Morphology and electrochemical properties of heterogeneous ion exchange membranes
J. Kinčl, J. Cakl, R. Wakeman, H. Jiránková, P. Doleček
Characteristics of ion exchange and filtration process in the zeolite-enhanced membrane microfiltration
J. Hnát, M. Paidar, K. Bouzek, J. Žitka, J. Schauer
Novel alkaline polymer electrolyte for electrolytic splitting of water
S. Koter, B. Gilewicz-Łukasik, Gy. Karlovits
The application of electrochemical membrane reactor for hydrogenation of edible oils
O.M. Kattan Readi, K. Nijmeijer, M. Wessling
Electrodialysis for the production of building blocks for chemicals from protein sources
L. Diblíková, L. Čurda, K. Homolová
Electrodialysis in whey desalting process
H. Bendová, Z. Palatý
Transport of sulphuric acid and cupric sulphate in continuous dialyzer
M. Kultys, S. Koter
Current efficiency of removal of inorganic acids in an electrolyzer with anion exchange membrane
L. Machuča, D. Tvrzník, A. Černín
Characteristics of EDRIII electrodialysis stack
L. Yuan, G. Jonsson, J. Woodley, L. Korsholm, S. Jakobsen
Study of electro-membrane filtration in enzyme fractionation using amino acid
L. Gasanova, M. Shalygin, R. Yastrebov, M. Modigell, V. Teplyakov
Recycling membrane contactor system for biohydrogen purification
J. van Erkel
Catalytic membrane contactor/reactor (CMCR) for water treatment
E. Konował, J. Sulej-Chojnacka, K. Prochaska
The influence of types of dual modified starches on the enzymatic hydrolysis in the continuous recycle membrane reactor
S. Bánvölgyi, S. Bahceci, J. Acar, E. Békássy-Molnár, G. Vatai
Utilization of the products from concentration of red wine by nanofiltration
Z. Kovacs, L. Engel, K. Grau, T. Hahn, M. Ebrahimi, P. Czermak
Experimental and modeling study of fructooligosaccharides formation in continuous membrane reactors
T. Hahn, Z. Kovacs, S. Schieber, K. Grau, H.J. Schmidt, P. Czermak, M. Kraume
Continuous organic acid production in a membrane bioreactor with submerged ceramic flat membranes
K. Bélafi-Bakó, E. Molnar, N. Nemestothy
Application of electrodialysis for galacturonic acid recovery from agro-wastes
K. Makovšek, M. Škerget, Ž. Knez, Z. Molnar, G. Vatai
Extraction and separation of valuable components from tangerine peels using membrane filtration
V.P. Vasilevsky, E.G. Novitsky, V.V. Volkov
A research on membrane process of thermally stable salt removal from alkanolamine absorbent
M. Kabsch-Korbutowicz, A. Urbanowska
Application of ceramic ultrafiltration membrane in water treatment
I. Vorotyntsev, P. Drozdov, V. Vorotyntsev
Gases high purification by membrane module with feeding reservoir on unsteady condition
J. van Erkel, R. Keulen, W. Steeghs
Emulsion pertraction for treatment of passivating bath
P. Mikulášek, P. Velikovská
Influence of ionic strength and pH of dispersed systems on microfiltration
N. Uzal, A. Jaworska, A. Miśkiewicz, G. Zakrzewska-Trznadel, C. Cojocaru
Optimization of the process of removal of Co2+ ions from water soultions by application of soluble polymers as the complexing agents
S. Alex, F. Biasotto, G. Borbely, E. Nagy
Zinc recovery using polymer filtration
E. Puszczało, J. Bohdzieiwcz, A. Świerczyńska
Influence of percentage share of municipal landfil leachate in a mixture with synthetic wastewater on the effectiveness of a treatment process with use of membrane bioreactor
A.A. Masalev, V.S. Khotimskiy, D. Roizard
Bromination and crosslinking of poly(vinyltrimethylsilane)
M.M. Kardash, G.B. Aleksandrov
Structure and properties of membranes «POLYCON»
Z. Pientka, G.A. Polotskaya, A.V. Penkova, A.M. Toikka
Polymer membranes modified by fullerene C60 for pervaporation of organic mixtures
G. Tishchenko, J. Peter, E. Pavlová, J. Brus, M. Netopilík, M. Pekárek, Z. Sedláková, E.Yu. Rosova, M. Smirnov, G.K. Elyashevich
Chitin whisker-reinforced chitosan films formed under applied electric field
E. Fogarassy, E. Békássy-Molnár, G. Vatai
Refrigeration system for pilot scale membrane apparatuses and its application for juice concentration
S. Claes, P. Vandezande, S. Mullens, R. Leysen, R. Peeters, M.K. van Bael
The development of silica-filled thin film poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) membranes for organophilic pervaporation
D.A. Fedosov, A.A. Nashirbaev, A.V. Smirnov, E.E. Knyazeva, I.I. Ivanova, L.I. Trusov
Composite membrane material with selective NaA zeolite layer on flexible support
A.Yu. Pulyalina, G.A. Polotskaya, I. Suschenko, T.K. Meleshko, A.V. Yakimansky, A.M. Toikka
Pervaporation membranes based on composites of polyimide with polyaniline or its copolymer
V. Vasileva, V. Nikonenko, V. Zabolotsky, N. Zajchenko, O. Grigorchuk
Microrelief and roughness of ion exchange membranes studied by the tapping mode atomic force microscope
P. Szewczykowski, G. Jonsson, R.H. Berg, M.E. Vigild, S. Ndoni
Gyroid membranes made from nanoporous block copolymers
J. Wolska, M. Bryjak, N. Kabay
Surface modification of VBC-s-DVB microspheres in preparation of sorbents for AMF process
J. Wolska, M. Bryjak
Membrane emulsification as the method for preparation of moleculary imprinted polymer microspheres
N. Kononenko, A. Filippov, A. Yaskevich, V. Kasperchik
The modified ultrafiltration membranes and asymmetry of their transport properties
I. Gaspar, A. Koris, E. Bekassy-Molnar, G. Vatai
A model for the microfiltration of whey with ceramic tube membranes
Z. Kovacs, L. Engel, K. Grau, T. Hahn, M. Ebrahimi, P. Czermak
Experimental and modeling study of fructooligosaccharide formation in continuous membrane reactors
J. Cuhorka, P. Mikulášek
Evaluation of nanofiltration for diafiltration of dyes solutions: experimental observations and model verification
A. Miśkiewicz, A. Jaworska, A. Dobrowolski, G. Zakrzewska-Trznadel
Application of the tracer technique for evaluation of the flow structure in membrane modules
S. Koter, B. Gilewicz-Lukasik, A. Nowaczyk, J. Nowaczyk
Do the molecular descriptors can be used for the prediction of retention in nonaqueous nanofiltration?
O. Grigorchuk, V. Nikonenko, M. Metayer M., V. Vasil’eva, V. Shaposhnik
Modelling of facilitated diffusion of amino acids in the solution/ ion exchange membrane system with non-conducting spacer
E. Minko, M. Hauf, P. Sysel, K. Pilnáček, O. Vopička, V. Hynek, M. Šípek, K. Friess
Comparison of transport properties of hyperbranched and linear polyimides
K. Friess, M. Hendrichová, O. Vopička, V. Hynek, M. Zgažar, M. Šípek
Coupling effect during vapour permeation of organic mixtures through polymeric membranes
O. Vopička, V. Hynek, M. Zgažar, K. Friess, P. Izák
Sorption and permeation properties of ionic liquid-silicone blends for butanol vapours
H. Jiránková, P. Doleček, J. Cakl
Hybrid membrane processes at water treatment
W. Kujawski
Application of membrane separation processes in the production of bioethanol
M. Staniszewski, W. Kujawski
Modeling of the kinetics of pervaporative recovery of ethanol from fermented broth with the use of the solution-diffusion theory
N. Shojaikaveh, S.N. Ashrafizadeh, F. Mohammadi, A. Amerighasrodashti
Development and comparison of non-parameter regression methods for prediction of cell voltage and current efficiency in a lab scale chlor-alkali membrane cell
A. Román, A. Matics, J. Csanádi, C. Hodúr, Gu. Vatai
Investigation of the effect of transmembrane pressure on separation of sweet whey by nanofiltration
M.G. Buonomenna, A. Figoli, D. Lipari, E. Drioli
Adsorption of Cu(II) on chitosan membranes functionalized with D2HEPA
H. Lee, Ch. Park, S. Lee, H. Lee, W.-Ch. Chang
Recovery and recycling of SF6 gases in microfiltration membranes
E. Guler, E. Yavuz, M. Yuksel, U. Yuksel, N. Kabay
Long and short term performance tests for SWRO desalination plant at Urla Bay, Izmir
B. Gilewicz-Łukasik, S. Koter
Concentration of tomato extract by nanofiltration
B. Major, K. Bélafi-Bakó, Zs. Csanadi, L. Gubicza
Pervaporation assisted synthesis of various flavour ester
G.V. Semenov
Vacuum sublimation dehydration and membrane technologies
Sz. Kertész, S. Beszédes, Zs. László, G. Szabó, C. Hodúr
Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis of pig manure: Comparison of results from vibratory and classical modules
J. Llanos, Á. Pérez, M. Cabello, P. Cañizares
Copper recovery by polymer supported ultrafiltration (PSU) at pilot scale
M. Bryjak , T. Sardohan, E. Alkan
Supported liquid membranes for removal of Cr(VI) ions
M. Bryjak, I. Gancarz, J. Kunicki
New generation of polymer separators in Ni-Cd high power batteries
S. Miguel, M. Etxeberría, E. Fernández, P. Corengia, A. García, A. Gutiérrez
Composite polymeric membranes synthesis by plasma polimerization for gas separation
M. Etxeberría, S. Miguel, E. Fernández, P. Corengia, A. García
Microwave plasma surface treatments on polysulfone gas separation membranes
L.C. Juang, S.J. You
Performance evaluation of a sequencing batch membrane bioreactor with nutrient removal and bacterial diversity
J. Marták, Š. Schlosser
Mechanism of pertraction of butyric acid through liquid membrane with phosphonium ionic liquid
A.A. Lysova, I.A.Stenina, A.B. Yaroslavtsev
Ionic transport in composite membranes based on MF-4SC and polyaniline
E.Yu. Voropaeva, I.A.Stenina, V.V.Volkov, A.B. Yaroslavtsev
Composite membranes based on MF-4SC incorporating inorganic nanoparticles
G.J. Francisco, S. Cerneaux, S. Condom, M. Persin, E. Prouzet, A. Larbot, E. Louradour, J.-P. Joulin
Porous ceramic membranes designed for separation of CO2
E. Nagy
Mass transport of binary mixture through inorganic, multi-layered membrane
V. Tepliakov, V. Zhmakin, A. Fedotov, , M. Tsodikov, D. Roizard, V. Korchak
Conversion of biofermentation products using porous membrane-catalytic systems
V.V. Tepliakov, A.E. Rogacheva, A.P. Kharitonov, D.A. Syrtsova
Gas permeability properties of modified membranes based on exfoliated graphite
J. Sulej-Chojnacka, E. Konował, K. Prochaska
Continous recycle membrane reactor for enzymatic hydrolysis of dual modified potato starch

Generated on 18.5.2009 from the source modified on 18.5.2009.