Copyright © Czech Botanical Society

Abstracts of volume 70, 1998

Šrůtek M. & Teckelmann M. (1998): Review of biology and ecology of Urtica dioica. – Preslia, Praha, 70: 1–19.
Main aspects of biology and ecology of clonal herb, Urtica dioica are presented as a review of literature, including the first author’s previous work on the species. Taxonomical position and distribution of the species are described as well as its habitat requirements and the role it plays in plant communities. Mineral nutrition, litter fall and its decomposition, phenology, floral ecology, seed ecology and dispersal, architecture of the root and rhizome system, response to cutting, herbivores feeding on the plant and its competitive ability in relation to other species are also considered.

Kaplan Z. (1998): Relict serpentine populations of Knautia arvensis s. l. (Dipsacaceae) in the Czech Republic and an adjacent area of Germany. – Preslia, Praha, 70: 21–31.
Several distinct populations of Knautia arvensis (L.) Coulter s. l. restricted to serpentine outcrops have been found in the Czech Republic and an adjacent area of Germany. They have been determined as diploids or tetraploids despite the fact that only common, non-serpentine tetraploids occur in the area. These plants differ also in their morphology, florogenesis, and in their behaviour within a plant community from all other known taxa within the species. Their origin has been explained by the hypothesis of microevolution of a relict diploid ancestor. The isolated relict populations have not expanded their range, being confined to the place where they originated.

Krahulcová A. & Holub J. (1998): Chromosome number variation in the genus Rubus in the Czech Republic. III. – Preslia, Praha, 70: 33–50.
The paper provides information on chromosome numbers in 20 species of the genus Rubus, belonging mostly to subgenus Rubus (18 species). The plants studied were collected at 67 localities in the Czech Republic (Bohemia and Moravia). Three ploidy levels were recorded: diploid (3 species), tetraploid (16 species) and one triploid. The diploid species represent the subgenera Rubus, Idaeobatus and Cylactis. New chromosome number reports are given for the following five tetraploid species (2n = 28): R. wimmerianus (Sudre) Spribille, R. thelybatos Caflisch, R. acanthodes H. Hofmann, R. brdensis Holub and R. josefianus H. E. Weber; the triploid R. elatior Gremli (2n = 21) probably also belongs here. The karyology of R. bohemiicola Holub was studied for the first time. This species is characterized by a tetraploid level combined with a structural change of the karyotype; it is manifested by the chromosome number of 2n = 27 + fragment, involving one heteromorphic pair of chromosomes. This record of a conspicuous karyotype rearrangement, concerning species of this genus of native occurrence, is reported only sporadically in the literature. For the remaining 13 species, the chromosome numbers published hitherto were confirmed: R. illecebrosus Focke, R. xanthocarpus Bureau et Franchet, R. sulcatus Vest, R. plicatus Weihe et Nees, R. senticosus Weihe, R. ulmifolius Schott, R. nemoralis P. J. Mueller, R. laciniatus Willd., R. macrophyllus Weihe et Nees, R. sprengelii Weihe, R. gliviciensis (Sudre) Spribille, R. hirtus Waldst. et Kit. and R. gothicus E. H. L. Krause. For all species studied, data on their overall distribution and on their occurrence in the Czech Republic are given. Notes on taxonomy are added to R. elatior; new data on chorology are given for R. elatior, R. nemoralis, R. thelybatos, R. brdensis and R. josefianus.

Kaplan Z. & Řehořek V. (1998): Galium parisiense – a new alien species for the Czech Republic. – Preslia, Praha, 70: 51–56.
Two specimens of Galium parisiense L. having their origin in the wild in the Czech Republic have been found during the study of the herbaria of PR and BRNM. The species has never been reported for the country before. The earlier collection is from the present-day area of Prague in central Bohemia, the later one from a field near the village of Nedachlebice in southeastern Moravia. Both localities are situated on the northeastern border of the species distribution. No recent occurrence of the species in the wild in the Czech Republic has been reported, except for the single find in a concrete flower- bowl in Brno, southern Moravia. Infraspecific variation and its taxonomic evaluation is discussed in the present paper.

Sádlo J. (1998): Diantho gratianopolitani- Aurinietum saxatilis, a relict community of rock fissures in the Czech Republic. – Preslia, Praha, 70: 57–68.
A new association Diantho gratianopolitani-Aurinietum saxatilis from the alliance Asplenion septentrionalis is described from nutrient-poor siliceous rocks of river valleys and solitary hills in the Czech Republic. The community is assayed as a relict fragment of vegetation surviving in extreme habitats from the early Holocene.

Jarolímová V. (1998): Chromosome counts of Rorippa sylvestris in the Czech Republic. – Preslia, Praha, 70: 69–73.
The following chromosome numbers for Rorippa sylvestris from the Czech Republic were recorded: 2n = 32 (in 11 localities), 2n = 40 (1 locality), 2n = 48 (1 locality) and a mixed population with 2n = 32, 40, 41 (1 locality). One population with 2n = 32 was also recorded from one locality in Slovakia.

Holub J. (1998): Reclassifications and new names in vascular plants 1. – Preslia, Praha, 70: 97–122.
Hundred and fifty three new nomenclatural combinations resulting mostly from taxonomic reclassifications, are proposed for various taxa of vascular plants. Five new nothogeneric names are proposed for intergeneric hybrids. Notes are added to some proposals (29); those from the taxonomic point of view (18) refer to the genera Adonis (acceptance of the segregant Chrysocyathus), Festuca (acceptance of the segregant Schedonorus), Oxalis (acceptance of Sassia as a separate genus), Thlaspi (acceptance of Noccaea), Knautia (reacceptance of the genus Trichera), and to the species Bombycilaena californica, Gentianella praecox and Jovibarba globifera. Nomenclatural notes (11) refer mostly to the generic names Achnatherum (nomenclature of a section), Alsine, Crinitina, Logfia, Otites and Rubus (nothosubgeneric taxa) and to the nomenclature of subspecific taxa of Vaccaria hispanica.

Hendrych R. (1998): Thesium procumbens in the Caucasus region. – Preslia, Praha, 70: 123–134. [In German]
Morphological characteristic of Thesium procumbens C. A. Meyer (1831) and its distribution in the Great Caucasus and Transcaucasia are given. The history of the species’ knowledge is outlined and exact location of its locus classicus is described.

Hroudová Z., Frantík T. & Zákravský P. (1998): The differentiation of subspecies in Bolboschoenus maritimus based on the inflorescence structure. – Preslia, Praha, 70: 135–154.
The importance of inflorescence structure as a diagnostic feature was studied to distinguish Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla subsp. maritimus and B. maritimus subsp. compactus (Hoffm.) Hejný in Dostál. The subspecies were determined using characters in the fruits and the level of agreement with inflorescence characters was compared. The following characters were recorded: the length of spikelets and of peduncles of the inflorescence, the number of peduncles of the inflorescence, the number of sessile and peduncled spikelets. From these primary characters, relative characters were derived. Plants from field populations and cultivated plants collected from localities throughout the Czech and Slovak Republics were studied, as well as changes in inflorescence morphology after transplanting. Significant differences were found between both subspecies in most of the characters measured in the field populations as well as in the cultivated plants. The number of peduncles of the inflorescence, the ratio between the number of sessile and peduncled spikelets and the length ratio of sessile spikelets and peduncles of the inflorescence were found to be most suitable to use for the determination of both subspecies. Plants of subsp. compactus were found to be more variable in most characters compared with subsp. maritimus. The field populations of subsp. maritimus were homogeneous in most characters (negligible intrapopulation variation), and the influence of habitat was found to be significant only in some characters. The populations of subsp. compactus showed greater variation in most characters within populations and were not significantly influenced by habitat.

Sklenář P. (1998): Decomposition of cellulose in the superpáramo environment of Ecuador. – Preslia, Praha, 70: 155–163.
Decomposition activity of soil along a 400 m altitudinal gradient in the superpáramo of the Guagua Pichincha volcano, Ecuador, was studied employing the method of cellulose decomposition. Nylon- bags containing sheets of cellulose (filter-paper) were exposed in the field at the start of the dry season and were randomly collected at four monthly intervals. Sets of cellulose-bags were also placed in cushions of “Azorella pedunculata” at two different altitudes. The amount of decayed cellulose and the litter disappearance rates (LDR) were estimated. The decomposition of the cellulose generally decreased with altitude. However, at both ends of the gradient this trend was not evident due to the particular microenvironment of the respective sites. The effect of the dry season evidenced by decrease in the LDR was detected at the two lowest sites. The material decayed more slowly in the cushions than in the soil. The ecological significance of the cushion growth-form in terms of a nutrient supply is outlined.

Husová M. (1998): Notes on the syntaxonomy and nomenclature of the silver fir forests of the Czech Republic. – Preslia, Praha,  70: 165–178. [In Czech]
New names are proposed for two associations of silver fir forests of the Czech Republic and typified on the basis of their syntaxonomic analysis: Carici remotae-Abietetum for the silver fir forests with Equisetum sylvaticum, and Saniculo europaeae-Abietetum for the herb-rich silver fir forests.

Holub J. (1998): Trommsdorffia Bernh. 1800 is a validly published generic name. – Preslia, Praha, 70: 179–182.
The name Trommsdorffia Bernh. 1800 for a genus of Compositae was validly published with a diagnosis and in connection with a determination key. The homonymous name Trommsdorffia Mart. 1825 for a genus of Amaranthaceae is therefore illegitimate and is substituted here by a new generic name Pedersenia Holub. Seven new nomenclatural combinations are proposed with the new generic name for species of the genus occurring in South and Central America.

Trávníček B. (1998): Notes on the taxonomy of Pseudolysimachion sect. Pseudolysimachion (Scrophulariaceae) in Europe. I. P. incanum and P. spicatum. – Preslia, Praha, 70: 193–223.
European species of Pseudolysimachion (Koch) Opiz (at least nine species) are divided into two sections: sect. Pseudolysimachion (typus: P. spicatum (L.) Opiz) and sect. Longifolia (Holub) Trávníček, stat. n. (typus: P. longifolium (L.) Opiz). A hybrid between P. incanum (L.) Holub s. str. and P. spicatum s. str. is described from Ukraine as P. ×blockianum Trávníček. Populations of P. incanum from the eastern part of the Pannonian Basin are classified as a separate subspecies, P. incanum subsp. pallens (Host) Trávníček. Geographical variation of P. spicatum was analysed, and new subspecies are described, subsp. lanisepalum Trávníček and subsp. fischeri Trávníček. Both new subspecies, recently usually included under the name “P. pallens” (sensu M. A. Fischer 1974), are considered to be products of repeated introgressive hybridization with P. incanum in the past. Geographical distribution of the type subspecies and of the two new subspecies is given. Several new combinations are proposed: Pseudolysimachion ×neglectum (Vahl) Trávníček (= P. incanum × P. longifolium), P. spicatum subsp. porphyrianum (Pavlov) Trávníček and P. s. subsp. viscosulum (Klokov) Trávníček. Lectotypes are designated for the names Veronica hybrida L., V. incana L. and V. pallens Host.

Krahulcová A. & Holub J. (1998): Chromosome number variation in the genus Rubus> in the Czech Republic. IV. – Preslia, Praha, 70: 225–245.
Chromosome numbers are given for a further 21 species of the genus Rubus including principally representatives of the subgenus Rubus (16 species) with, in addition, representatives of the subgenus Anoplobatus (2 species), the subgenera Idaeobatus and Cylactis and the nothosubgenus Idaeorubus (one species each). Four ploidy levels were found in this collection of plants originating from 57 localities in Bohemia and Moravia: three diploids (outside of the subgenus Rubus), four triploids, twelve tetraploids, and, in addition, two species displaying two ploidy levels each (tetra- and pentaploid R. guentheri, tri- and tetraploid R. ×pseudidaeus). First chromosome number reports are presented here for R. barrandienicus Holub et Palek (2n = 21), R. perrobustus Holub (2n = 21), R. indusiatus Focke (2n = 28), R. geminatus H. E. Weber (2n = 28), R. orthostachyoides H. E. Weber (2n = 28) and R. amphimalacus H. E. Weber (2n = 28). New cytotypes were found in an introduced R. allegheniensis Porter (2n = 28 here, 2n = 14, 21 in the literature) and in two native species: R. constrictus P. J. Mueller et Lefevre (2n = 28 here, 2n = 21 in the literature) and R. guentheri Weihe (2n = 35 found only rarely here, 2n = 28, 42 in the literature). The chromosome number of 2n = 28 given here for R. bertramii G. Braun is likely to be the first report concerning plants of known native origin. The chromosome numbers found in the remaining 11 species correspond to literature data. In this contribution three species studied karyologically represent new species for the flora of the Czech Republic: R. amphimalacus H. E. Weber, R. indusiatus Focke and R. orthostachyoides H. E. Weber. R. nessensis subsp. scissoides H. E. Weber is mentioned as a further new taxon for the Czech Republic. R. barrandienicus Holub et Palek is given as a new plant for Germany (Bavaria) and R. indusiatus Focke for Austria (Lower Austria). For all species studied, brief data on their chorology and ecology are given.

Mereďa P. & Potůček O. (1998): Epipactis futakii, spec. nova (Orchidaceae) – a new cleistogamous species from Slovakia. – Preslia, Praha, 70: 247–258. [In German]
A cleistogamous Epipactis taxon discovered in Slovakia is described as a new species Epipactis futakii Mereďa et Potůček. This species was found in the Strážovské vrchy Mts, Biele Karpaty Mts and on the boundary of the Revúcka vrchovina Mts and Ostrôžky Mts. Biology of flowering, i. e. the cleistogamous character, colour of perianth and the mode of pollination, as well as ecology of the new species are discussed in detail. The most important diagnostic features of the new species are documented by drawings. Comparison with other European cleistogamous taxa of the genus Epipactis is presented.

Šída O. jun. (1998): Taxonomic problems in Erigeron sect. Trimorpha (Compositae) in Eurasia. – Preslia, Praha, 70: 259–269.
A new subdivision of the section Trimorpha of the genus Erigeron in Eurasia is proposed. This section is divided into three series: ser. Trimorpha, ser. Politae and ser. Macrophyllae; the latter two are newly described. Two new names are published, E. canariensis Šída f. and E. lalehzaricus (Rech. fil.) Šída f. Brief notes on the representatives of particular series are presented.

Hendrych R. (1998): Bohemian Flora by J. D. Ch. Pfund (1847). – Preslia, Praha, 70: 271–282 [In Czech]
An almost forgotten, although historically valuable manuscript of the inedited work “Bohemian Flora” (written in German) finished by Pfund in 1847 is reminded and briefly evaluated. Pfund was born in Hamburg in 1813, spent relatively short period in Praha (1838–1848) and then lived for many years in Alexandria. He died in Sudan in 1876.

Hrouda L. (1999): Phytogeographical analysis of Saxifraga species ocurring in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. – Preslia, Praha, 70 (1998): 289-301.
The study briefly reports on the occurrence of 21 Czech and Slovak species of the genus Saxifraga. The species are evaluated from various phytogeographical viewpoints, especially with respect to their relevance to floristic elements. The centres of distribution of sections of the genus and the ways of migration of the species to Central Europe are also discussed. The maps of distribution of species of subsect. Saxifraga (S. granulata, S. bulbifera, S. sponhemica, S. steinmannii, S. tridactylites, S. adscendens) in the Czech and Slovak Republics are given.

Lederer F. (1999): Algal flora of peat bog Červené blato (Třeboň Basin, Czech Republic). – Preslia, Praha, 70 (1998): 303-311.
Fifty six species of algae were found during phycological investigation of an extremely acid raised peat bog Červené blato near Třeboň (Třeboň Basin, Czech Republic) from 1994 to 1996. List of species, structure and seasonal changes of algal flora, statistical evaluation and chemical and physical parameters of water are given.

Hendrych R. (1999): History of Archangelica officinalis in Bohemia. – Preslia, Praha, 70 (1998): 313-334.
The history of Archangelica officinalis Hoffm. in Bohemia (Czech Republic) is rather complicated. The species is native only to the highest altitudes of the Krkonoše Mountains from where it was reported as early as in 1517 and 1562, respectively, i. e. before the onset of human settlement of the region. Since the 14th and 15th centuries, it has been planted at the whole territory as a medicinal plant of the northern origin.

Dvořáková M. (1999): Two new species of Minuartia sect. Polymechana (Caryophyllaceae). – Preslia, Praha, 70 (1998): 335-338.
Minuartia corcontica and M. perdita, two new species of the section Polymechana Mattf., are described. Brief comments on the distribution and chromosome counts are added. Minuartia corcontica is a species endemic to the Krkonoše Mts (in the Czech Republic). Nowadays it occurs only on the eastern slopes of the Studniční hora Mt. (in two ravines: Čertova zahrádka and Čertova rokle). Minuartia perdita is endemic to the mountains on the northern coast of the Lake Ladoga in Russian Karelia. Two taxonomic reclassifications (elevation of a variety to the species level) are proposed in the appendix of this paper for a species of Euphrasia and a species of Minuartia.

Kubínová D. & Krahulec F. (1999): Phenology of Rumex longifolius: a key factor for the success of an invasive species? Preslia, Praha, 70 (1998): 339-348.
A phenological comparison of Rumex longifolius and R. obtusifolius was carried out in the Krkonoše mountains at three different altitudes. Rumex longifolius proved to be better adapted to the mountain environment, because of its rapid development during the short growth period, and its fast resource allocation into reproductive organs. These features may be one of the reasons for its rapid spread at higher altitudes in Central Europe.

Tichý L. (1999): Temperature and vegetation pattern at the Sloní hřbet Ridge, Podyjí National Park. – Preslia, Praha, 70 (1998): 349-363.
Relationships between topography, temperature and distribution of plant communities around a spur in a subsidiary of the deeply cut Dyje/Thaya river valley were studied.Temperature was measured under different weather conditions. Ellenberg indicator values were used to express the relationship of vegetation to light, temperature, continentality and moisture, and compared with temperature measurements and meteorological records. A high correlation between the spatial pattern of temperature and environmental factors estimated from the indicator values was found. Spatial pattern of temperature in the study area is determined by topography and further modified by the vegetation cover.


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