Copyright © Czech Botanical Society

Abstracts of volume 71, 1999

Chytrý M., Grulich V., Tichý L. & Kouřil M. (1999): Phytogeographical boundary between the Pannonicum and Hercynicum: a multivariate landscape analysis in the Podyjí/Thayatal National Park, Czech Republic/Austria. - Preslia, Praha, 71: 23-41.
The phytogeographical boundary between two major Central European floristic regions is analysed at the landscape scale in the border area between the Czech Republic and Austria. A database of floristic records, potential natural vegetation types, selected environmental variables, and mean Ellenberg indicator values was compiled for a grid of 172 quadrats of approximately 1.2×1.1 km. The data on flora and vegetation were subjected to detrended correspondence analysis to reveal the main gradients, and to cluster analysis to suggest a regional land classification. The patterns revealed by these analyses were related to environmental variables, and cluster analysis of environmental variables was used to produce an environmental land classification. The results indicate that the Pannonicum and Hercynicum are separated by a transitional zone, located on the prominent deforested slope at the edge of the Bohemian Massif. Floristically, this zone is more closely related to the Hercynicum, but according to the environmental land classification it rather belongs to the Pannonicum. This zone possesses some additional unique features not shared with the two main regions, e. g. low proportion of nitrophilous species and occurrence of several species restricted to it. The Dyje/Thaya river valley, which runs roughly perpendicular to the main phytogeographical boundary, does not influence the regional phytogeographical subdivision and belongs to the same phytogeographical region as the adjacent landscape.

Buryová B. & Kučera J. (1999): Two interesting bryofloristic records from the Krkonoše Mts: Racomitrium macounii subsp. alpinum and Grimmia reflexidens. - Preslia, Praha, 71: 21- 26.
During the field inventory survey of bryophytes in eastern part of the Krkonoše Mts carried out in 1998, a new species to the bryoflora of the Czech Republic was discovered - Racomitrium macounii subsp. alpinum. After the revision of Racomitrium sudeticum from herbaria PRC and PR, three other specimens of R. macounii subsp. alpinum were revealed, all of them collected in the vicinity of existing localities. Another interesting species discovered was Grimmia reflexidens (known to-date rather as Grimmia sessitana). This taxon was omitted from the recent check-list of Czech bryophytes (Váňa 1997) due to the doubts about Vilhelm's records and poor understanding of G. reflexidens with respect to Grimmia alpestris. The revision of Grimmia alpestris specimens from herbaria PRC, PR, BRNU and OP confirmed the Vilhelm's determination of G. reflexidens from the Krkonoše Mts as correct and excluded (for the time being) G. alpestris from bryoflora of these mountains. On the contrary, only G. alpestris could be confirmed for the bryoflora of the other high Sudeten Mts, i.e. the Hrubý Jeseník Mts.

Hroudová Z., Zákravský P. & Jarolímová V. (1999): Bolboschoenus glaucus - a new species in the Czech Republic. - Preslia, Praha, 71: 27-32.
Bolboschoenus glaucus from the former brick-clay pit in the suburb Košíře of the city of Prague is reported for the first time from the territory of the Czech Republic. Description of the plant, its European distribution, characteristics of the locality and vegetation are given. The first ever record of chromosome number of the species (n = 55) is reported. The species is supposed to be introduced into the Czech Republic.

Dvořáková M. (1999): Euphrasia corcontica, a species endemic to the Krkonoše Mts. (West Sudeten). - Preslia, Praha, 71: 33- 35.
A taxonomic reclassification (elevation of a variety to the species level) is proposed for the species Euphrasia corcontica. Some data concerning its speciation and distribution are discussed.

Sádlo J. & Štepánková J. (1999): Sedum caucasicum - a new species for Turkey. - Preslia, Praha, 71: 33- 35.
Sedum caucasicum (Grossg.) Boris. is reported from two localities of North East Turkey, as a new taxon for the flora of Turkey. Its morphological characters, chromosome number, differences from some other taxa of Sedum sect. Telephium and comments on its ecology are given.

Lundevall C.-F. & Oellgaard H. (1999): The genus Taraxacum in the Nordic and Baltic countries: Types of all specific, subspecific and varietal taxa, including type locations and sectional belonging. - Preslia, Praha, 71: 43-171.
An alphabetical list of all published specific and infraspecific taxa in the genus Taraxacum (Asteraceae), found in the Nordic and Baltic countries (Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden), is presented, including information about their resp. type specimens (literature with first published protologue, herbarium, identification data, notes). In total, 424 untypified taxa are typified in this paper. An appendix, listing taxa with lacking typification, is added. Two taxa are given resp. a new status and a new name, viz. Taraxacum canaliculatum (Lindb. fil.) f. potens Lundevall & H. Oellgaard stat. nov., and Taraxacum oddense Lundevall nom. nov. The sectional belonging of the resp. species, based on morphological features, is added.

Procházka F. & Harčarik J. (1999): New localities of Diphasiastrum species in the Krkonoše Mts and elsewhere in the Czech Republic where three or more species of this genus are recorded. - Preslia, Praha, 71: 193-215.
Ten localities, found mostly after 1990, with the occurrence of three or more species of the genus Diphasiastrum Holub have been investigated in detail in the Czech Republic. One of the localities is in the Krkonoše Mts and harbours all 6 Central European species of the genus.

Krahulcová A. & Krahulec F. (1999): Chromosome numbers and reproductive systems in selected representatives of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella in the Krkonoše Mts (the Sudeten Mts). - Preslia, Praha, 71: 217-234.
Chromosome numbers and reproductive systems are given for the following taxa of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella occurring in the Krkonoše Mts: H. pilosella L. (2n = 36, sexual), H. lactucella Wallr. (2n = 18, sexual), H. caespitosum Dumort. (2n = 36, the mode of reproduction unknown), H. aurantiacum L. (2n = 36, apomictic), H. schultesii F.W. Schultz (2n = 36, sexual; 2n = 45, apomictic), H. macrostolonum G. Schneider (2n = 54, the mode of reproduction unknown), H. glomeratum Froel. (2n = 36, 45, both apomictic), H. floribundum Wimm. et Grab. (2n = 36, apomictic), H. iseranum Uechtr. (2n = 36, apomictic), H. apatelium Nägeli et Peter (2n = 36, both sexual and apomictic; 2n = 45, apomictic), H. piloselliflorum Nägeli et Peter (2n = 36 the mode of reproduction unknown; 2n = 45, 44, apomictic; 2n = 54, apomictic), H. stoloniflorum Waldst. et Kit. (2n = 54, apomictic), H. rubrum Peter (2n = 54, apomictic). Chromosome numbers are reported for the first time for H. apatelium, H. iseranum, and H. piloselliflorum, a new chromosome number was determined for H. macrostolonum and H. schultesii. The group of species (H. caespitosum, H. glomeratum, H. floribundum, H. iseranum) has been found to have a single long marker chromosome in the karyotype; this fact supports the view of their relationship. The mode of reproduction is here examined for the first time in polyploid hybridogenous species H. iseranum, H. apatelium, H. piloselliflorum, H. stoloniflorum, H. rubrum and H. schultesii from nature; the apomictic reproduction of tetraploid H. floribundum and of pentaploid H. glomeratum is also a new information. The variation of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella in the Krkonoše Mts is discussed in connection with the presence of at least four sexual types and diversity of reproductive systems. The occurrence of H. stoloniflorum in the Krkonoše Mts is dealt with.

Procházka F. & Čurn V. (1998): A new orchid hybrid Dactylorhiza ×silvae-gabretae (D. fuchsii × D. traunsteineri) from the Czech Republic. - Preslia, Praha, 70: 193- 215.
An orchid population of Dactylorhiza traunsteineri in the southeastern part of the Czech Bohemian Forest (Šumava Mts) in southwestern Bohemia (near the village Želnava) was studied for more than 20 years. Besides the hybrid of this species with D. comosa subsp. majalis (= D. ×dufftiana), plants corresponding with the hybrid combination D. fuchsii × D. traunsteineri were observed. This new hybrid is described as Dactylorhiza ×silvae- gabretae Procházka et Čurn. Isozyme markers separated by nondenaturing discontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were used for description and classification of plants belonging to D. traunsteineri, D. fuchsii and D. ×silvae-gabretae. The pattern of SDH (shikimate dehydrogenase) isozymes exhibited a hybrid character in analysed plants of D. ×silvae-gabretae.

Krahulec F. (1999): Two new hybrids of Epilobium ciliatum (Onagraceae). - Preslia, Praha, 71: 241-248.
Hybrids of Epilobium ciliatum Rafin. with E. alpestre (Jacq.) Krocker (E. ×prochazkae) and with E. alsinifolium Vill. (E. ×josefi-holubii) are described from the Krkonoše Mts. It is highly probable that E. ciliatum hybrids will be more common in alpine areas in future, because this species has become a regular component of the ruderal flora even in area above the timberline. Hybrids between E. anagallidifolium Lam. and E. palustre L. (E. ×dasycarpum Fries) and E. alpestre and E. collinum C. C. Gmelin (E. ×hectori-léveilleanum Thell.) are reported for the first time from this area of the Czech Republic.

Kovář P. (1999): Distribution of heavy metals in stands of macrophytes along a cross-section gradient in the Elbe River lowland (near Poděbrady, Czech Republic). - Preslia, Praha, 71: 249-256.
This case study aims to evaluate the degree of retention and removal of river pollutants by macrophytes. It was carried out in the Elbe river basin near Poděbrady, Czech Republic. Pollutant loads are evaluated through biomonitoring of species present in various biotopes on a transect across the floodplain: river banks, parts of the former river bed, i. e. oxbows, both connected and disconnected from the river. Pollutant-retention capacity of two species of different growth strategy and characteristics, Glyceria aquatica (L.) Wahlb. and Acorus calamus L., is also compared.

Soukupová L. & Rauch O. (1999): Floor vegetation and soil of acidified Norway spruce forests in the Giant Mountains (Central Europe). - Preslia, Praha, 71: 257-275.
In autochthonous montane Norway spruce forest of the Giant Mts exposed to the airborne acidification, four representative communities identified as Athyrio alpestris-Piceetum typicum, Calamagrostio villosae-Piceetum typicum, C.v.-P. fagetosum and Sphagno-Piceetum molinietosum were analysed that. Their plant cover, soil profiles and soil acidity were examined as a baseline study on six permanent plots, situated along the gradient of decreasing air deposition. Prevailing soil types were leptic, humic and gleyed podzols. In 1995, B2 horizons were found strongly acid (pHaq between 4.3 and 3.9), and FH horizons were strongly to very strongly acid (pHaq between 2.7 and 3.9). This soil acidity differed from that referred in the same region by Matuskiewiczs 35 years ago. In plants, three kinds of long-term responses were distinguished. (1) Abundance of species with most roots in the uppermost horizon was related to the opening of the tree canopy in declining forests (increase of Deschampsia flexuosa, retreat of bryophytes Polytrichum formosum, Sphagnum girgensohnii, Dicranum scoparium). (2) Acidophilous forbs (Homogyne alpina, Trientalis europea, Oxalis acetosella and Maianthemum bifolium) with most roots in the strongly acidified FH horizon became less frequent. (3) In keystone species with root system reaching down to B horizon their reaction was not related linearly to the forest damage and/or soil acidity (e.g., expansion of Calamagrostis villosa partly due to its facultative endomycotrophy and/or both dieback-and-increase of Vaccinium myrtillus).

Palice Z. (1999): New and noteworthy records of lichens in the Czech Republic. - Preslia, Praha, 71: 289-336.
A commented overview of selected new and noteworthy lichens collected especially at the territory of the Czech Republic is given. A few remarkable collections from other European countries (Austria, France, Germany, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden) are also included. Apart from lichens, several lichenicolous and non-lichenized fungi traditionally treated by lichenologists (e. g. some species of the polyphyletic order Caliciales s. l.) are also included in the list. The vast majority of the mentioned species was collected in the Šumava Mts - a highly forested area ranging along the border with Austria and Germany - at present one of the most preserved regions in the Czech Republic. Several findings are interesting from the lichenogeographical point of view (e. g. Agonimia allobata, Anzina carneonivea, Bacidia carneoglauca, B. viridifarinosa, Chaenotheca sphaerocephala, Fellhaneropsis myrtillicola, Japewia subaurifera, Melaspilea granitophila, Micarea anterior, M. contexta, M. deminuta, M. lapillicola, M. marginata, M. vulpinaris, Polyblastia gothica, Porina hibernica, Porpidia ochrolemma, Rinodina interpolata, Scoliciosporum curvatum, S. schadeanum, Trapeliopsis glaucolepidea etc.). Some of the treated lichens are probably undercollected to a great degree (e. g. Anisomeridium nyssaegenum, Arthonia muscigena, Caloplaca obscurella, Micarea botryoides, M. myriocarpa, M. polycarpella, Psilolechia clavulifera and taxa of the genera Absconditella, Macentina, Vezdaea etc.). Altogether 82 taxa are discussed, of which 53 are new for the Czech Republic, of which 10 are new for Central Europe (Absconditella pauxilla, Chaenotheca sphaerocephala, Chaenothecopsis epithallina, C. nigra, Japewia subaurifera, Micarea contexta, M. deminuta, M. lapillicola, M. marginata, M. vulpinaris). Furthermore, some of the collections included represent other new country records. The following species are presumably reported for the first time from the respective countries: Absconditella celata (Slovakia), Agonimia allobata (Slovakia), Catillaria alba (Slovakia), Chaenotheca sphaerocephala (Romania), Fellhaneropsis vezdae (Slovakia), Hypocenomyce leucococca (Romania), Macentina dictyospora (Slovakia), Micarea hedlundii (Slovakia), Micarea lynceola (France), Micarea myriocarpa (Austria), Micarea polycarpella (Sweden), Micarea vulpinaris (Germany), Porina leptalea (Sweden), Scoliciosporum curvatum (Romania, Slovakia), and Trapelia corticola (Romania). The following new combination - Micarea lynceola (Th. Fr.) Palice comb. nov. is proposed. Trapeliopsis percrenata is here considered to be conspecific with T. glaucolepidea.

Mártonfi P., Michálek J., Hadinec J., Mártonfiová L. & Repčák M. (1999): Hypericum dubium Leers - a new species of the Czech flora. Preslia, Praha, 71: 337-348.
A new species of the Czech flora, Hypericum dubium Leers (= H. maculatum subsp. obtusiusculum (Tourlet) Hayek) was found in the Doupovské hory Mts., in the northwest of the Czech Republic. Besides morphological description, karyological (2n = 32), chemical and chorological data (especially for the Czech Republic and Hungary) are given. The find means a shifting of species distribution limits eastwards north from 50° of the northern latitude.

Chrtková A. & Jarolímová V. (1999): Cytotaxonomical study of Caltha palustris. - Preslia, Praha , 71: 349- 360.
Authors have divided the populations of Caltha palustris L. from the Czech Republic into four subspecies: subsp. cornuta (Schott, Nyman et Kotschy) Hegi with 2n = 32 chromosomes, subsp. laeta (Schott, Nyman et Kotschy) Hegi with 2n = 32 (34) in lowland and with 2n = 56 (57, 58, 59, 61, 64) in mountains, subsp. palustris with 2n = 32 (34, 35, 36) chromosomes, and subsp. procumbens (Beck) Neumayer with 2n = 56 (55, 57, 59, 56 + 6B) chromosomes. The chromosome numbers of 2n = 32, 44, 47 were also found in some intermediates. Chromosome counts for 88 samples are presented. Great variation in morphological features were found in all subspecies. Morphological characters are independent of each other, ecological conditions influence some of their values. Results are given for plants in wild, in herbaria and for 129 samples cultivated in an experimental field.

Tan Kit & Strid A. (1999): Phytogeographical notes on the Parnonas range in Peloponnisos, Southern Greece. - Preslia, Praha, 71: 361-367.
Some phytogeographical notes on the Parnonas mountain range in the Peloponnese, southern Greece are provided. They include mention of phytogeographical elements, the high incidence of endemism and taxa widely disjunct in distribution. It is noted that many Central European and Balkan species have their southernmost localities on Parnonas. The floristic connections between Parnonas and nine other Greek mountains are demonstrated and a brief account of earlier floristic exploration in the area given.

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