Chrtek | 1994 | Chromosome numbers in selected Hieracium species in the Krkonoše Mts. (the West Sudeten) |
Abstract: Chromosome numbers are given of 15 species of the genus Hieracium L. s str., representing seven species groups (in the sense of Flora Europaea, roughly corresponding to Zahn's ''species principales'') from the Krkonoše Mts., N. Bohemia and SW Poland. For the first time, chromosome numbers are reported for H. melanocephalum Tausch (2n=27), H. tubulosum Tausch (2n=36), H. schustleri Zlatník (2n=36), H. fritzei F. Schultz (2n=27), H. rohlenae Zlatník (2n=27), H. nigrescens Willd. (2n=36), H. decipiens Tausch (2n=36), H. atrellum Juxip in Shishkin et Bobrov (2n=27), H. subnigrescens (Fries ex Norrlin) Dahlst. (2n=36), H. sudeticum Sternb. (2n=36), H. pedunculare Tausch (2n=36), H. glandulosodentatum Uechtr. (2n=36), H. wimmeri Uechtr. (2n=27). In Hieracium alpinum L. s. str. the number 2n=27 has been confirmed. The results show a high proportion of tetraploid taxa; no diploids have been found. |
Chrtek | 1996 | Chromosome numbers in selected Hieracium species (Compositae) in the Sudeten Mts and West and Ukrainian East Carpathians. |
Abstract: Chromosome numbers are reported for 18 collections representing ten taxa of Hieracium L. Chromosome numbers are reported for the first time for H. chlorocephalum Uechtr. (2n = 4x = 36), H. stygium Uechtr. (2n = 36), H. silesiacum Krause (2n = 36), H. corconticum Knaf fil. ex Čelak. (2n = 27), H. conicum Arvet-Touvet (2n = 18), and H. chrysostyloides (Zahn) Chrtek jun. (2n = 5x = 45). The pentaploid chromosome number appears to be only the second count for any taxon of Hieracium s.str. above the level of tetraploid. In H. prenanthoides Vill. 2n = 27 was ascertained in populations from the Krkonoše Mts. (West Sudeten Mts.) and Vysoké Tatry Mts. (Western Carpathians). The mountain population of H. schmidtii Tausch from the Krkonoše Mts. (West Sudeten Mts.) was found to be triploid (2n = 27). In H. transsilvanicum Heuff. the number 2n = 18 was confirmed, and in H. nigritum Uechtr. 2n = 36 was ascertained. |
Chrtek | 1996 | Rozšíření Hieracium halleri (okruh H. alpinum) v Západních Karpatech. [Distribution of Hieracium halleri (Hieracium alpinum agg.) in the Western Carpathians]. |
Abstract: The paper summarizes the geographical distribution of Hieracium halleri Vill. (Hieracium sect. Alpina, H. alpinum group) in the Western Carpathians (N Slovakia, S Poland). The species is confined to the subalpine and alpine belts of the Západné Beskydy Mts (rare), the Velká Fatra Mts (rare), the Tatry Mts (widespread) and the Nízke Tatry Mts (scattered). The differences between H. halleri and closely related H. alpinum s.str. ale briefly mentioned. |
Chrtek | 1997 | Hieracium decipientiforme (Wołoszczak et Zahn) Šljakov (the Hieracium nigrescens group) - an interesting species of the Ukrainian Carpathians. |
Abstract: Hieracium decipientiforme (Wołoszczak et Zahn) Šljakov, most probably an endemic taxon of the Ukrainian Carpathians, was found to be agamospermous tetraploid (2n=36). It occurs in mountain meadows, open places in krummholz stands and in subalpine grasslands in altitudes 1580-1900 m a.s.l. in the Gorgany Mts, the Čornohora Mts and the Marmaros Mts. Important distinguishing characters and relations to other related species groups are briefly discussed. |
Chrtek | 1997 | Taxonomy of the Hieracium alpinum group in the Sudeten Mts. and the West and Ukrainian East Carpathians. |
Abstract: A taxonomic revision of the Hieracium alpinum group (sensu Flora Europaea) in the Sudeten Mts., the West and the Ukrainian East Carpathians is provided. Six species ate distinguished in the area studied, viz. Hieracium alpinum, H. halleri, H. augusti-bayeri, H. melanocephalum, H. tubulosum, and H. schustleri. H. alpinum occurs throughout the mountain ranges studied, three other taxa are endemic to the Sudeten Mts. (H. melanocephalum, H. tubulosum, H. schustleri), one is confined to the West Carpathians (H. halleri, in addition to the Alps) and one is endemic to the Ukrainian East Carpathians (H. augusti-bayeri). A diploid cytotype (2n=18) was ascertained in H. alpinum from the Ukrainian East Carpathians and the same chromosome number was found for H. augusti-bayeri. An agamospermous mode of reproduction was confirmed for the triploid cytotype of H. alpinum, the triploid H. melanocephalum and H. halleri and the tetraploids H. tubulosum and H. schustleri; the diploid taxa were found to be sexual. Pollen production in diploid taxa is high and pollen grains are homogeneous in size; triploid species, as well as tetraploid H. tubulosum, do not produce pollen; tetraploid H. schustleri has pollen grains of variable size. Data on the ecology and distribution of the species are also given. |
Chrtek & Marhold | 1996 | Lectotypification of the name Hieracium alpinum subsp. augusti-bayeri Zlatník (Compositae). |
Abstract: The original material connected with the name Hieracium alpinum subsp. augusti-bayeri Zlatník, Práce Morav. Přír. Společ. 7/8:1-6, 1932, ut "Augusti Bayeri" is discussed and the lectotype of this name is designated. The authors consider as most appropriate the treatment on the level of species and the name in the appropriate new status is published. |
Chrtek & Marhold | 1998 | Taxonomy of the Hieracium fritzei group (Asteraceae) in the Sudeten Mts. and the West Carpathians (Studies in Hieracium sect. Alpina II.) |
Abstract: The Hieracium fritzei group is represented in the Sudeten mountains and the West Carpathians in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia by the following species: H. fritzei F. Schultz (2n=27), H. uechtritzianum G. Schneid. (2n=?), H. schneiderianum Zlatník (2n=27), H. rohlenae Zlatnik (2n=27), H. nigrostylum Zlatník (2n=?), H. slovacum Chrtek jun. (2n=36), H. crassipedipilum (Pawł. & Zahn) Chrtek jun. (2n=36), H. pinetophilum (Degen & Zahn) Chrtek jun. (2n=27), and H. krivanense (Woł. & Zahn) Shlyakov (2n=?). For each of these taxa the description, synonymy, data on their distribution and representative specimens are provided. In several cases lecto- or neotypes for the correct names and synonyms are designated. |
Chrtek & Plačková | 2005 | Genetic variation in Hieracium alpinum (Asteraceae) in the Krkonoše Mts (West Sudeten Mts, Czech Republic). |
Abstract: Five enzyme systems (EST, LAP, PGM, SKD, 6PGDH) were studied in three populations of triploid (2n = 27) agamospermous Hieracium alpinum s. str. (H. alpinum subsp. alpinum) in the Krkonoše Mts (West Sudeten Mts, Czech Republic). Altogether, five different multilocus genotypes were found and both intra- and between-population variation were detected. Within-population variability was found in all the studied populations. Mean population diversity Gsp = 0.52, component of total variance attributed to variation among population Gst = 0.09). Chromosome number 2n = 27 was confirmed in all plants used in enzyme studies. Putative origins of genetic variation are briefly discussed. |
Chrtek et al. | 2004 | Chromosome numbers in selected species of Hieracium s.str. (Hieracium subgen. Hieracium) in the Western Carpathians. |
Abstract: Chromosome numbers of 23 species (including subspecies) of Hieracium s. str. from the Western Carpathians are presented. First chromosome numbers are reported for Hieracium kuekenthalianum (= H. tephrosoma, 2n = 36), H. praecurrens (2n = 27) and H. virgicaule (2n = 27); first counts from the Western Carpathians are given for H. atratum (2n = 27), H. bifidum (2n = 27, 36), H. carpathicum (2n = 36), H. inuloides (2n = 27), H. jurassicum (2n = 27), H. macilentum (= H. epimedium, 2n = 27), H. nigritum (2n = 36), H. pilosum (= H. morisianum, 2n = 27) and <>H. silesiacum (2n = 36). New ploidy level (tetraploid, 2n = 36) is reported for H. bupleuroides, hitherto published counts refer only to triploids (2n = 27). Previously published chromosome numbers were confirmed for several other species, i.e. H. alpinum (s.str., 2n = 27), H. bupleuroides (2n = 27), H. crassipedipilum (H. fritzei group, 2n = 27, 36), H. lachenalii (2n = 27), H. murorum (2n = 27), H. prenanthoides (2n = 27), H. racemosum (2n = 27), H. sabaudum (2n = 27), H. slovacum (H.fritzei group, 2n = 36), and H. umbellatum (2n = 18). Triploids and tetraploids predominate, diploids (2n = 18) were found in H. umbellatum. A comprehensive list of previously published chromosome numbers in Hieracium s. str. from the Western Carpathians is provided. |
Chrtek et al. | 2002 | Hieracium silesiacum Krause [Hieracium sparsum subsp. silesiacum (Krause) Zahn] v Západních Karpatech. |
Abstract: Summary of published localities together with discoveries of new sites of Hieracium silesiacum Krause is presented. The hitherto known occurrence in the Western Carpathians is confined to the Nízke Tatry Mts., western part of the Vysoké Tatry Mts. and to both sides (Slovak and Polish) of the Západné Tatry Mts (Tatry Zachodnie Mts). Morphological comparison has been made between Western Carpathian plants and those of the Hrubý Jeseník Mts (Czech Republic), both referable to H. silesiacum. The paper also includes notes on ecology and habitat preferencies. |
Chrtek et al. | 2007 | Chromosome numbers and DNA ploidy levels of selected species of Hieracium s. str. (Asteraceae) |
Abstract:Chromosome numbers and /or ploidy levels are reported for 44 species and subspecies of Hieracium
s.str. from the following European countries: Andorra, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Italy,
Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine. The chromosome
numbers/DNA ploidy levels of H. bocconei (2n ~ 4x), H. bupleuroides subsp. leviceps (2n = 27), H. caesioides
subsp. caesioides (2n = 27), H. basifolium (H. caesium agg., 2n = 36), H. plumbeum (H. caesium agg., 2n = 36),
H. glaucum subsp. nipholepium (2n = 27), H. gouanii (2n = 18), H. gymnocerinthe (2n = 27), H. ramondii (2n =
27), H. recoderi (2n = 18), H. stelligerum (2n = 18), and H. tomentosum (2n = 18, 2n ~ 2x, 2n ~ 3x) were
determined for the first time. New ploidy levels are reported for H. cerinthoides s.str. (2n = 27), H. humile (2n =
36), and H. tommasinianum (2n = 27). |
Fehrer et al. | 2007a | Incongruent plastid and nuclear DNA phylogenies reveal ancient intergeneric hybridization in Pilosellahawkweeds (Hieracium, Cichorieae, Asteraceae). |
Abstract: Phylogenetic relationships for Hieracium subgen. Pilosella were inferred from chloroplast (trnT-trnL, matK) and nuclear (ITS) sequence
data. Chloroplast markers revealed the existence of two divergent haplotype
groups within the subgenus that did not correspond to presumed relationships.
Furthermore, chloroplast haplotypes of the genera Hispidella and Andryala
nested each within one of these groups. In contrast, ITS data were generally in
accord with morphology and other evidence and were therefore assumed to reflect
the true phylogeny. They revealed a sister relationship between Pilosella
and Hispidella and a joint clade of Hieracium subgenera Hieracium
and Chionoracium (Stenotheca) while genus Andryala
represented a third major lineage of the final ingroup cluster. Detailed
analysis of trnT-trnL character state evolution along the ITS
tree suggested two intergeneric hybridization events between ancestral lineages
that resulted in cytoplasmic transfer (from Hieracium/Chionoracium
to Pilosella, and from the introgressed Pilosella lineage to Andryala).
These chloroplast capture events, the first of which involved a now extinct
haplotype, are the most likely explanation for the observed incongruencies
between plastid and nuclear DNA markers.
Fehrer et al. | 2007b | Evolutionary aspects in Hieracium subgenus Pilosella |
Abstract: The hawkweed subgenus Pilosella
(Cichoriae, Asteraceae) is known for its notoriously complicated taxonomic
structure due to ongoing reticulate evolution, combined with a facultatively
apomictic mode of reproduction and allopolyploidy. Recently, molecular approaches
at clone, population and species level have begun to shed some light on these
processes. Geneflow across ploidy levels is common, and parental species of
hybridogenous taxa often include apomicts, even as seed parents. Sexual taxa
(diploid or polyploid) usually show high genetic variability. Apomicts vary
from near clonality across large geographic distances to multiple origins on a
small scale. Selection plays an important role in the establishment and
fixation of particular cytotypes/genotypes in the field. A broad range of
reproductive strategies and frequent hybridizations, combined with good
colonization properties under low-competition conditions in their native
Eurasian environment, provide an enormous evolutionary potential, which is also
reflected by the group’s strong invasive behavior on other continents.
Phylogenetic analyses reveal that Pilosella chloroplast haplotypes form
two major groups with no correlation to morphology and taxonomic grouping
whereas nuclear DNA sequences reflect species relationships. Incongruencies
between molecular markers imply two ancient hybridization events predating most
of the speciation observed in the subtribe Hieraciinae: one between the Hieracium/Chionoracium
subgenera ancestor and partly differentiated Pilosella, and a subsequent
event between this introgressed Pilosella lineage and the closely
related Andryala genus ancestor. Distribution areas and numbers of Pilosella
species belonging to one or the other haplotype group as well as the
extinction of intermediate haplotypes suggest their differentiation in
different glacial refuges. The introgressed Pilosella lineage gave rise
to the majority of recent species which show an increased ecological amplitude.
Secondary contact generated a large geographic overlap of haplotype groups with
no apparent reproductive isolation between species. Phylogenetic, developmental
genetic, biogeographic, and mechanistic aspects of the origin of polyploidy and
apomixis in Pilosella are discussed, and guidelines for dealing with
natural populations of apomictic groups are suggested. A comprehensive list of
adventive Pilosella species, an updated map of their native range, and a
preliminary map of Andryala distribution are provided. |
Fehrer et al. | 2005 | Evolution, hybridisation, and clonal distribution of apo- and amphimictic species of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella (Asteraceae: Lactuceae) in a Central European mountain range. |
Abstract: Hieracium subgenus Pilosella is an extremely difficult group taxonomically, as it combines apomixis with extensive hybridisation. The resultant vast number of morphological forms and cytotypes, which are extremely difficult to distinguish, has in the past deterred study of their microevolutionary relationships. We present here a multidisciplinary approach combining molecular techniques (DNA fingerprinting and the analysis of chloroplast DNA) with morphological-taxonomic studies, cultivation, experimental hybridisation, analysis of ploidy level and mode of reproduction. In a selected area, a transsect in the three-border land of Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland, eight species of a hybridogenous complex representing two morphological series were studied in detail at the clone, population and species level. Proper assignment of individual plants and populations to apomictic clones was achieved and provided the basis for further analysis. Different levels of variability were found in the apomictic species: from near uniformity across the study area to variability within the locality. These differences were related to the different ages and histories of the respective taxa. A partial biogeographic isolation between two mountain regions was suggested by the distribution of widespread clones. The chloroplast haplotypes formed two major groups that showed no correlation to geographic distribution, but matched the species' delimitation except in the case of a recent hybrid which was obviously produced by reciprocal crosses between parental species of different haplotype groups. Apart from that, each species including the intermediates possessed one haplotype indicating unidirectional transmission of the chloroplast DNA, despite multiple origins of most apomicts. Moreover, in the majority of the cases examined, the facultative apomict rather than the sexual species acted as seed parent. Thus, the residual sexuality of the apomicts seems to play a larger role in the speciation of this group than hitherto assumed. This study leads to a much better understanding of a variety of aspects of the group and will serve as a basis for future analyses. |
Fitze & Fehrer | 2000 | PCR-RFLP studies of non-coding chloroplast DNA in European Hieracium subgen. Pilosella. |
Abstract: As part of an ongoing project about the biodiversity, genetic structure and differentiation of Hieracium, subgenus Pilosella, the relationships of the species occurring in the borderland of Saxony (Germany), the Czech Republic and Poland have been investigated by PCR-RFLP analysis of the chloroplast trnT-trnF spacer region. As outgroups, species of Hieracium subgen. Hieracium and Chionoracium as well as of the closely related genus Andryala were included. The target region was PCR-amplified using the universal primers described by TABERLET et al. (1991. Plant Mol. Biol. 17: 1105-1109). Amplification products were submitted to restriction enzyme digestions. Out of 15 enzymes tested, only AluI, MboI, BclI, BglII and EcoRI yielded differences between the species and were therefore used for further analysis. No changes in restriction sites, but only length variations were observed. Fragment sizes were determined. Identical haplotypes were observed for representatives of the following species: H. cymosum/H. glomeratum, H. pilosella/H. piloselliflorum, H. bauhini/H. leptophyton, H. lactucella/H. floribundum/H. aurantiacum, the three subspecies of H. caespitosum (madarum, caespitosum and colliniforme), H. piloselloides ssp. obscurum/H. echioides ; H. sabaudum/H. umbellatum, H. schneiderianum/H. alpinum. In three cases (H. glomeratum, H. piloselliflorum, H. leptophyton), the species have previously been considered as presumed early generation hybrids based on their morphology, occurrence, DNA content and ploidy levels. Because of the maternal inheritance of the chloroplast DNA, evidence for the seed parent is now suggested. The result is in accordance with the assumed modes of reproduction. H. floribundum - although being a "main" species in the sense of NÄGELI & PETER (1885. Die Hieracien Mittel-Europas, Piloselloiden. München) - was suggested to be a hybrid between H. lactucella and H. caespitosum (KRAHULCOVÁ & KRAHULEC, 1999. Preslia 71: 217-234). Usually, the few sexual species (H. pilosella - tetraploid, H. cymosum and H. lactucella - diploid) served as the seed parent. In the case of H. bauhini, however, an unreduced chromosome set of this pentaploid apomict might have been pollinated by diploid (reduced) pollen of H. pilosella, yielding the heptaploid hybrid H. leptophyton. For the remaining haplotypes, no direct evidence from other sources is as yet available to explain the patterns. More data are needed to elucidate these relationships and homology of the length variations has to be established by DNA sequencing. Generally, the Hieracium species of all subgenera as well as of closely related Andryala showed only little sequence variation as judged by the missing RFLPs. Insertions/deletions seem to account for most variation as has also been shown recently for other Asteraceae of the Lactuca tribe (VIJVERBERG & BACHMANN, 1999. Amer. J. Bot. 86: 1448-1463). However, most variation was found between trnT-trnL in our case, but not in the trnL-trnF part of the amplified fragment, as indicated by a restriction site map and partial DNA sequencing. |
Krahulcová et al. | 1999 | Autogamy in Hieracium subgen. Pilosella. |
Abstract: The presence of autogamy in Hieracium subgen. Pilosella is reported for diploid H. lactucella and tetraploid H. pilosella. Self-compatibility is induced under the influence of pollen from another species (mentor effects). |
Krahulcová & Krahulec | 1999 | Chromosome numbers and reproductive systems in selected representatives of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella in the Krkonoše Mts (the Sudeten Mts). |
Abstract: Chromosome numbers and reproductive system are given for the following taxa of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella occurring in the Krkonoše Mts.: H. pilosella L. (2n=36, sexual), H. lactucella Wallr. (2n=18, sexual), H. caespitosum Dumort. (2n=36, the mode of reproduction unknown), H. aurantiacum L. (2n=36, apomictic), H. schultesii F.W. Schultz (2n=36, sexual; 2n=45, apomictic), H. macrostolonum G. Schneider (2n=54, the mode of reproduction unknown), H. glomeratum Froel. (2n=36, 45, both apomictic), H. floribundum Wimm. et Grab. (2n=36, apomictic), H. iseranum Uechtr. (2n=36, apomictic), H. apatelium Nägeli et Peter (2n=36, both sexual and apomictic; 2n=45, apomictic), H. piloselliflorum Nägeli et Peter (2n=36 the mode of reproduction unknown; 2n=45, 44, apomictic; 2n=54, apomictic), H. stoloniflorum Waldst. et Kit. (2n=54, apomictic), H. rubrum Peter (2n=54, apomictic). Chromosome numbers are reported for the first time for H. apatelium, H. iseranum, and H. piloselliflorum, a new chromosome number was determined for H. macrostolonum and H. schultesii. The group of species (H. caespitosum, H. glomeratum, H. floribundum, H. iseranum) has been found to have a single long marker chromosome in the karyotype; this fact supports the view of their relationship. The mode of reproduction is here examined for the first time in polyploid hybridogenous species H. iseranum, H. apatelium, H. piloselliflorum, H. stoloniflorum, H. rubrum and H. schultesii from nature; the apomictic reproduction of tetraploid H. floribundum and of pentaploid H. glomeratum is also a new information. The variation of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella in the Krkonoše Mts. is discussed in connection with the presence of at least four sexual types and diversity of reproductive systems. The occurrence of H. stoloniflorum in the Krkonoše Mts. is dealt with. |
Krahulcová & Krahulec | 2000 | Offspring diversity in Hieracium subgen. Pilosella (Asteraceae): new cytotypes from hybridization experiments and from open pollination. |
Abstract: The progeny derived from experimental crosses, in which the following species of the Hieracium subgen. Pilosella were used as parents, was analyzed with respect to chromosome numbers: diploid H. lactucella, tetraploid H. pilosella, H. caespitosum and H. aurantiacum, pentaploid H. glomeratum and H. piloselliflorum. In addition, some of selected F1 hybrids as well as the hexaploid hybridogenous species H. rubrum were open pollinated and their offspring was studied. In most crosses the sexuals served as seed parents, while the pollen donors were usually facultative apomicts. A considerable karyological diversity was recorded within the progeny of some of individual seed parents, hybridizing easily due to (at least facultative) sexuality. In addition, the haploid parthenogenesis and the fertilization of unreduced egg cell contributed to offspring diversity. These reproduction modes, together with apomictic reproduction and fertilization of reduced egg cell, caused the rise of extremely diverse progeny of H. rubrum. The haploid parthenogenesis connected with aneuploidy was recorded as a new observation. Although the aneuploids are very rare in nature in Europe, the abundant and viable aneuploid progeny can be easily obtained from experimental crosses. Similarly, the viable triploids arising frequently from the crosses between diploid and tetraploid species, are in contrast to sparse occurrence of triploid cytotypes in the field. The reasons for these disproportions are discussed. Whereas the reduced competitive ability is expected in polyhaploids in the field, the natural polyploids originated spontaneously from the fertilized unreduced egg cell may be more common. The possibilities to reveal the contribution of particular species comprising hybrid polyploids in the field are discussed. |
Krahulcová et al. | 2000 | Variation in Hieracium subgen. Pilosella: what do we know about its sources? |
Abstract: The present paper reviews mechanisms producing complicated patterns of variation within Hieracium subgen. Pilosella. The taxonomic complexity of this subgenus is due to highly variable basic species and intermediate (hybridogenous) species. The most important sources of variation are polyploidy, hybridization and (mostly) facultative apomixis of the aposporous type. The combination of hybridization, apomixis and clonal growth leads to the maintenance of various hybrids having originated from backcrossing and hybridization among more than two species, which is possible because of the fertile pollen of apomictic hybrids. Ever since Mendel's experiments, some of F1 hybrids have been found to be highly variable, probably reflecting the high heterozygosity of some of the basic species. Variable progeny can also result from unreduced gametes, or the rare parthenogenetic development of gametes which have undergone meiosis. While these processes were detected in experiments, their role within field populations remains unknown. However, multiple origins of intermediate species, and introgression within basic species are highly likely to result in high levels of variation. While few population level studies have been undertaken in Europe, several such studies have been carried out on adventive populations in New Zealand, and these show a different pattern. Aneuploid plants, rare in Europe, are common in New Zealand, and there is frequently more than one ploidy level within a population. |
Krahulcová et al. | 2001 | Chromosome numbers and reproductive systems in selected representatives of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella in the Krkonoše Mts (the Sudeten Mts) - 2. |
Abstract: Chromosome numbers and reproductive systems of the following species are reported from the Krkonoše Mts (the Sudeten Mts): a) species not previously studied within this area: H. fuscoatrum Nägeli et Peter (2n=36, apomictic), H. blyttianum Fr. (2n=36, apomictic), H. tubulascens Norrl. (2n=36, apomictic), H. bauhini Besser (2n=45, apomictic), H. onegense (Norrl.) Norrl. (2n=18, sexual); b) new cytotypes recorded: H. floribundum Wimm. et Grab. (2n=18, sexual), H. apatelium Nägeli et Peter (2n=45, apomictic), H. iseranum Uechtr. (2n=45, apomictic), H. aurantiacum L. (2n=45, apomictic), H. stoloniflorum Waldst. et Kit. (2n=45); c) additional data on distribution and reproduction mode of species previously studied: H. pilosella L. (2n=36, sexual), H. lactucella Wallr. (2n=18), H. caespitosum Dumort. (2n=36, apomictic), H. aurantiacum L. (2n=36, apomictic), H. schultesii F. W. Schultz (2n=36, apomictic), H. glomeratum Froel. (2n=45, apomictic), H. floribundum Wimm. et Grab. (2n=36, apomictic), H. piloselliflorum Nägeli et Peter (2n=36, both sexual and apomictic; 2n=45, apomictic; 2n=54, apomictic). Chromosome numbers are given for the first time for H. fuscoatrum and H. tubulascens, the record of diploid sexual plants is a novelty for H. floribundum. New ploidy levels are also reported for H. apatelium and H. iseranum. The richness of the Krkonoše Mts in Hieracium subgen. Pilosella is discussed with respect to number of basic (4) and sexual (7) species. In the Czech Republic as well as in the Sudeten Mts, two species of this subgenus (H. fuscoatrum and H. tubulascens) were recorded for the first time. |
Krahulcová et al. | 2004 | Reproduction mode in the allopolyploid facultatively apomictic hawkweed Hieracium rubrum (Asteraceae, H. subgen. Pilosella). |
Abstract: The versatility of the breeding system in the hybridogenous hexaploid, Hieracium rubrum, was demonstrated in emasculation
and crossing experiments. The flow-cytometric ploidy analysis of 1095 seedlings amongst its’ progeny enabled the
determination and quantification of the reproductive pathway (apospory, haploid parthenogenesis, cross-fertilization of both
reduced and unreduced female gametes) responsible for each progeny class. The progeny profiles were stable between two
successive years. The percentage of hybrids arisen from crosses with tetraploid sexual H. pilosella was 7.9%. The rate of
trihaploids generated by H. rubrum when crossed to H. pilosella was 3.95%, similar to that of pentaploid (n./n) and
octoploid (2n./n) hybrids (3.95% and 3.39%). Unreduced pollen from H. pilosella contributed to hybridization much less
frequently (0.56% of all progeny), than unreduced eggs of H. rubrum. The increased frequency of trihaploids formed by
crossed compared to emasculated plants suggests an interaction between the presence of pollen and the autonomous
development of meiotic embryo sacs. Although the environmental conditions (garden compared to unheated glasshouse)
influenced the progeny following the emasculation, no corresponding response to environment was detected amongst the
autonomously derived progeny following pollination with H. pilosella. However, there was an influence of pollen parent on
progeny which varied under the different environmental treatments. The importance of residual sexuality in reproduction of
apomicts is evident. The non-maternal progeny was generated with highly variable frequency especially in the glasshouse,
with some capitula reaching up to 50%. Having an autonomous endosperm development, Hieracium subgen. Pilosella is
almost unique among other aposporous genera, in which such variable reproduction mode is connected with pseudogamy. |
Krahulcová & Suda. | 2006 | A modified method of flow cytometric seed screen simplifies the quantification of progeny classes with different ploidy levels. |
Abstract:Flow cytometric analysis of ten bulked seeds is proposed to quantify particular embryo ploidy classes in Hieracium. The method is recommended 1)
for the detection and quantification of residual sexuality in facultative
apomicts, which can generate progeny from heteroploid crosses, 2)
for the quantitative screening of pollen donors with different ploidy levels,
based on the fertilization success of the maternal plant, and 3) for the
screening of parents producing a high proportion of polyhaploids. |
Krahulec et al. | 2001 | Jestřábníky podrodu Pilosella Krkonoš. [Species of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella within the Krkonoše Mts.]. |
Abstract: The present paper summarizes results of the project studying the diversity of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella species within the Krkonoše Mts (western part of the Sudeten Mts range). The list of species studied is given in Table 1 together with their somatic chromosome numbers, and breeding system. The high diversity of Hieracium flora is related to high number of sexual types (7). In spite of the fact that the main habitat type (montane grasslands) are without regular management at many places, there is a possibility of Hieracium protection. Two most important localities concentrating almost all species are given. History of research of Hieracium within this mountain range is discussed mainly in connection with species found in the past, but absent at present. |
Krahulec et al. | 2004 | The Sudetic group of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella from the Krkonoše Mts: a sythetic view. |
Abstract: The present paper summarizes the results of research of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella done by using different methods. The apomictic complex of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella found in the Krkonoše Mts, consists of the following basic species: H. lactucella (2x, sexual), H. onegense (2x, sexual), H. pilosella (4x, sexual), H. caespitosum (4x, apomictic) and H. aurantiacum (4x and 5x, apomictic). These species are considered to be the parents of a further set of mostly apomictic hybridogenous types. The ploidy level, breeding system, isozyme phenotypes, chloroplast haplotypes and geographic distribution of this whole complex was analysed. The different hybridogenous types have different frequencies in the field and differ in the frequency of isozyme phenotypes (a conservative estimate of the number of genotypes). Most have uniform chloroplast haplotypes, but some haplotypes could have originated from reciprocal crosses. The comparison of chloroplast haplotypes suggests that apomictic species were not only pollen donors, but also contributed seed and gave rise to several hybridogenous types, illustrating the importance of the residual sexuality of apomicts in this group. H. pilosella is a central species in this group and is connected with other parental species, H. floribundum, H. lactucella and H. aurantiacum by a set of hybridogenous species that have a similar genetic structure. Some of the distinct hybridogenous types within the complex are of multiple origin. In contrast, crosses between the same parental types may generate diverse progenies, which can often be classified as distinct taxa. All taxa recorded in the past are surveyed and discussed with respect to present knowledge. We suggest that the taxonomy and origin of particular entities of this and other such complexes is best resolved using information from morphological, genetical, cytological and ecological studies. |
Krahulec & Krahulcová. | 2006 | Population based approaches in the study of Pilosella Hill (Asteraceae): A new view of its taxonomy? |
Abstract: We present a structure of the Pilosella populations occurring in the Krkonoše Mts., northern Czech Republic. Each basic species, hybridogenous species and recent hybrid is documented by its frequency, cytotypes, breeding system, and chloroplast haplotypes. We compare this structure with the situation in another
mountain range, the Šumava Mts. in the south western Czech Republic. Both regions
have the same structure of hybridising species, but the resulting population
are different. We deduce that random phenomena in the past and the residual
sexuality of apomictic species has influenced the present population
composition. Our results are discussed in connection with existing approaches
to the taxonomy of Pilosella. |
Krahulec et al. | 2006 | Ploidy level selection during germination and early stages of seedling growth in the progeny of allohexaploid facultative apomict, Hieracium rubrum (Asteraceae). |
Abstract: Selection within
progeny of a facultative apomict, Hieracium rubrum was studied using
flow cytometry of embryos in seeds (a modified method of Flow Cytometric Seed
Screen) and seedlings. Flow-cytometric screening of particular progeny classes
was based on distinct ploidy categories, reflecting the way of their origin.
The results of both estimations of progeny composition significantly differed,
which makes direct comparison of proportions detected in seeds or seedling
stage impossible. The results suggest that progeny originated from reduced egg
cells have higher mortality during germination and early establishment phase
than that arisen from unreduced egg cells. Within the progeny of emasculated
plants, the proportion of polyhaploid progeny decreased in favor of
apomictically derived plants. Within the progeny of plants pollinated by H.
pilosella, the proportion of polyhaploid progeny decreased significantly in
favor of apomictically derived plants and 2n + n hybrids. It is argued that at
least a proportion of the sexually derived progeny of this facultatively apomictic
maternal parent plant has a lower survival rate vitality than apomictically
derived progeny. |
Krahulec et al. | 2008 | The agamic complex of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella in the Šumava Mts.: Its structure and comparison with other regions in Central Europe. |
Abstract: We studied the agamic complex of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella in the Šumava/Böhmerwald, the borderland between the Czech Republic and Germany. Their DNA ploidy levels/chromosome numbers, breeding systems, chloroplast haplotypes as well as the clonal structure of apomicts were determined. The complex consists of the following basic and intermediate species and recent hybrids. Basic species: H. aurantiacum L. (tetraploid and pentaploid, both apomictic), H. caespitosum Dumort. (tetraploid, apomictic), H. lactucella Wallr. (diploid, sexual), H. pilosella L. (tetraploid, sexual); intermediate species: H. floribundum Wimm. et Grab. (tetraploid, apomictic), H. glomeratum Froel. (tetraploid and pentaploid, both apomictic), H. scandinavicum Dahlst. (tetraploid, apomictic); recent hybrids: H. floribundum × H. pilosella (partly corresponding to H. piloselliflorum – tetraploid and hexaploid; tetraploid sexual or apomictic), H. glomeratum × H.pilosella (aneuploid, 2n = 38), H. aurantiacum × H. floribundum (tetraploid, almost sterile or apomictic), H. lactucella × H. pilosella (H. schultesii, triploid sterile, tetraploid sexual), H. aurantiacum × H. pilosella (H. stoloniflorum, tetraploid, sexual), H. aurantiacum > H. pilosella (H. rubrum, hexaploid). The hexaploid hybrids between H. pilosella and H. floribundum or H. aurantiacum produced mainly polyhaploid progeny. Two trihaploid plants were found growing in the neighbourhood of their putative hexaploid maternal parent H. rubrum, which is the first record of polyhaploids of this subgenus in the field. Comparison with other mountain ranges (especially the Krušné hory/Erzgebirge, and Krkonoše) with an almost identical composition of basic species, revealed that the structure of the agamic complexes differ. |
Morgan-Richards et al. | 2004 | Interspecific hybridization among Hieracium species in New Zealand: evidence from flow cytometry. |
Abstract: Hieracium pilosella (Asteraceae) was accidentally introduced to New Zealand about 100 years ago. Since then it has become an aggressive weed, and an unexpected degree of genetic and genome size variation has been detected; features that might result from interspecies hybridization. We investigated the possibility that H. pilosella has hybridized with related taxa. Of the four other subgenus Pilosella species introduced to New Zealand, H. praealtum is the most abundant and, on morphological and distributional evidence, most likely to be the other parent. Flow cytometry was used to estimate relative genome size for 156 Hieracium plants collected from the wild. Plants assigned to either parental or hybrid morphotypes were found to comprise tetraploid and pentaploid individuals using genome size measurements, and this was confirmed with direct mitotic chromosome counts for a subset of plants. The haploid DNA content of H. praealtum was approximately 22% larger than that of H. pilosella. Putative hybrids that were tetraploid had mean genome sizes equivalent to two H. pilosella and two H. praealtum haploid chromosome sets, implying they were hybrids arising from the fertilization of two reduced gametes. Similar results were obtained from tetraploid hybrids produced by controlled pollination. However, the majority of field hybrids were pentaploid with a genome size equivalent to four H. pilosella and one H. praealtum haploid chromosome sets. We infer that these are not first-generation hybrids but represent successful backcrossing with H. pilosella and/or hybrid-hybrid crossing, and that sexual tetraploid hybrids have been the parents. We note that populations putatively of H. pilosella often comprise apomictic pentaploid hybrids. Significantly, our data indicate the emergence of sexual hybrids that provide further opportunity for gene flow among taxa in this complex. |
Mráz et al. | 2008 | Cytogeography of Pilosella officinarum (Compositae): Altitudinal and Longitudinal Differences in Ploidy Level Distribution in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and the General Pattern in Europe |
Abstract: Background and Aims: Pilosella officinarum (syn. Hieracium pilosella) is a highly structured species with respect
to the ploidy level, with obvious cytogeographic trends. Previous non-collated data indicated a possible differentiation
in the frequency of particular ploidy levels in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Therefore, detailed sampling
and ploidy level analyses were assessed to reveal a boundary of common occurrence of tetraploids on one hand and
higher ploids on the other. For a better understanding of cytogeographic differentiation of P. officinarum in central
Europe, a search was made for a general cytogeographic pattern in Europe based on published data.
Methods: DNA-ploidy level and/or chromosome number were identified for 1059 plants using flow cytometry
and/or chromosome counting on root meristem preparations. Samples were collected from 336 localities in the
Czech Republic, Slovakia and north-eastern Hungary. In addition, ploidy levels were determined for plants from
18 localities in Bulgaria, Georgia, Ireland, Italy, Romania and Ukraine.
Key Results: Four ploidy levels were found in the studied area with a contrasting pattern of distribution. The most
widespread cytotype in the western part of the Czech Republic is tetraploid (4x) reproducing sexually, while the
apomictic pentaploids and mostly apomictic hexaploids (5x and 6x, respectively) clearly prevail in Slovakia and
the eastern part of the Czech Republic. The boundary between common occurrence of tetraploids and higher
ploids is very obvious and represents the geomorphologic boundary between the Bohemian Massif and the
Western Carpathians with the adjacent part of Pannonia. Mixed populations consisting of two different ploidy
levels were recorded in nearly 11% of localities. A statistically significant difference in a vertical distribution of
penta- and hexaploids was observed in the Western Carpathians and the adjacent Pannonian Plain. Hexaploid populations
tend to occur at lower elevations (usually below 500 m), while the pentaploid level is more or less evenly
distributed up to 1000 m a.s.l. For the first time the heptaploid level (7x) was found on one site in Slovakia. In
Europe, the sexual tetraploid level has clearly a sub-Atlantic character of distribution. The plants of higher
ploidy level (penta- and hexa-) with mostly apomictic reproduction prevail in the northern part of Scandinavia
and the British Isles, the Alps and the Western Carpathians with the adjacent part of Pannonia. A detailed overview
of published data shows that extremely rare records on existence of diploid populations in the south-west Alps are
with high probability erroneous and most probably refer to the closely related diploid species P. peleteriana.
Conclusions: The recent distribution of P. officinarum in Europe is complex and probably reflects the climatic
changes during the Pleistocene and consequent postglacial migrations. Probably both penta- and hexaploids arose
independently in central Europe (Alps and Carpathian Mountains) and in northern Europe (Scandinavia, Great
Britain, Ireland), where the apomictic plants colonized deglaciated areas. We suggest that P. officinarum is in
fact an amphidiploid species with a basic tetraploid level, which probably originated from hybridizations of
diploid taxa from the section Pilosellina. |
Mráz et al. | 2005 | Rare recent natural hybridization in Hieracium s.str. - evidence from morphology, allozymes and chloroplast DNA. |
Abstract: The first proven data on natural hybridization in the genus Hieracium s. str. are presented. Plants with intermediate morphological characters between the diploids H. alpinum and H. transsilvanicum were found in the Munţii Rodnei (Romanian Eastern Carpathians) in 2001 and in the Chornohora Mts (Ukrainian Eastern Carpathians) in 2003. While plants of intermediate morphology between usually so called basic species are usually tri- or tetraploid in Hieracium s.str., these plants were diploid (2n=18) like both parental species in this region. The Romanian plant did not produce fertile achenes in free pollination and in control backcrosses with H. transsilvanicum, two hybrids from Ukraine were completly seed sterile in free pollination and reciprocal crosses. Pollen stainability as an indirect measure of male fertility was quite high in the studied Ukrainian hybrid plants and similar to the parental taxa. Evidence from allozyme analysis also confirmed the hybrid origin of the studied plants. Sequencing and PCR-RFLP analyses of the trnT-trnL intergenic spacer revealed that all hybrid plants had the H. transsilvanicum chloroplast DNA haplotype. Maternal inheritance of chloroplast DNA in this particular cross was proved with artificial hybrids from reciprocal experimental crosses between H. alpinum and H. transsilvanicum. In both localities, the natural hybrid plants were found in disturbed habitats, exceptionally allowing contact of the otherwise ecologically vicariate parental species. Morphologically, the hybrid plants belong to H. x krasani Woł. |
Mráz et al. | 2001 | Genetic variation in the Hieracium rohacsense group (Hieracium sect. Alpina). |
Abstract: Five isozyme systems (AAT, ADH, LAP, PGM, SKD) were studied in two tetraploid apomictic taxa of the Hieracium rohacsense group (Hieracium sect. Alpina). No intra- and inter-population variation was found in H. rohacsense Kit., endemic to the West Carpathians, which is in accordance with its narrow morphological variation. In contrast, a probably still unnamed tetraploid taxon from Mt. Pop Ivan (Ukrainian East Carpathians) belonging to the H. rohacsense group was represented by three phenotypes detected in one population. The role of diploid sexual taxa occurring in the alpine and subalpine belts of the Ukrainian East Carpathians in maintainig genetic variability is discussed. Apart from morphological characters the two closely related taxa included in this study can be separated also by their patterns of Pgm-1 locus. |
Peckert & Chrtek | | Mating interactions among coexisting diploid, triploid and tetraploid cytotypes of Hieracium echioides (Asteraceae). |
Abstract: Experimental crosses between diploids, triploids and tetraploids of Hieracium echioides were made to examine mating interactions. Specifically, cytotype diversity in progeny from experimental crosses, intercytotype pollen competition as a reproductive barrier between diploids and tetraploids and differences in seed-set between intra- and intercytotype crosses were studied. Only diploids were found in progeny from 2x × 2x crosses. The other types of crosses yielded more than one cytotype in progeny, however, one cytotype predominated in each cross type: diploids (92%) in 2x × 3x crosses, tetraploids (88%) in 3x × 2x, triploids (96%) in 2x × 4x crosses, triploids (90%) in 4x × 2x crosses, tetraploids (60%) in 3x × 3x crosses, pentaploids (56%) in 3x × 4x crosses, triploids (80%) in 4x × 3x crosses and tetraploids (88%) in 4x × 4x crosses. No aneuploids were detected among karyologically analysed plants. Unreduced egg cells production was detected in triploids and tetraploids, on the contrary, formation of unreduced pollen was recorded only in two cases in triploids. Triploid plants produced x, 2x and 3x gametes, however, in male gametes predominated x (92%) gametes whereas in female gametes predominated 3x (88%) gametes.
Cytotype diversity in progeny from crosses where diploids and tetraploids were pollinated by mixture of pollen from diploid and tetraploid plants suggested intercytotype pollen competition to serve as a prezygotic reproductive barrier. No statistically significant difference in seed-set obtained from intra- and intercytotype crosses between diploids and tetraploids were observed suggesting absence of postzygotic reproductive barriers among cytotypes. |
Peckert et al. | 2005 | Genetic variation in agamospermous populations of Hieracium echioides in southern Slovakia and northern Hungary (Danube Basin). |
Abstract: Six populations of Hieracium echioides subsp. echioides var. tauscheri from the Danube Basin between Bratislava and Budapest (locations: Balinka, Čenkov, Devín, Dorog, Győr, Pilis) were analysed using allozyme and karyological analysis. Five allozyme systems (EST, LAP, 6PGDH, PGM, and SKDH) were used to analyse the genetic structure of the examined populations. Analyses revealed low genetic variation both within- and among populations. Four multilocus allozyme phenotypes were detected; three populations (Čenkov, Devín and Győr) possessed phenotype I exclusively, while phenotype IIwas found only in the Balinka and Dorog populations. Two different phenotypes were found in the population of Pilis (phenotypes III and IV). However, due to the complex banding patterns generated for EST, allelic interpretationwas not possible, and the Balinka and Dorog populations appeared to possess different phenotypes. All populations proved to be tetraploid (2n = 36) and agamospermous. The geographic distribution pattern of the analysed populations (one allozyme phenotype at several isolated localities) may reflect a more common occurrence of the taxon in the past. Landscape changes, caused by changes in human management of the country,may have resulted in a loss of suitable localities, mainly open sandy habitats. These changes may have caused the reduction and fragmentation of H. *tauscheri habitat. |
Petřík et al. | 2003 | Jestřábníky (Hieracium podrod Pilosella) Ještědského hřbetu. [Hieracium subgen. Pilosella in the Ještědský hřbet mountain ridge.] |
Abstract: Localities of the hawkweeds (Hieracium subgen. Pilosella) from the Ještědský hřbet Ridge (Jeschkengebirge) are given. Seven "basic species" (H. aurantiacum, H. bauhini, H. caespitosum, H. cymosum subsp. cymigerum, H. lactucella, H. pilosella, H. piloselloides) and seven "intermediate species" (H. arvicola, H. dubium, H. glomeratum, H. iseranum, H. macranthelum, H. stoloniflorum and H. zizianum) were found. Three species collected here in the past (H. brachiatum, H. floribundum and H. sciadophorum) were not refound. Occurrence of H. piloselliflorum is known from the near Jizerské hory Mts., and it might be discovered in the study area. Habitat changes (abandonment of mown meadows) generally account for loss of Hieracium populations, and therefore the mowing of meadows is recommended. |
Rotreklová et al. | 2002 | Chromosome numbers and breeding systems in some species of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella from the Central Europe. |
Abstract: Chromosome numbers are given for 16 taxa (and one interspecific hybrid) of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella originating from Central Europe: H. apatelium Nägeli et Peter (2n = 45), H. aurantiacum L. (2n = 36), H. bauhini Besser (2n = 36, 45, 54), H. brachiatum Bertol. ex DC. (2n = 45, 48, 63, 72), H. densiflorum Tausch (2n = 36), H. echioides Lumn. (2n = 18, 27, 36), H. floribundum Wimm. et Grab. (2n = 36, 45), H. glomeratum Froel. (2n = 36, 45), H. guthnickianum Hegetschw. (2n = 54), H. lactucella Wallr. (2n = 18), H. onegense (Norrl.) Norrl. (2n = 18), H. pilosella L. (2n = 36, 45, 54), H. piloselliflorum Nägeli et Peter (2n = 36, 45), H. piloselloides Vill. (2n = 36), H. rothianum Wallr. (2n = 36), H. schultesii F. W. Schultz (2n = 45), and the hybrid H. floribundum × H. aurantiacum (2n = 36). New chromosome numbers are reported for H. brachiatum and H. floribundum. The octoploid cytotype (2n = 72), recorded in H. brachiatum, is the highest ploidy level ever found in plants from the subgen. Pilosella originating from the field. Aneuploidy, rare in this subgenus in Europe, occurs in this hybridogenous species as well: it was recorded in one plant (2n = 48) collected in a hybrid swarm H. pilosella × H. bauhini. The breeding system in H. bauhini, H. brachiatum, H. densiflorum, H. echioides, H. pilosella, H. piloselloides, and H. rothianum was studied. The sexual reproduction of pentaploid H. pilosella is a new observation: it means an increase of diversity in possible reproduction modes of those cytotypes having odd chromosome numbers. |
Rotreklová et al. | 2005 | Chromosome numbers and breeding systems in some species of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella from Europe. |
Abstract: Chromosome numbers (ploidy levels) were recorded in the following 25 taxa of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella: H. arvicola Nägeli et Peter (2n = 45), H. aurantiacum L. (2n = 36, 45), H. bauhini Besser (2n = 36, 45), H. bifurcum M. Bieb. (2n = 45), H. brachiatum Bertol. ex DC. (2n = 36, 45), H. caespitosum Dumort. (2n = 36), H. cymosum L. (2n ~ 4x), H. densiflorum Tausch (2n = 36, ~ 4x), H. echioides Lumn. (2n = 18, 45), H. fallacinum F.W. Schultz (2n = 36, 45), H. floribundum Wimm. et Grab. (2n = 36, ~ 4x, 45,), H. glomeratum Froel. in DC. (2n = 45), H. iseranum Uechtr. (2n = 36), H. kalksburgense Wiesb. (2n ~ 5x), H. lactucella Wallr. (2n = 18), H. macranthum (Ten.) Ten. (2n = 18), H. onegense (Norrl.) Norrl. (2n = 18), H. pilosella L. (2n = 36, 45, 54), H. piloselliflorum Nägeli et Peter (2n = 45), H. pilosellinum F.W. Schultz (2n = 36, 45), H. piloselloides Vill. (2n = 27, 36, ~ 4x, 45, ~ 5x), H. pistoriense Nägeli et Peter (2n = 27), H. rothianum Wallr. (2n ~ 3x), H. schultesii F.W. Schultz (2n = 36, 45, ~ 5x), H. zizianum Tausch (2n = 27, 36, 54), and one hybrid, H. onegense × H. pilosella (2n = 36). Besides chromosome counts in root-tip meristems, flow cytometry was used to determine the DNA ploidy level in 83 samples of 9 species. The presence of a long marker chromosome was confirmed in tetraploid H. caespitosum and H. iseranum, in pentaploid H. glomeratum, and in both tetraploid and pentaploid H. floribundum. The documented mode of reproduction is sexual (H. densiflorum, H. echioides, H. piloselloides) and apomictic (H. brachiatum, H. floribundum, H. pilosellinum, H. piloselloides, H. rothianum, H. zizianum). Hieracium bifurcum and H. pistoriense are sterile. The chromosome number and/or mode of reproduction of H. bifurcum (almost sterile pentaploid), H. pilosellinum (apomictic pentaploid), H. piloselloides (apomictic triploid), H. pistoriense (sterile triploid), H. rothianum (apomictic triploid) and H. zizianum (apomictic triploid) are presented here for the first time. The sexual reproduction recorded in the pentaploid H. echioides is the second recorded case of this mode of reproduction in a pentaploid cytotype of Hieracium subgenus Pilosella. A previously unknown occurrence of H. pistoriense (H. macranthum - H. bauhini) in Slovakia is reported. |
Suda et al. | 2007 | Genome size variation and species relationships in Hieracium subgen. Pilosella (Asteraceae) as inferred by flow cytometry. |
Abstract: Background and Aims: Hieracium subgen. Pilosella (hawkweeds) is a taxonomically complicated group of vascular plants, whose structure is substantially influenced by frequent interspecific hybridization and polyploidization. Two kinds of species, ‘basic’ and ‘intermediate’ (i.e., hybridogenous) are usually recognized. In this study, we investigated genome size variation in a representative set of Central European hawkweeds in order to assess the value of such a dataset for species delineation and inferring evolutionary relationships.
Methods: Holoploid and monoploid genome sizes (C- and Cx-values) were determined using propidium iodide flow cytometry for 376 homogeneously cultivated individuals of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella, including 24 natural species (271 individuals), five recent field hybrids (seven individuals), and experimental F1 hybrids of four parental combinations (98 individuals). Supplementary chromosome counts were available for more than half of the plant accessions. Base composition (proportion of AT/GC bases) was cytometrically estimated in 73 individuals.
Key Results: Seven different ploidy levels (2x-8x) were detected, with intraspecific ploidy polymorphism (up to four different cytotypes) occurring in 11 wild species. Mean 2C-values varied from 3.53 pg in diploid H. hoppeanum to 15.30 pg in octoploid H. brachiatum, spanning approximately 4.3-fold range. 1Cx-values ranged from 1.72 pg in H. pilosella to 2.16 pg in H. echioides (difference 1.26-fold). DNA content of (high) polyploids was usually proportional to DNA values of their diploid/low polyploid counterparts, indicating lack of processes altering genome size (i.e., genome down-sizing). Most species showed constant nuclear DNA amounts, exceptions being three hybridogenous taxa, in which introgressive hybridization was suggested as a presumable trigger of genome size variation. Monoploid genome sizes of hybridogenous species were always located between corresponding values of their putative parents. In addition, there was a good congruency between actual DNA estimates and theoretical values inferred from putative parental combination as well as between DNA values of experimental F1 hybrids and corresponding established hybridogenous taxa.
Conclusions: Significant differences in genome size between hawkweed species from hybridogenous lineages involving the small-genome H. pilosella document the usefulness of nuclear DNA content as a supportive marker for reliable delineation of several of the most problematic Hieracium subgen. Pilosella taxa (incl. classification of borderline morphotypes). In addition, genome size data were shown to have a good predictive value for inferring evolutionary relationships and genome constitution (i.e., putative parental combination) in hybridogenous species.
Šingliarová et al. | 2008 | Loss of genetic diversity in isolated populations of an alpine endemic Pilosella alpicola subsp. ullepitschii: effect of long-term vicariance or long-distance dispersal? |
Abstract:Pilosella alpicola subsp. ullepitschii (Asteraceae) is a strictly allogamous, diploid Carpathian endemic. Its distribution range comprises two areas separated by about 600 km. While in the Western Carpathians (Slovakia and Poland) the taxon occurs in numerous sites, only four localities of man-made origin are known from the Eastern and Southern Carpathians (Romania). We used allozyme markers to test two likely possible scenarios for the origin of this disjunction: long distance dispersal and vicariance. Our data indicate a significant loss of genetic diversity in the isolated Eastern and Southern Carpathian populations in following genetic parameters (averaged per region): percentage of polymorphic loci (38.9% found in the Eastern and Southern Carpathians versus 58.3% in the Western Carpathians), allelic richness (1.4 vs. 1.6), expected heterozygosity (0.134 vs. 0.235), mean number of distinguishable multilocus genotypes (4.3 vs. 10.6) and proportion of distinguishable multilocus genotypes (0.34 vs. 0.68). Higher proportion of homozygous loci found in the Eastern and Southern Carpathian populations might indicate a higher rate of inbreeding due to non-random mating. We assume that these genetically depauperate populations have experienced a very strong genetic bottleneck, probably due to a founder effect. Although our data suggest that the long-distance dispersal model is most likely, more discriminate genetic markers should be used to test this further. |
Štorchová et al. | 2000 | An improved method of DNA isolation from plants collected in the field and conserved in saturated NaCl/CTAB solution. |
Abstract: A simple method for isolation of genomic DNA from wild plants sampled in remote field areas is presented. The protocol combines NaCl/CTAB leaf preservation with sorbitol extraction of secondary compounds which often contain inhibitors of Taq DNA polymerase activity. The obtained DNA is suitable for random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis of plant populations as well as for specific amplification of chloroplast DNA sequences. The NaCl/CTAB leaf preservation is a powerful alternative to silica gel drying-based preservation. |
Štorchová et al. | 2002 | Genetic variation in agamospermous taxa of Hieracium sect. Alpina (Compositae) in the Tatry Mts. (Slovakia). |
Abstract: The mode of reproduction, pollen production, chromosome numbers, genetic variation (RAPD, isozymes) and overall similarity were studied in 6 species of Hieracium sect. Alpina in the Tatry Mts. (the Western Carpathians, Slovakia). All species were confirmed to be agamospermous and, except of H. krivanense and H. slovacum, lacking pollen grains. For the first time, chromosome number is reported for H. krivanense (2n=4x=36). Considerable genetic variation was revealed in H. alpinum and a correlation between geographic and genetic distances was found in this species. Between-population variation in RAPD and allozyme phenotypes was found in H. pinetophilum and H. crassipedipilum. In all other species, allozyme and RAPD variation was low or absent. With few exceptions, the species differ in their allozyme as well as RAPD patterns. The relatedness of one population of endemic H. slovacum and H. halleri was confirmed. It is shown, that Carpathian species of the H. fritzei group are derived from at least two ancestors. |
Wilson et al. | | A new invasive hawkweed, Hieracium glomeratum (Lactuceae, Asteraceae), in the Pacific Northwest. |
Abstract: During the summer of 2001, a new species of exotic hawkweed (Hieracium glomeratum Froel.) was identified from specimens collected in southeastern British Columbia and eastern Washington state. The specimens had at first been erroneously identified as the closely related H. caespitosum Dumort. A survey of flora and herbaria records revealed H. glomeratum is a new species record for North America. DNA fingerprints of plants from different localities proved to be identical. Their clonality along with a spot-like distribution indicates that this apomictic species probably originated from a single introduction from Europe which subsequently spread. This species adds to the complex of 14 other exotic Hieracium species belonging to the Eurasian subgenus Pilosella that are adventive in the United States and Canada. A distribution map of the native and adventive range of H. glomeratum and a key to distinguish it from related species in subgenus Pilosella that occur in North America is provided. The evolutionary and invasive potential of H. glomeratum is discussed. |