» Projekty » Přehled grantů » Reducing energy costs in district heating systems

Reducing energy costs in district heating systems

  • Číslo grantu: DHR-5600-6-00-1053-00 - US AID Grant
  • Období: 1991 - 1996
  • Vedoucí řešitel: Prof. Jack L. Zakin (Ohio State University)
  • Spoluřešitel: Ing. Jiří Myška CSc.
  • Spoluřešitel: Prof. Ing. Jaroslav Pollert DrSc. (Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU)

The overall aim of the project is to develop criteria for predicting which drag reducing additive systems will be effective in reducing energy costs in district heating systems. The physico-chemical nature of cationic surfactant drag reducers will be investigated in order to: 1. Determine the effects of variations in chemical structure of the surfactant and solvent environment on surfactant micelle structure. 2. Determine how these variables affect the viscoelastic properties of the aqueous surfactant systems and how these relate to the structure of turbulence and the reduction in energy losses in turbulent flow. 3. Develop correlations for predicting heat transfer rates in conventional and in plate heat exchangers used in district heating systems. 4. Field test promising surfactant drag reducing additives in existing district heating loops in Prague to demonstrate the energy savings achievable and to publicise these results in Eastern Europe as well as in other countries in Europe and in the United States.