Publikace: Kaňa, J., Kopáček, J.
(2006) Impact of soil sorption characteristics and bedrock composition on phosphorus concentrations in two Bohemian Forest lakes. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 173 (1–4): 243–259. Research impacted |
Kopáček, J., Kaňa, J., Šantrůčková, H.*
(2006) Pools and composition of soils in the alpine zone of the Tatra Mountains. Biologia, 61 (Suppl. 18): S35–S49. Research impacted |
Kopáček, J., Turek, J., Hejzlar, J., Kaňa, J., Porcal, P.
(2006) Element fluxes in watershed-lake ecosystems recovering from acidification: Čertovo Lake, the Bohemian Forest, 2001-2005. Biologia, 61 (Suppl. 20): S413–S426. Research impacted |
Kopáček, J., Turek, J., Hejzlar, J., Kaňa, J., Porcal, P.
(2006) Element fluxes in watershed-lake ecosystems recovering from acidification: Plešné Lake, the Bohemian Forest, 2001-2005. Biologia, 61 (Suppl. 20): S427–S440. Research impacted |
Kaňa, J., Kopáček, J.
(2005) Sulphate sorption characteristics of the Bohemian Forest soils. Silva Gabreta, 11 (1): 3–12. Research non impacted |
Kopáček, J., Kaňa, J., Šantrůčková, H.*, Picek, T.*, Stuchlík, E.* (2004) Chemical and biochemical characteristics of alpine soils in the Tatra Mountains and their correlation with lake water quality. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 153 (1–4): 307–327. Research impacted |
Kopáček, J., Hejzlar, J., Kaňa, J., Porcal, P. (2003) Photochemical, chemical, and biological transformations of dissolved organic carbon and its effect on alkalinity production in acidified lakes. Limnology and Oceanography, 48 (1): 106-117. Research impacted |
Kopáček, J., Brzáková, M., Hejzlar, J., Kaňa, J., Porcal, P., Vrba, J. (2003) Mass balance of nutrients and major solutes in the Plešné watershed-lake ecosystem in the 2001 hydrological year. Silva Gabreta, 9: 33-52. Research non impacted |
Kopáček, J., Kaňa, J.*, Šantrůčková, H.*, Porcal, P., Hejzlar, J., Picek, T.*, Veselý, J.* (2002) Physical, chemical, and biochemical characteristics of soils in watersheds of the Bohemian Forest lakes: I. Plešné Lake. Silva Gabreta, 8: 43–66. Research non impacted |
Kopáček, J.*, Kaňa, J.*, Šantrůčková, H.*, Porcal, P., Hejzlar, J., Picek, T.*, Šimek, M.*, Veselý, J.* (2002) Physical, chemical, and biochemical characteristics of soils in watersheds of the Bohemian Forest lakes: II. Čertovo and Černé Lakes. Silva Gabreta, 8: 67–93. Research non impacted |
Kopáček, J., Hejzlar, J., Kaňa, J., Porcal, P. (2001) Element Budgets in three Bohemian Forest lakes and their watersheds in the 2000 hydrological year: I. Čertovo Lake. Silva Gabreta 6: 35-52. Research non impacted |
Kopáček, J., Hejzlar, J., Kaňa, J., Porcal, P., Pšenáková, P.*, Vrba, J. (2001) Element budgets in three Bohemian Forest lakes and their watersheds in the 2000 hydrological year: II. Černé Lake. Silva Gabreta 6:53-72. Research impacted |
Kopáček, J., Hejzlar, J., Kaňa, J., Porcal, P. (2001) Element budgets in three Bohemian Forest lakes and their watersheds in the 2000 hydrological year: III. Plešné Lake. Silva Gabreta 6:73-86. Research non impacted |