Skrytá kategorie
Filosofický ústav Akademie věd ČR, v.v.i. Jilská 1 110 00 Praha 1 Česká Republika IČ: 67985955
tel. +420 221 183 111 fax:+420 222 220 108
e-mail: flusekr(at)
Library of the Institute
Basic Information:
The library of philosophy and sociology provides librarian and scientific-informative services in the sphere of philosophy, sociology and related disciplines. The library collection has been carefully built up for many years and it has more than one hundred thousand volumes at present; it is also regularly supplemented with a number of domestic and foreign journals. The library collection includes rare and often even unique sets of domestic as well as foreign literature; the continous series of professional periodicals are valuable too. The library of the Institute of Philosophy is the largest specialized library of philosophy and sociology in the Czech Republic.