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Filosofický ústav Akademie věd ČR, v.v.i. Jilská 1 110 00 Praha 1 Česká Republika IČ: 67985955
tel. +420 221 183 111 fax:+420 222 220 108
e-mail: flusekr(at)

Conferences organised by the Institute in 2006
02-2006 Institualisation of Ethics in Science 27. 2., Prague
04-2006 The 6th Interpretation Colloquium. Interpreting Text - Interpreting Autor (commemorating the centenary of Samuel Beckett) 11.-12. 4., Villa Lanna, Prague
Brno Kurt Gödel Days 25.-28. 4., Neo-baroque assembly hall, Brno University of Technology Centre
Image et imagination. Phénoménologie en France 25. 4., Institut francais de Prague
05-2006 Art and Power under the Luxembourgs Bohemia and the Holy Roman Empire in the European context 9.-13. 5, Prague
Conference Philosophy and Social Science 18.-21.5., Villa Lanna, Prague
Conference on analogy in Philosophy and Theology 25. 5., Olomouc
06-2006 Christianity and Bohemian society in the Middle Ages: norms and reality (the European kontext of a Czech theme) 15.-18. 6., Prague
LOGICA 2006 international symposium 19. - 23. 6., Monastery Hejnice
The Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice (VII. symposium) 21.-23. 6., Villa Lanna Prague
09-2006 Prague international Colloquium 2006: UNCERTAINITY: Reasoning about probability and vagueness, September 5 to 8, Villa Lanna Prague
Vision, soul and Matter. Symposium on the Philosophy of Georgie Berkeley 21.-22. 9., Prague
10-2006 Phenomenology as the first Philosophy 4.-7. 10, Vila Lanna Prague (programme)
Caramuel Conference 2006 11.-17. 10., Prague and Hradec Králové
11-2006 Odoric of Pordenone: From Venice to Peking and back. Material and immaterial interconnections within Europe and Asia in the 13th-14th centuries 12.-16. 11.
 Villa Lanna, Prague
 Villa Lanna, Prague
 Monastery Hejnice - place of LOGICA 2006