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List of publications

obálka publikace Archeologické rozhledy. 4x per year
ISSN: 0323-1267
price of single issues 2002: 38,- Kč; 2003-2006: 65,- Kč; from 2007 on: 83,- Kč
(This title is sold to abroad only by foreign distributors, ask the distributor in your country for prices in EUR!)
obálka publikace Památky archeologické. 1x per year
ISSN: 0031-0506
2002 2x per year, since 2003 1x per year, hardcover; price of single issues 2002: 98,- Kč; 2003-2006: 283,- Kč; from 2007 on: 363,- Kč
(This title is sold to abroad only by foreign distributors, ask the distributor in your country for prices in EUR!)

Památky archeologické 1954-2004 on DVD issue: 500,- EUR

2009, 2008, 2007,2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1988-1999

2009   top
obálka publikace Mařík, Tomáš – Maříková-Kubková, Jana (eds.): Hora hor - Sborník příspěvků přednesených na konferenci uspořádané u příležitosti výstavy Aleše Veselého na téma „Hora hor“. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2005, 171 pp. with figs., Czech.
ISBN: 80-86124-65-7
This volume contains the contributions mostly delivered at an interdisciplinary colloquium, on the occasion of the exhibition “Mountain of Mountains” by the artist Aleš Veselý, held at The Jewish Museum at Prague in 2003. All are concerned with various aspects of the (sacred) mountain in different cultures of the world from the points of view of archaeology, art history, religious studies and history.
6,- EUR
obálka publikace Beneš, Jaromír – Pokorný, Petr (eds.): Bioarcheologie v České republice. Bioarchaeology in the Czech Republic. České Budějovice: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Přírodovědecká fakulta – Praha: Archeologický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, Praha, v. v. i., 2008. 518 pp. with figs., Czech with English summaries.
ISBN: 978-80-7394-026-3 (JČU)
ISBN: 978-80-86124-72-8 (ARÚP)
The contributions of 28 authors present the methods and results of current research on issues on the border between archaeology and biology in the Czech Republic. They are concerned with such categories as space, environment, landscape, biotope or ecosystem. A central theme is the development of the interrelation between nature and culture. Best represented from the various aspects of this field are archaeobotanic sciences.
14,- EUR
2008   top
obálka publikace Archeologie pravěkých Čech. Vols. 1-8. Series Editors: Jiráň, Luboš – Venclová, Natalie. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v. v. i., 2007-2008.
127,- EUR (complete set: 110,- EUR). For prices of individual volumes see below. Standing orders on complete set are accepted.

These eight volumes represent the most extensive outline published until now of Czech prehistory from the Palaeolithic to the Migration period. It summarizes the present state of the art, shows different approaches to the study of Bohemian prehistory and introduces a new review of archaeological data and its interpretation. The first Volume presents archaeological theories and methods, the natural context of archaeological periods, the anthropology of prehistoric populations, and deals with archaeological heritage management. Volumes 2 to 8 are dedicated to the systematic presentation of individual time periods. Their formal structure is similar, but the theoretical and methodological approaches differ according to the concepts preferred by the editors and authors of the individual volumes.
complete set: 110,- EUR
obálka publikace Volume 1: Kuna, Martin (ed.) et al.: Pravěký svět a jeho poznání. Archeologie pravěkých Čech 1. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v. v. i., 2007, 163 pp. with figs., Czech.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-75-9
16,- EUR
Volume 2: Vencl, Slavomil (ed.) – Fridrich, Jan: Paleolit a mezolit. Archeologie pravěkých Čech 2. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v. v. i., 2007, 164 pp. with figs., Czech.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-76-6
16,- EUR
Volume 3: Pavlů, Ivan (ed.) – Zápotocká, Marie: Neolit. . Archeologie pravěkých Čech 3. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v. v. i., 2007, 118 pp. with figs., Czech
ISBN: 978-80-86124-71-1
13,- EUR
Volume 4: Neustupný, Evžen (ed.) et al.: Eneolit. . Archeologie pravěkých Čech 4. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v. v. i., 2008, 185 pp., with figs., Czech.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-77-3
16,- EUR
Volume 5: Jiráň, Luboš (ed.) et al.: Doba bronzová. . Archeologie pravěkých Čech 5. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v. v. i., 2008, 265 pp., with figs., Czech.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-78-0
18,- EUR
Volume 6: Venclová, Natalie (ed.) et al.: Doba halštatská. . Archeologie pravěkých Čech 6. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v. v. i., 2008, 173 pp. with figs., Czech.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-79-7
16,- EUR
Volume 7: Venclová, Natalie (ed.) et al.: Doba laténská. . Archeologie pravěkých Čech 7. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v. v. i., 2008, 164 pp. with figs., Czech.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-80-3
16,- EUR
Volume 8: Salač, Vladimír (ed.) et al.: Doba římská a stěhování národů. Archeologie pravěkých Čech 8. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v. v. i., 2008, 214 pp. with figs., Czech.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-81-0
16,- EUR
Ernée, Michal, Pravěké kulturní souvrství jako archeologický pramen. Urgeschichtliche Kulturschicht als archäologische Quelle. Památky archeologické - Supplementum 20. Praha: Institute of Archaeology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, 2008, 162 pp. with figs., tabs. and graphs. Czech with German summary.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-91-9
This work focuses on prehistoric stratigraphic sequences as archaeological source. The first part summarizes and generalizes the history and results of the investigation of prehistoric and early medieval stratigraphic sequences from Bohemia and beyond. The second part considers the relation between settlement layer and the micro-relief, using the example of Prague 9-Miškovice. The third part is devoted to the analysis of the detailed excavation in 2001 of Late and Final Bronze Age settlement layers in Prague 10-Záběhlice. The author emphasizes the sometimes paradigmatically based dismissive relation to this type of archaeological source, the problems of excavations and risks at their interpretation.
16,- EUR
Výzkumy v Čechách 2005. Praha: Archeologický ústav AVČR, Praha , v.v.i. Praha 2008, 490 pp. with figs., tabs. and maps. Czech.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-89-6

17,- EUR
Maříková-Kubková, Jana - Schlanger, Nathan - Lévin, Sonia (eds.), Sites of Memory. Between Scientific Research and Collective Representations. Proceedings of the AREA seminar at Prague Castle, February 2006. Castrum Pragense 8. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR Praha, v.v.i., 2008, 123 pp. with figs., German, English, French. English, French, Czech and Spanish summaries.
ISBN: 978-8086124-86-5
ISBN: 978-2-9600527-5-6

The eights number of Castrum Pragense assembles papers from the international conference AREA IV, held at Prague Castle in 2006. Two contributions are devoted to Prague Castle, others to the Czech Říp mountain and Olympus, the Altamira-cave and Swiss lake dwellings. The authors focus on the perception of these sites in archaeology and by archaeologists, as well as on their interpretation in the frame of individual national histories.
8,- EUR
Ernée, Michal: Gotické kamnové kachle z hradu a zámku v Českém Krumlově. Gotische Ofenkacheln aus der Burg und Schloss in Český Krumlov. Archeologické výzkumy v jižních Čechách, Supplementum 5. České Budějovice: Jihočeské muzeum v Českých Budějovicích - Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v.v.i., 2008, 126 pp. with tabs. and figs., Czech with German summary.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-92-6

This publication offers an exhaustive catalogue (included are: detailed technological information and iconographic descriptions) of a large and iconographically interesting collection of Gothic stove tiles from the area of the castle at Český Krumlov. It was possible to gain observations on the manufacture and use of the tiles. Though the collection is fragmentary (most of the tiles were discarded already at the time of their discovery in 1918) it is to be rated through the number of fragments and iconographic wealth (102 different motives) among the biggest and most important in Central Europe.
8,- EUR
Boháčová, Ivana - Poláček, Lumír (eds.): Burg - Vorburg - Suburbium. Zur Problematik der Nebenareale frühmittelalterlicher Zentren. Internationale Tagungen in Mikulčice VII. Spisy Archeologického ústavu AV ČR, Brno, v.v.i., 35. Brno: Archeologický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, Brno, v.v.i., 2008, 290 pp., 19 tabs. and figs., German.
ISBN: 80-86023-84-2

This volume gathers the contributions from the international meeting at Mikulčice (21st-23rd May 2007). Main topic are the so-called non-residential areas (baileys, areas outside the walls) of the early mediaeval power centers. Character, function, economic and social structure of these areas are discussed.
16,- EUR
Macháček, Jiří (ed.): Počítačová podpora v archeologii 2. Brno: Ústav archeologie a muzeologie, Masarykova univerzita - Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v.v.i. - Plzeň: Katedra archeologie, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2008. 281 pp. with figs., Czech with English summaries.
ISBN: 978-80-254-1781-2 (MU)
ISBN: 978-80-86124-88-9 (ARÚP)

A collection of selected and reedited papers at the conference Computer aided Archaeology (Počítačová podpora v archeologii), held repeatedly since 2002 in the Czech Republic. The contributions deal with the application of databases in archaeology, statistics, geographic information systems, computer aided documentation of excavations, visualization of artefacts and the archaeological use of the internet.
15,- EUR
Smetánka, Zdeněk – Žegklitz, Jaromír (eds.): Studies in Postmediaeval Archaeology 1. Prague: Institute of Archaeology ASCR, Prague, v.v.i. – Archaia Praha O.P.S., 2008. 328 pp. with figs., English with Czech summaries and Czech with English summaries, CD.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-87-2

Unchanged 1990 edition on CD. Papers on various aspects of postmediaeval archaeology in Bohemia.
2,- EUR
Drda, Petr – Rybová, Alena: Akropole na hradišti Závist v 6.-4. stol. př. Kr. Akropolis von Závist im 6.-4. Jh. v. Chr. Památky archeologické – Supplementum 19. Prague: Institute of Archaeology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2008, 132 pp. with figs., CD with 3D animation. Czech with German summary.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-85-8

This publication summarizes the vast investigation of the hill top of the early Celtic hillfort of Závist (Central Bohemia) in the years 1963-1989. Four main building phases have been reconstructed, the chronology established and the area interpreted as sacred place. The analysis points to the site’s outstanding position in Bohemia and proves its contacts to neighbouring as well as distant regions – including the Mediterranean. To the textual part a catalogue of the finds and 5 appendices with the results of scientific analyses (human and animal bones, plant remains, metallography) are added. An extensive summary and a complete translation of the concluding part close the book. The publication has been supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
25,- EUR

Květina Petr - Pavlů, Ivan: Neolitické sídliště v Bylanech - základní databáze. Neolithic settlement at Bylany - essential database. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v.v.i., 2007. 79 pp. with figs. and pls. Czech and English + CD.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-67-4

This publication summarizes the methodological and documentary basis used for processing and evaluating the materials from the Neolithic site of Bylany. It comprises large sets of data and information about the archaeological sources and their formal, symbolic and spatial attributes. Owing to the immense quantity of data collected over the forty years of archaeological research in Bylany, it proved necessary to create a central system allowing for effective use of the recorded data. This metadata manual, together with a compact set consisting of a database, graphic documentation and GIS map published on the enclosed digital data medium, should fulfill this purpose.
9,- EUR

Schebek, Adolf: Deutsch-tschechische archäologische Terminologie. Německo-česká archeologická terminologie. Odborná spolupráce: Eva Čujanová, Radomír Pleiner, Zdeněk Smetánka, technická spolupráce: Edith Birhahnová. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v.v.i., 2007. 335 pp., Czech and German.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-74-2

JUDr. Adolf Schebek (1913-2007) has created during his 40 year long career as translator in the field of archaeology a collection of approx. 22 000 of technical archaeological terms, to which he step by step added equivalents in Czech, English, French and Russian. This is the first volume of the planned publication of this collection.
14,- EUR

Pleinerová, Ivana: Březno und germanische Siedlungen der jüngeren Völkerwanderungszeit in Böhmen.. Mit Beiträgen von Radomír Pleiner und Zdeněk Tempír. Praha: Archeologický ústav AVČR, Praha, v.v.i., 2007. x+245 pp. with figs., pls., tabs. and 2 plans, German with Czech summary.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-68-1

The book consists of two parts. The first one deals with the settlement of Březno itself. Besides movable effects it concentrates on building features (pit houses, post hole plans, storage pits) and the settlement structure. Three areas can be distinguished in the ground plan, serving for manufacture, storage and dwelling. The basic unit of a Germanic settlement is represented by the irregular courtyard house, the so-called Haufenhof. Two units of that type were recorded in Březno. The settlement can be dated to the first half of the 6th cent. A.D., in absolute dating between 510 and 560 A.D. The second part of the book is dedicated to contemporary Germanic settlements in Bohemia. Their low number – 18 – corresponds to the situation in East Central Europe.
16,- EUR
2007   top

Harding, Anthony - Šumberová, Radka - Knüsel, Christopher et al.: Velim - Violence and Death in Bronze Age Bohemia - The results of fieldwork 1992-95, with a consideration of peri-mortem trauma and deposition in the Bronze Age. Praha: Archeologický ústav AVČR, v.v.i., 2007, 192 pp. with figs. and tabs., English.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-12-4

Velim (Central Bohemia) is one of the most important sites of the Bronze Age of Central Europe dating to the end of the Middle Bronze Age. Opinion has been divided between those who favour a ritual explanation of the site and those who see the extensive human skeletal material as resulting from a hostile attack. The present volume describes the investigations carried out between 1992 and 1995 by a British team. In addition to the presentation of the finds, there is an extensive discussion of the human and animal bone, with a consideration of its significance for our understanding of the treatment of the dead at Velim. Radiocarbon dating suggests a date for the transition to the Urnfield period earlier than traditionally accepted. The volume is a companion to that published in 2000 describing the Czech excavations between 1984 and 1995.
12,- EUR

Zápotocká, Marie - Muška, Jiří: Hrbovice, okr. Ústí nad Labem. Výzkum 1978. Sídelní areál kultury s keramikou lineární a vypíchanou - Hrbovice, Kreis Ústí nad Labem. Ausgrabungen 1978. Ein Siedlungsareal mit der Linear- und Stichbandkeramik.Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR Praha, v.v.i., 2007. 296 pp. with 93 tabs. and 82 pls., German summary, CD.
ISBN: 978-80-86124-06-3

Publication of the rescue excavation conducted by J. Muška in 1978. The site belongs to a wider polycultural residential area monitored ever since the end of the 19th century. The Neolithic settlement can be dated to the interval of the middle phase of the Linear Pottery Culture to the late phase of the Stroked Pottery Culture. Significant are features (namely the exceptionally rich granary no. 31) reflecting the existence of a transitional phase between the Linear and Stroked Pottery Cultures (phase StK I). The lithic industry was processed by P. Šída.
4,- EUR

Archaeologica Pragensia 18. Archeologický sborník Muzea hlavního města Prahy věnovaný Zdeňku Dragounovi a Michalu Trymlovi k šedesátinám. Praha: Muzeum hlavního města Prahy; Praha: Národní památkový ústav, ú. o.p. v hlavním městě Praze; Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2007. 364 pp. with figs. English summary.
ISBN 987-80-85394-52-8

The eighteenth volume of a periodical dealing with the archaeology of Prague, is dedicated to the anniversaries of the archaeologists Z. Dragoun and M. Tryml. Hence this volume is comprised not only of the usual medley of papers dealing with the archaeology of Prague, but also of topics closely associated with the activities of both researchers. These are focused on the archaeology of building construction and archaeology of medieval cities and include papers from Poland and Belarus.

11,- EUR

Výzkumy v Čechách 2004. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2007. 428 pp. with maps and figs.
ISBN 80-8124-61-4
17,- EUR
2006   top
Nekuda, Vladimír – Měřínský, Zdeněk – Kouřil, Pavel (eds.): Archaeologia historica 31/2006. Sborník příspěvků přednesených na XXXVII. konferenci archeologů středověku České republiky a slovenské republiky s hlavním zaměřením na raně středověká centra, jejich podobu a vývoj. Chrudim 19.-22. září 2005. Brno: Muzejní a vlastivědná společnost v Brně; Ústav archeologie a muzeologie Filozofické fakulty; Archeologický ústav AV ČR v Praze a Brně; Archeologický ústav SAV v Nitře; Město Chrudim; Regionální muzeum v Chrudimi. 455 pp. with figs., German summaries.
ISBN: 80-7275-061-5
ISSN: 0231-5823
17,- EUR

Durdík, Tomáš (ed.): Castellologica bohemica 10. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR 2006. 534 pp. with figs., German summaries.
ISBN 80-86124-66-5

Papers dedicated to the broad field of castellological problems, esp. the investigation of castles, fortresses, militaria and everyday-life in Bohemia, but also in other European countries.
20,- EUR

Pleiner, Radomír: Iron in Archaeology. Early European Blacksmiths. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2006. 384 pp. with 76 figs. and 39 tabs.
ISBN 80-86124-62-2

The volume offers a synthesis of knowledge concerning the early European blacksmith´s craft as gained by interdisciplinary approach, from the point of view of history, archaeology and material science of metals. The beginnings of iron, tools, forging operations, smithies and their equipment as well as influence of technical metal in the history are treated.
26,- EUR

CD reprint 2006
Pavlů, Ivan (ed.): Bylany Varia 1. Forty-five years of the Neolithic studies at Bylany - Czech Republic. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 1998. 167 pp. with figs., English summary.
ISBN: 80-86 124-08-8

The volume comprises results of research concerning archaeological finds from Bylany and the adjoining micro-region. Overview of the investigations at Bylany. Ecofacts from the excavations of 1953-1966.
6,- EUR
Tomková, Kateřina (ed.): Pohřbívání na Pražském hradě a jeho předpolích. Díl I.2. Castrum Pragense 7. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2006. 282 pp. with figs. and tabs., German summary.
ISBN 80-86124-56-8

In a catalogue form, this volume presents information about the early medieval cemeteries dated within the last third of 9th and the beginning of 11th century and situated at the northern and western foreground of Prague castle. It emphasizes the origin of the individual collections. The publication contains a catalogue of the 17th century cemetery „u Jízdárny“ and a collection of papers on the anthropological material from the investigated cemeteries.
11,- EUR

CD reprint 2006
Soudská, Eva: Die Anfänge der keltischen Zivilisation in Böhmen. Das Gräberfeld Manětín-Hrádek – The beginnings of Celtic civilisation in Bohemia. The cemetery Manětín Hrádek – Počátky keltské civilizace v Čechách. Pohřebiště Manětín-Hrádek. Praha: Krystal OP, 1994. 220 pp., figs., tabs. and maps. German, English, and Czech.
ISBN: 80-901528-6-4

Publication of the excavation results of one of the largest West Bohemian Ha C to LT A cemeteries, investigated by the author in 1965-82. 228 cremation graves and other features were recorded. Glass beads from the site studied by N. Venclová. Documentation of find assemblage from Ha D2-3 to LT A cremation graves from the region of Blatná in South Bohemia is also included.
6,- EUR
Vencl, Slavomil (ed.): Nejstarší osídlení jižních Čech. Paleolit a Mesolit. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2006. 475 pp. with figs., 28 pls. Czech, English and German summaries.
ISBN: 80-86124-63-0

The volume presents the first overview of the pre-Neolithic finds from South Bohemia. The catalogue of finds (S. Vencl, J. Michálek, J. Fröhlich) includes about 700 site records. The prevalence of acid soils, negligible quaternary sedimentation as well as intensive denudation resulted in the limited preservation of the primary contexts. Partly preserved were only some of the sites within the time span from the Magdalenian up to the Mesolithic. Attached are analyses by I. Horáček - P. Pokorný (Environmental background for the oldest settlement in South Bohemia), and A. Přichystal (Lithic raw materials of pre-Neolithic settlement in South Bohemia).
19,- EUR
Výzkumy v Čechách 2003. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2006. 464 with figs. and maps.
ISBN 80-8124-61-4
17,- EUR
Durdík, Tomáš (ed.): Castrum Bene 9: Burg und Ihr Bauplatz. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR; Praha: Společnost přátel starožitností, 2006. 443 pp. with figs, Contributions in English, German, and French.
ISBN 80-86124-59-2

Proceedings of the international conference on castellology held at Hrubá Skála, Bohemia. in 2005. The papers, given by the leading researches in this field, deal with a broad spectrum of views on the relations between the castle and its building site. The geographical area concerned reaches from Switzerland to Greece and from the Baltic to Slovinia.
20,- EUR

CD reprint 2006
Pavlů, Ivan: Life on a Neolithic site. Bylany – situational analysis of artefacts. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2000. 340 pp. with figs. and maps, Czech summary (reprinted edition on CD, 2006)
ISBN: 80-86124-24-X

The volume offers situational analysis of different kinds of movable and immovable artifacts. The world of physical facts is dustinguished from the subjective experiences as well as objective theories. The attributes for each kind of artifact are arranged according to their form, function and design or style. They create a base for formal, functional and stylistical classifications. Not only ceramics or stone implements but also houses as well as the whole settlement are considered as artifacts. Because all finds represent only a refuse from the living culture, the structures of these finds are distorted in archaeological contexts by unspecifiable destructive processes. The presented interpretation of the life on a Neolithic site has to be considered as one of the possible historical images of that period.
6,- EUR

CD reprint 2006
Venclová, Natalie: Výroba a sídla v době laténské. Projekt Loděnice. S příspěvky E. Neustupného, M. Malkovského, B. Šákové a P. Valterové. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2001. 399 pp. with 111+26 figs. and 41 tabs., English summary (reprinted edition on CD, 2006).
ISBN: 80-86124-22-3

The Loděnice region in Central Bohemia is studied as a La Tene industrial zone with its specialized production – iron smelting and sapropelite working. The integration of results of a fieldwalking project with those gained by excavations of earlier non-systematic surface surveys is attempted. The data was analysed at different levels from artefactual/ecofactual up to the settlement/industrial zone level, using, a. o., mathematical methods supported by GIS (E. Neustupný). The volume comprises catalogue of sapropelite finds in Bohemia and expert studies in geology of iron sources (M. Malkovský) as well as petrology and palynology of sapropelite (B. Žáková and P. Valterová).
6,- EUR

CD reprint 2006
Zápotocká, Marie: Bestattungsritus des Böhmischen Neolithikums (550-4200 B.C.). Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 1998. 247 pp., 160 tabs., Czech summary (reprinted edition on CD, 2006).
ISBN: 80-86124-13-4

The volume concerns the Neolithic and early Eneolithic burial rite in Bohemia. The relationship between burial and settlement areas and the social significance of cemetery layout and grave types are studied. Detailed publication of the Stroked Pottery Culture cemeteries at Praha –Bubeneč, Miskovice and Plotiště nad Labem is included along with expert contributions by S. Vencl (lithics), V. Černý and P. Velemínský (anthropology). The catalogue records all known burials of the Linear Pottery Culture, Stroked Pottery Culture and Lengyel Culture (Late Moravian Painted Pottery) in Bohemia.
6,- EUR
2005   top
obálka publikace Tomková, Kateřina (ed.): Pohřbívání na Pražském hradě a jeho předpolích. Díl I.1. Castrum Pragense 7. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2005. 445 pp., tabs. and figs., Czech.
ISBN: 80-86124-56-8

This volume summarizes the results of investigations conducted in 2001-2003. It presents the Prague Castle not only as a residence of both secular and clerical elite but also as their final resting place between the late 9th century AD and modern times. Attention is paid to the burial rite and equipment of the elite members as well as other inhabitants of the Castle. Presented are the results of interdisciplinary teamwork research on metal jewelry and glass beads. The concluding set of papers presents basic information concerning the early medieval and Postmedieval burial area by the “Jízdárna” site, a. o. in the context of geomorphological research in the north foreground area of the Prague Castle. Abstracts of the papers as well as a catalogue of the early medieval burial sites is included in the volume I.2
16,- EUR
Hrdlička, Ladislav: Praha – podrobná mapa archeologických dokumentačních bodů na území pražské památkové rezervace. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2005. 529 pp. with figs. and maps, English summary.
ISBN: 80-86124-10-X

(Prague - Detailed Map of Archaeological Reference Points on the Territory of the Historic Centre of Prague) This book represents an addition to the detailed map of archaeological reference points on the territory of the monument reservation of the historic centre of Prague, which is to be found at the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, and at the Archaeological department of the National Heritage Institute at Prague. It contains accompanying notes to the map as well as a catalogue of the archaeological reference points.
13,- EUR
Hrdlička, Ladislav: Týnský dvůr a středověká Praha. Archeologický výzkum 1976-1986. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2005. 347 pp. with tabs and figs. Czech.
ISBN: 80-86124-60-6

Týnský dvůr and Mediaeval Prague. Archaeological Excavations 1976-1986 represents the preliminary publication of the ten-year-excavation of the Týnský dvůr and the houses conscription numbers 630/I, 639/I-642/I and 1049/I in Prague Old Town. It contains theoretical parts as well as catalogues of the finds and detailed documentation.
17,- EUR
Moucha, Václav: Hortfunde der frühen Bronzezeit in Böhmen. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2005. 292 pp. with figs., 217 tabs., Czech summary.
ISBN: 80-86124-57-6
The book is also available only on CD (ISBN: 976-80-86124-09-4) - price 4 EUR

The volume presents hoards of metal objects of the Early Bronze Age in Bohemia. It concerns the Únětice culture, where the deposition of bronze artefacts was frequent in the later phase. The hoard finds are classified according to Paul Reinecke’s chronological system (phases A1, A2, A2/B1). The structure of the hoards reflects the position of Bohemia on the boundary line of two different production zones: the southern (Danubian) and the northern (the territory of the „northern“ Únětice culture). It is difficult to tell whether the hoards have a profane or ritual character ; a situation made worse by the frequently inadequate information on find circumstances. Over 2000 objects are analysed and the majority illustrated. The text is supplemented by tables presenting detailed data on the artefacts (metal composition, dimensions, weight etc.
35,- EUR
Kuna, Martin et al.: Počátky raného středověku v Čechách. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2005. 593 pp. with figs. and pls., CD, English summary.
ISBN 80-86124-51-7

This volume summarizes the results of a series of archaeological excavations carried out on the northern edge of Prague in Roztoky during 1980-1989. Among other finds a large agglomeration of settlement features from the 6th and 7th centuries AD has been discovered here. These finds belong to the so called Prague Culture which is believed to represent the earliest Slavic populations in Central Europe. The unusually high number of early medieval houses and their location on the floor of a deep canyon-like valley is to much extent enigmatic. During the following period all activities on the site terminated, one of the earliest medieval hillforts was, however, built on the opposite side of the river.
20,- EUR
Maříková-Kubková, Jana (ed.): Castrum Pragense 6.. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2005. 152 pp. with figs. and tabs, English and German summaries.
ISBN 80-80124-54-1

This volume contains eight contributions concerning the Prague castle. The opening paper is a yet unpublished report on the history of archaeological excavations of the Prague castle by I. Borkovský. The following two articles deal with the wall paintings of the St. George basilica (Z. Všetečková) and of the St. Wenceslas chapel in the St. Vitus cathedral (M. Bartlová). J. Frolík and V. Siglová summarize the findings and preservation of the liturgical equipment, D. Foltýn and J. Maříková deal with the St. Thomas chapel during the Romanesque period of the St. Vitus cathedral. The volume also contains a preliminary report on the investigation of the Royal tomb (J. Maříková et al.), a review of the excavations in the „Prašný most“ area (G. Blažková-Dubská) and mortar analysis of the Virgin Mary church (A. Zeman et al.).
10,- EUR
Pavlů, Ivan (ed.): Bylany Varia 3. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2005. 177 pp. with figs. and tabs, English summary.
ISBN 80-86124-55-X

This volume summarizes the results of investigations conducted both in terms of the Bylany programme and subsequent projects related to the Kutná Hora region. Contents: 1. Research related to the Bylany site (L. Jiráň: Finds from the Urnfield period in the Neolitic settlement site at Bylany; I. Pavlů: The Neolithic settlement in the Bylany 2 micro-area; P. Květina: The possibilities of a micro-spatial analysis of artefacts in archaeological features; M. Zápotocká: A surface survey and excavations of the Bylany 5 micro-area), 2. The results of the archaeological prospection in the river Doubrava flood plain (I. Pavlů), 3. Natural science investigations in the river Doubrava flood plain (V. Beneš: radar survey; M. Karous and R. Křivánek: geophysical survey; J. Kadlec and M. Chadima: sedimentological investigation, mineralogical studies, geological survey), 4. Regional matters (M. Kalandřík: Environment of the Neolithic and Eneolithic settlements in eastern Bohemia; J. Valentová, R. Šumberová: The settlement of the river Klejnárka valley in the Roman time).
16,- EUR
obálka publikace Klápště, Jan (ed.): Water Management in Medieval Rural Economy : Les usages de l´eau en milieu rural au Moyen Âge. Ruralia V. Památky archeologické, Supplementum 17. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2005. 269 pp. with figs., English and German.
ISBN: 80-86124-52-5

The 2003 “Ruralia” (Jean-Marie Pesez conferences on medieval rural archaeology) conference held in France (Lyon/Villard-Sallet) focused on the various aspects of handling water in the rural environment. Contributors addressed issues such as water supply to the settlements and agricultural areas, drainage of the extensive landscape units, and exploitation of the water energy for corn mills and mines. The fifth volume of Ruralia further examines this significant area of contemporary European medieval archaeology and contains articles from over 40 researchers from several European countries and includes discussions of the Syrian and Moroccan problems.
20,- EUR
obálka publikace Fridrich, Jan - Sýkorová, Ivana: Bečov IV: sídelní areál středopaleolitického člověka v severozápadních Čechách. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2005. 285 pp. 127 figs., English summary.
ISBN 80-86124-53-3

The volume presents a complex study of an Early Acheulian settlement. For its area and the quantity of discovered artifacts it can be counted among the largest sites of this culture. A detailed characteristics of the geological and geomorphological situation and the findings is given as well as a precise description and analysis of the individual artifacts and their groups. A morphometric analysis, analysis of spatial distribution of artifacts and the Central European context of all findings is included.
15,- EUR
2004   top
obálka publikace Durdík, Tomáš (ed.): Castellologica bohemica 9. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2004. 502 pp. with figs., German summaries.
ISBN 80-86124-45-2

Papers dedicated to the broad field of castellological problems, esp. the investigation of castles, fortresses, militaria and everyday-life in Bohemia, but also in other European countries.
26,- EUR
obálka publikace Durdík, Tomáš: Nálezy z hradů přechodného typu (Hlavačov, Angerbach, Tachov). Funde aus der Burgen des Übergangstyps (Hlavačov, Angerbach, Tachov). Castellologica bohemica Fontes 1. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2004. 339 pp. with figs., German summary.

ISBN 80-86124-46-0

Catalogue of archeological finds discovered on three Czech transitional-type castles dated from the 13th century.
20,- EUR
obálka publikace Chytráček, Miroslav - Metlička, Milan: Die Höhensiedlungen der Hallstatt- und Latenezeit in Westböhmen. Památky archeologické. Supplementum 16. Mit Beiträgen von P. Pokorný und R. Kyselý. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2004. 303 pp. with figs., German.
ISBN 80-86124-47-9

51 sites with Iron Age (HaC-LTD) finds have been analyzed in Western Bohemia: 31 fortified sites, 16 unfortified sites and 4 sites with wooden enclosures situated on hilltops, spurs, or river terraces. The catalogue contains plans, drawings and photographic documentation of the sites and finds. The exact dating within the periods HaC-LTD is based on ceramic complexes as well as on finds of metal brooches and other artifacts. Spatial distribution of hilltop settlements is studied in relation to the natural environment and the settlement in their neighborhood. Analyses of evidence for agriculture in the region were carried out by P. Pokorný and osteological research by R. Kyselý.
42,- EUR
obálka publikace Nechvátal, Bořivoj: Kapitulní chrám sv. Petra a Pavla na Vyšehradě. Archeologický výzkum. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2004. 667 pp. with figs. and tabs., English and German summaries.
ISBN 80-86124-49-5

Excavations at the Capitular Church of SS Peter and Paul at Vyšehrad in Prague, the second most prominent basilica of the Přemyslid state, have been conducted by the Institute of Archaeology in Prague since 1966. The entire exterior ground area of the church was excavated from 1968-1991, while the interior of the contemporary church was investigated in 1981-1985. Seven construction periods were recorded, the oldest being romanesque from the times of the foundation of the church by the prince and first King of Bohemia, Vratislav II (1061-1092). The following reconstructions were held by Soběslav I, Eliška Přemyslovna, the last Přemyslid queen, and finally Charles IV. The last of the structural changes imprinted upon the church a High Gothic character which can be compared with the southern French basilicas (Toulouse, Narbonne). The volume not only summarizes the results of the archaeological investigation but also presents data gained by analyses of glass and tiles, and by anthropological, archaeozoological, petrological and dendrochronological research.
30,- EUR
Výzkumy v Čechách 2002. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2004. 416 pp. with maps.
ISBN 80-86124-50-9
17,- EUR
2003   top
obálka publikace Suchý, Marek: Solutio Hebdomadaria Pro Structura Templi Pragensis. Stavba svatovítské katedrály v letech 1372-1378. Díl I. Castrum Pragense 5. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2003. 176 pp. with pls., English summary.
ISBN 80-80624-39-8

The main topic of the book is an analysis of building accounts from the years 1372-1378. Contrary to older literature the study treats the accounts as a homogeneous source where all the entries are related to each other. A systematical synchronic and diachronic collation of the records reveals interpretative limits of the source and enables to describe the building activities week by week. Besides the activities of different participating crafts, the accounts inform about prices of building materials, tools, salaries, currency rates, carrying capacity of carts, building terminology etc. With the help of other not only written sources, we get an overview over supplies of raw materials from Prague hinterland including information about interaction between different crafts employed at the construction site and economical aspects of medieval building.
20,- EUR
obálka publikace Boháčová, Ivana (ed.): Stará Boleslav. Přemyslovský hrad v raném středověku. Mediaevalia archaeologica 5. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2003. 478 pp., English summary.
ISBN 80-86124-43-6

Presentation of the results of the 1st period of processing of the rescue excavation’s sources - determination of the major horizons of that site. Material culture and buildings characteristics incl. integral stone wall (with mortar binder) issue (testimony of ecofacts too). The first part of the presentation of the results of rescue excavations on an important, Early Medieval Přemyslid site. In addition to a large assemblage of artifacts and ecofacts, investigations yielded surprising evidence for the formation of the site, its sacral architecture and the evolution of its fortification system. Great attention was devoted to the pottery and its significance. The archaeological data are compared to historical issues which have hitherto been the preserve mainly of the written sources.
30,- EUR
obálka publikace Výzkumy v Čechách 2001. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2003. 448 pp. with maps.
ISBN 80-86124-44-4
17,- EUR
Výzkumy v Čechách 2000. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2003. 455 pp. with maps.
ISBN 80-86124-38-X
17,- EUR
2002   top
obálka publikace Durdík, Tomáš (ed.): Castellologica bohemica 8. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2002. 624 pp. with figs., German summaries.
ISBN 80-86124-37-1

Papers dedicated to the broad field of castellological problems, esp. the investigation of castles, fortresses, militaria and everyday-life in Bohemia, but also in other European countries.
26,- EUR
obálka publikace Klápště, Jan (ed.): Archeologie středověkého domu v Mostě (čp. 226). Mediaevalia archaeologica 4. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR; Most: Ústav archeologické památkové péče severozápadních Čech, 2002. 382 pp. with figs., 176 tabs., English summary.
ISBN 80-86124-35-5

Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. The nature of the field situation and the relevant finds assemblage. 3. The testimony of the artefacts. 4. The testimony of the ecofacts. 5. The mirror of archaeological excavation. 6. Report on the life in a medieval townhouse. 7. Catalogue of the excavations and artefact evidence. - The results from the excavation of an area covering 1500 square metres in the medieval centre of Most, carried out in 1976-77, is discussed. This was one of the two larger excavations that archaeologists were permitted in the town, which was then completely destroyed by brown coal surface mining. The volume offers an analysis of individual types of artefacts and ecofacts by 14 authors. The concluding chapters attempt a reconstruction of the archaeologically recognized reality in its relation to the historical evidence.
30,- EUR
obálka publikace Salač, Vladimír – Lang, Amei (eds.): Fernkontakte in der Eisenzeit. Dálkové kontakty v době železné. Konferenz Liblice 2000 . Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2002. 441 pp. with figs., Czech summary.
ISBN 80-86124-34-7

The volume assembles papers from an international conference dedicated to external contacts in the Iron Age from its beginnings to the decline of the La Tene culture. The book contains 29 contributions concerning wide territory from the British Isles to Moldavia and from Scandinavia to North Italy and the Balkans, and handling individual finds, sites and regions, or studying the subject in pan-European frame. Theoretical approaches to supra-regional contacts form an important part of the volume.
35,- EUR
obálka publikace Neustupný, Evžen (ed.): Archeologie nenalézaného. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR; Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita, 2002. 299 pp. with figs., English and German summaries.
ISBN 80-86473-22-8

Essays presented to the renown Czech archaeologist Slavomil Vencl on the occasion of his anniversary. The contributions reflect Vencl’s efforts to direct the attention of archaeology not only to the apparent phenomena repeatedly recorded by archaeological finds, but also to the archaeologically invisible components of past culture hardly considered at all by archeologists. The volume includes papers written by a selection of well known Czech archeologists, friends and colleagues as well as pupils, many of whom graduated from the Department of Archaeology, Pilsen University.
20,- EUR
Pavlů, Ivan (ed.): Bylany Varia 2. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2002. 227 pp. with figs., German and French summaries.
ISBN 80-86124-33-9

Collected papers dealing with the results of excavations in the region of Kutná Hora. The current processing of materials from the Neolithic site at Bylany continues in this publication. Besides the editorial introducing the new archaeological base of the Institute of Archaeology at Kutná Hora it consists of twelve papers dealing with prehistory of the Bylany microregion and with other components of the region.
30,- EUR
2001   top
obálka publikace Richter, Miroslav - Krajíc, Rudolf: Sezimovo Ústí. Archeologie středověkého poddanského města 2. Levobřežní předměstí – archeologický výzkum 1962-1988. Sezimovo Ústí – Archäologie der mittelalterlichen Untertanenstadt 2. Vorstadt am linken Flussufer – Archäologische Untersuchung 1962 – 1988. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR; Sezimovo Ústí: Městský úřad; Tábor: Husitské muzeum, 2001. 193 pp., 189 figs. 28 pls., German summary.
ISBN 80-86566-02-1

Overall overview of the settlement on the left bank of the Ližnice river from the 13th until 15th century. Concluding historic-archaeological evaluation of the settlement development until its destruction in the year 1420. The final chapter summarizes general information on the manufacture hinterland of the medieval city.
32,- EUR
2000   top
Čech, Petr - Dobeš, Miroslav: Sborník Miroslavu Buchvaldkovi. Most: Archeologický ústav AV ČR; Univerzita Karlova v Praze - Nakladatelství Karolinum; Ústav archeologické památkové péče severozápadních Čech, 2000. 313 pp. with figs. and tabs., German summary.
ISBN: 80-901828-6-0
26,- EUR
obálka publikace Durdík, Tomáš (ed.): Castellologica bohemica 7. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2000. 458 pp. with figs., 1 map, German summary.
ISBN 80-86124-29-0

Papers dedicated to the broad field of castellological problems, esp. the investigation of castles, fortresses, militaria and everyday-life in Bohemia, but also in other European countries.
26,- EUR
obálka publikace Klápště, Jan - Ježek, Martin: Brno a jeho region. Mediaevalia Archaeologica 2. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR; Brno: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2000. 277 pp. with figs., German summary.
ISBN 80-86124-25-8

Three studies concerned with the processes accompanying the creation of the city of Brno and its economic hinterland. The first traces the transformation from Early Medieval agglomeration to true town, the second considers the beginnings of towns in South Moravia and the third is devoted to the vegetation of Brno in the Middle Ages.
18,- EUR
obálka publikace Klápště, Jan (ed.): Ruralia III. Conference Ruralia III - Maynooth 1999. Památky archeologické. Supplementum 14. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2000. 302 pp. with figs., English, German and French.
ISBN 80-86124-28-2

24 papers from the conference Ruralia III held at the National University of Ireland at Maynooth 1999. The main theme of the conference was “Dispersed and nucleated medieval rural settlement”.
12,50 EUR
obálka publikace Pleiner, Radomír: Iron in archaeology: The European Bloomery Smelters. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 2000. 418 pp. with 73 figs. and 24 tabs., English.
ISBN 80-86124-26-6

Sources related to the earliest metallurgy of iron since the beginnings of the bloomery process up to the introduction of early blast furnaces: discovery of iron smelting and its spread, iron production regions, bloomeries, raw materials, metallurgical installations, products, waste. A concise history of ironmaking up to the High Middle Ages.
37,- EUR
1988-1999   top
obálka publikace Maříková-Kubková, Jana (ed.): Castrum Pragense 2. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR; Praha: Peres, 1999. 240 pp. with figs., English and German summaries.
ISBN: 80-86360-13-X

The medieval and postmedieval archaeology of Prague Castle: the Lobkowitz-Palace, Old Provostship and Kanovnická street excavation results. Also presented are floor tiles and a hoard of 16th c. coins, and the liturgical and archaeological sources concerning the Romanesque basilica of St. Vitus are confronted. Two texts from I. Borkovský´s estate are appended.
21,- EUR
obálka publikace Venclová, Natalie: Mšecké Žehrovice in Bohemia. Archaeological background to a Celtic hero, 3rd-2nd cent. B. C. Sceaux: Kronos B.Y. éditions, 1998. 384 pp. with figs., English, French, Czech summaries.
ISBN 2-910652-04-1

Mšecké Žehrovice belongs among the world-known archaeological sites mainly due to the discovery of the unique stone Celtic sculpture. Excavations in the years 1979-88 offered important data for the interpretation of the local settlement. Specialized papers written by 12 Czech and foreign researchers are incorporated in this volume (M. Beech, P. Drda, A. Kužvartová, J. N. Lanting, A. Majer, F. Marek, M. R. Megaw – J. V. S. Megaw, E. Neustupný, E. Opravil, R. Pleiner, P. Valterová, B. Žáková).
30,- EUR
obálka publikace Fridrich, Jan (ed.): 25 years of archaeological research in Bohemia. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Institute of Archaeology, Prague. Památky archeologické, Supplementum 1. Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 1994. 300 pp. with figs., English.

Overview of the activities of the Archaeological Institute in the last 25 years. For every time span the evolution of the theoretical approach, method and the find situation is described. In addition, the section devoted to the Middle Ages offers a structured composite bibliography and information on individual sites. Specific fields of research and projects are described as well (archaeological database of Bohemia, theory of settlement areas, aerial archaeology, natural sciences, archaeometallurgy, montane archaeology, numismatics, experimental archaeology, etc.).
16,- EUR
obálka publikace Archaeology in Bohemia 1986-1990 Praha: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, 1991. 266 pp. 102 figs., English.
ISBN 80-901026-1-1

Overview of the most important results of Bohemian prehistoric and medieval archaeology in the past five years. The presented theses of some theoretical projects and information gained through vast excavations as well as small rescue excavations.
8,- EUR
The Institute of Archaeology Prague
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