
Instructions for authors

The journal solicits only original, previously unpublished work. Articles can be written in Czech, Slovak, English, or German. Please be advised that if the article is written in a language that is not the author’s native language, authors are asked to have their manuscript carefully checked by a native speaker.

Manuscripts should be submitted both electronically and in one hard copy. Please email the article as an attached file to the address kga@ujc.cas.cz and send one hard copy, without showing the author’s name, to the postal address of the journal. The printed copy should be written in Microsoft Word, font size 12 pts., line spacing 1.5, and with sufficient margins.

Each submission must be accompanied by an abstract of 150-200 words, written in English.

The file with the electronic submission should contain the following:

  • The paper should be divided into sections (and, possibly, subsections). These are numbered in a decimal system, up to four levels (e.g. 1; 1.1; 1.1.2; If additional subsections are needed, use Roman numerals (I., II.) or letters (A.; a.).
  • Attested examples should be numbered sequentially, by using numbers enclosed in parentheses: (1). Examples are not indented but each example forms a separate paragraph. If an example consists of multiple sentences (for stylistic, contextual, etc. purposes), they are written in one contiguous sequence, not as separate (and numbered) paragraphs. The examples should be separated from the main text by a single line and typed in a different font, preferably in Verdana, size 9 pts, single spaced.
  • Each example is accompanied by reference to its source. If the example is taken from an electronic corpus, it is sufficient to name the corpus; if the corpus has a standard abbreviation, use the abbreviation, e.g. ČNK.
  • Tables must be numbered and each table must be accompanied by a caption. Tables are left-justified.
  • Footnotes are numbered sequentially and placed at the bottom of the page.
  • Literature cited in the text: (Daneš, 1969: 86).
  • Bibliographic references are formatted as follows:


Journal articles

Dušková, L. (1984): Some contrastive notes on interrogative sentences in Czech and in English. Philologica Pragensia, 72-82.

Articles in edited volumes:

Birjulin, N. A. - Chrakovskij, V. S. (2001): Imperative sentences: theoretical problems. In: V. S. Chrakovskij (ed.), Typology of Imperative Constructions. München: Lincom Europa, 3-54.


Zifonun, G. - Hoffmann, L. - Strecker, B. et al. (1997): Grammatik der deutschen Sprache, Bd. 2. Berlin – New York: Walter de Gruyter. 


The editors reserve the right to reject unsuitable submissions and to request revisions. Each submission will be reviewed anonymously by two reviewers, not by the journal’s editors.




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