After the establishment of CSAS:
CSAS Basic Library - Head Office of Scientific Information [Základní knihovna - Ústředí vědeckých informací ČSAV] (1953 - 1992) - making specialist literature available to users, background research, 68 boxes, 8 packages, 13 card-files, 1952 - 1981, inventory (1952 - 1970), take-over list
CSAS Encyclopaedic Institute [Encyklopedický institut ČSAV] (1959 - 1992) - preparation and editing of encyclopaedias, 81 packages, 15 books, 54 bundles, 1959 - 1992, take-over lists
CSAS Laboratory of Scientific film [Laboratoř vědeckého filmu ČSAV] (1954 - 1973) - study of life and nature through film, 14 boxes, 14 books, 1954 - 1973, inventory
Academia, CSAS Publishing House [Academia, nakladatelství ČSAV] (1953 - 1992), 65 boxes, 25 packages, 1952 - 1983, inventory (1952 - 1972), remainder unarranged
Commission for Scientific Research film affiliated to the CSAS Presidium [Komise pro vědeckovýzkumný film při presidiu ČSAV] (1961 - 1966) - study of life and nature through film, 4 boxes, 1961 - 1966, inventory
CSAS Czechoslovak Society for Scientific Cinematography [Československá společnost pro vědeckou kinematografii ČSAV] (1962 - 1992) - study of life and nature through film, 12 boxes, 15 packages, 1966 - 1972, inventory
CSAS Editorial Council [Ediční rada ČSAV] (1962 - 1992)- coordination of CSAS publication and editorial policy, 31 boxes, 1962 - 1989, inventory
Scientific film [Vědecký film] - collection of scientific and documentary films originating at CSAS institutes, 328 boxes of film, 1953 - 1985, catalogue