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ASTRONOMY and ASTROPHYSICS - institute record-groups

Giant telescope at the Ondřejov Observatory (from the CSAS Astronomical Institute record-group)

Before the establishment of CSAS:

Czechoslovak Astronomical Society [Československá astronomická společnost] (1917-1959) - astronomy, astrophysics, 47 boxes, 115 books, 1917-1958, inventory

Observatory of the German University in Prague [Sternwarte der deutschen Universität in Prag] (1919-1945) - astronomy, 6 boxes, 1919-1941, arranged

State Observatory [Státní hvězdárna] (1773-1950) - astronomy, 190 boxes, 330 books, 1775-1952, inventory

After the establishment of CSAS:


CSAS Astronomical Institute [Astronomický ústav ČSAV] (1954-1992) - astronomy, astrophysics, 13 boxes, 40 files, 20 packages, 1950-1974, unarranged

CSAS Astrophysics Observatory [Astrofyzikální observatoř ČSAV] (1953-1954) - astronomy, astrophysics, 7 boxes, 2 books, 1953 - 1954, arranged

CSAS Laboratory for Measuring Time [Laboratoř pro měření času ČSAV] (1953-1954) - astronomy, 3 boxes, 1953 -1954, inventory list


CSAS Scientific Board of Astronomy, Geophysics, Geodesy and Meteorology [Vědecké kolegium astronomy, geofyziky, geodezie, meteorologie ČSAV] (1962-1992) - astronomy, astrophysics, Earth sciences, 27 boxes, 2 packages, 1961 - 1983, inventory

Czechoslovak Astronomical Society affiliated to CSAS [Československá astronomická společnost při ČSAV] (1959-1992) - astronomy, astrophysics, 11 boxes, 1959 - 1978, inventory list

Interkosmos, government commission attached to CSAS (1965-1990), the body for collaboration with communist block countries on research and the utilization of space - astronomy, astrophysics, 126 boxes, 1968 - 1989, take-over list

Aktualizováno: 2009-06-25       © MÚA AV ČR. Podklady, Webmaster 2006