O ústavu Výzkum Studium Knihovna Časopis Aktuality Nabídka práce Hledání
Vstup do intranetu

Bureš Jan, MUDr., DrSc.
Ježek Karel, MUDr., PhD.
Klement Daniel, MUDr., PhD.
Košťál Lubomír, Mgr., PhD.
Kubík Štěpán, RNDr., PhD.
Nekovářová Tereza, RNDr. et PhDr. , PhD.
Stuchlík Aleš, RNDr. PhD.
Valeš Karel, RNDr. , PhD.
Vlček Kamil, Mgr., PhD.
Zápotocký Martin, RNDr., PhD.

PhD students
Blahna Karel, MUDr.
Fajnerová Iveta, Mgr.
Kenney Jana, Mgr.
Levčík David Mgr.
Ort Michael, MUDr., Ing.
Pokora Ondřej, Mgr.
Svoboda Jan, RNDr.
Šanda Pavel, Mgr.
Telenský Petr, RNDr.
Wittnerová Světlana, MUDr.

Technical Assistants
Fialová Michaela
Jeřábková Libuše
Kučera Martin, Ing.
Machková Jana
Müllerová Libuše
Zahálka Antonín

Hatalová Hanka
Dušková Lenka
Petrásek Tomáš
Rambousek Lukáš
Řezáčová Lenka

Department of Neurophysiology of Memory

List of publications in journals covered by Science Citation Index.

Authors of the department are red marked.
Authors of the Institute of Physiology are underlined.
Updated 2.4.2009

2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  1998  1997  1996  1995  1994  1993  


Kus V. - Prazak T. - Brauner P. - Hensler M. - Kuda O. - Flachs P. - Janovska P. - Medrikova D. - Rossmeisl M. - Jilkova Z. - Stefl B. - Pastalkova E. - Drahota Z. - Houstek J. - Kopecky J.
Induction of muscle thermogenesis by high-fat diet in mice: association with obesity-resistance.
American Journal of Physiology, 295(2), E356-E367, 2008
IF = 4,138(07)

Nedvidek J. - Nekovarova T. - Bures J.
Spatial choices of macaque monkeys based on the visual representation of the response space: Rotation of the stimuli.
Behavioural Brain Research, 193(2), 204-208, 2008
IF = 2,626(07)

Stuchlik A. - Petrasek T. - Vales K.
Dopamine D2 receptors and alpha1-adrenoceptors synergistically modulate locomotion and behavior of rats in a place avoidance task.
Behavioural Brain Research, 189(1), 139-144, 2008
IF = 2,626(07)

Lansky P. - Ditlevsen S.
A review of the methods for signal estimation in stochastic diffusion leaky integrate-and-fire neuronal models.
Biological Cybernetics, 99(), 253-262, 2008
IF = 1,694(07)

Lansky P. - Pokora O. - Rospars J. P.
Classification of stimuli based on stimulus–response curves and their variability.
Brain Research, 1225(), 57-66, 2008
IF = 2,218(07)

Rospars J. P. - Lansky P. - Chaput M. - Duchamp-Viret P.
Competitive and Noncompetitive Odorant Interactions in the Early Neural Coding of Odorant Mixtures.
Journal of Neuroscience, 28(10), 2659-2666, 2008
IF = 7,49(07)

Hampel D. - Lansky P.
On the estimation of refractory period.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 171(2), 288-295, 2008
IF = 1,884(07)

Pokora O. - Lansky P.
Statistical approach in search for optimal signal in simple olfactory neuronal models.
Mathematical Biosciences, 214(), 100-108, 2008
IF = 1,186(07)

Pawlas Z. - Klebanov L. B. - Prokop M. - Lansky P.
Parameters of Spike Trains Observed in a Short Time Windows.
Neural Computation, 20(5), 1325-1343, 2008
IF = 2,335(07)

Picchini U. - Ditlevsen S. - De Gaetano A. - Lansky P.
Parameters of the Diffusion Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neuronal Model for a Slowly Fluctuating Signal.
Neural Computation, 20(11), 2696-2714, 2008
IF = 2,335(07)

Miyashita T. - Kubik S. - Lewandowski G. - Guzowski J. F.
Networks of neurons, networks of genes: An integrated view of memory consolidation.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 89(3), 269-284, 2008
IF = 3,443(07)

Stuchlik A. - Vales K.
Role of alpha1- and alpha2-adrenoceptors in the regulation of locomotion and spatial behavior in the active place avoidance task: A dose–response study.
Neuroscience Letters, 433(3), 235-240, 2008
IF = 2,085(07)

Svoboda J. - Telensky P. - Blahna K. - Zach P. - Bures J. - Stuchlik A.
Lesion of posterior parietal cortex in rats does not disrupt place avoidance based on either distal or proximal orienting cues.
Neuroscience Letters, 445(1), 73-77, 2008
IF = 2,085(07)

Serrano P. - Friedman E.L. - Kenney J. - Taubenfeld S.M. - Zimmerman J.M. - Hanna J. - Alberini C. - Kelley A.E. - Maren S. - Rudy J.W. - Yin J.C.P. - Sacktor T.C. - Fenton A.A.
PKMzeta Maintains Spatial, Instrumental, and Classically Conditioned Long-Term Memories.
P L o S Biology, 6(12), 2698-2706, 2008
IF = 13,501(07)

Bibbona E. - Lansky P. - Sacerdote L. - Sirovich R.
Errors in estimation of the input signal for integrate-and-fire neuronal models.
Physical Review. E, 78(1), 1-10, 2008
IF = 2,483(07)

Kostal L. - Lansky P.
Randomness of spontaneous activity and information transfer in neurons.
Physiological Research, 57(), S133-S138, 2008
IF = 1,505(07)

Petrovic M. - Vales K. - Putnikovic B. - Djulejic V. - Mitrovic D. M.
Ryanodine receptors, voltage-gated calcium channels and their relationship with protein kinase A in the myocardium.
Physiological Research, 57(2), 141-149, 2008
IF = 1,505(07)

Kostal L. - Lansky P. - Rospars J. P.
Efficient Olfactory Coding in the Pheromone Receptor Neuron of a Moth.
PLoS Computational Biology, 4(4), 1-11, 2008
IF = 6,236(07)

Bubenikova-Valesova V. - Stuchlik A. - Svoboda J. - Bures J. - Vales K.
Risperidone and ritanserin but not haloperidol block effect of dizocilpine on the active allothetic place avoidance task.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105(3), 1061-1066, 2008
IF = 9,598(07)


Stuchlik A.
Further study of the effects of dopaminergic D1 drugs on place avoidance behavior using pretraining: Some negative evidence.
Behavioural Brain Research, 178(1), 47-52, 2007
IF = 2,626(07)

Kostal L. - Lansky P.
Variability and randomness in stationary neuronal aktivity.
Biosystems, 89(), 44-49, 2007
IF = 1,646(07)

Lansky P. - Greenwood P.E.
Optimal signal in sensory neurons under an extended rate coding concept.
Biosystems, 89(), 10-15, 2007
IF = 1,646(07)

Kostal L. - Lansky P. - Rospars J. P.
Neuronal coding and spiking randomness.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 26(10), 2693-2988, 2007
IF = 3,673(07)

Greenwood P.E. - Lansky P.
Information content in threshold data with non-Gaussian noise.
Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 7(1), L79-L89, 2007
IF = 0,696(07)

Lansky P. - Sanda P. - Weiss M.
Modeling the influence of non-adherence on antibiotic efficacy: application to ciprofloxacin.
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 45(8), 438-447, 2007
IF = 1,281(07)

Kubik S. - Miyashita T. - Guzowski J. F.
Using immediate-early genes to map hippocampal subregional functions.
Learning & Memory, 14(11), 758-770, 2007
IF = 4,037(07)

Lansky P. - Sacerdote L. - Zucca Ch.
Optimum signal in a diffusion leaky integrate-and-fire neuronal model.
Mathematical Biosciences, 207(2), 261-274, 2007
IF = 1,186(07)

Kostal L. - Lansky P. - Zucca Ch.
Randomness and variability of the neuronal activity described by the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model.
Network-Computation in Neural Systems, 18(1), 63-75, 2007
IF = 1,385(07)

Vafaei A. A. - Jezek K. - Bures J. - Fenton A.A. - Rashidy-Pour A.
Post-training reversible inactivation of the rat’s basolateral amygdala interferes with hippocampus-dependent place avoidance memory in a time-dependent manner.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 88(1), 87-93, 2007
IF = 3,443(07)

Kostal L. - Lansky P. - Rospars J. P.
Encoding of pheromone intensity by dynamic activation of pheromone receptors.
Neurocomputing, 70(), 1759-1763, 2007
IF = 0,865(07)

Stuchlik A. - Rehakova L. - Telensky P. - Vales K.
Morris water maze learning in Long-Evans rats is differentially affected by blockade of D1-like and D2-like dopamine receptors.
Neuroscience Letters, 422(3), 169-174, 2007
IF = 2,085(07)

Stuchlik A. - Rehakova L. - Rambousek L. - Svoboda J. - Vales K.
Manipulation of D2 receptors with quinpirole and sulpiride affects locomotor activity before spatial behavior of rats in an active place avoidance task.
Neuroscience Research, 58(2), 133-139, 2007
IF = 2,121(07)

Ditlevsen S. - Lansky P.
Parameters of stochastic diffusion processes estimated from observations of first-hitting times: Application to the leaky integrate-and-fire neuronal model.
Physical Review. E, 76(4), 041906-1-04196-5, 2007
IF = 2,483(07)

Hort J. - Laczo J. - Vyhnalek M. - Bojar M. - Bures J. - Vlcek K.
Spatial navigation deficit in amnestic mild cognitive impairment.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104(10), 4042-4047, 2007
IF = 9,598(07)


Nekovarova T. - Nedvidek J. - Bures J.
Spatial choices of macaque monkeys based on abstract visual stimuli.
Behavioural Brain Research, 174(1), 93-100, 2006
IF = 2,591(06)

Nekovarova T. - Nedvidek J. - Bures J.
Spatial choices of rats based on abstract visual information: Pattern- or configuration-discrimination?.
Behavioural Brain Research, 172(2), 264-271, 2006
IF = 2,591(06)

Stuchlik A. - Vales K.
Effect of dopamine D1 receptor antagonist SCH23390 and D1 agonist A77636 on active allothetic place avoidance, a spatial cognition task.
Behavioural Brain Research, 172(2), 250-255, 2006
IF = 2,591(06)

Zach P. - Krivanek J. - Vales K.
Serotonin and dopamine in the parabrachial nucleus of rats during conditioned taste aversion learning.
Behavioural Brain Research, 170(2), 271-276, 2006
IF = 2,591(06)

Kostal L. - Lansky P.
Similarity of interspike interval distributions and information gain in a stationary neuronal firing.
Biological Cybernetics, 94(2), 157-167, 2006
IF = 1,474(06)

Skoda D. - Kranda K. - Bojar M. - Glosova L. - Baurle J. - Kenney J. - Romportl D. - Pelichovska M. - Cvachovec K.
Antibody formation against beta-tubulin class III in response to brain trauma.
Brain Research Bulletin, 68(4), 213-216, 2006
IF = 1,684(06)

Laczo J. - Hort J. - Vlcek K. - Vyhnalek M. - Bojar M. - Vajnerova O. - Holmerova I. - Horinek D. - Kalina M. - Bures J.
Poruchy prostorove pameti u Alzheimerovy choroby jsou detekovatelne jiz u pacientu s Mirnou kognitivni poruchou.
Ceska a Slovenska neurologie a neurochirurgie, (6), 431-437, 2006
IF = 0,045(06)

Vales K. - Zach P. - Bielavska E.
Metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonists but not NMDA antagonists affect conditioned taste aversion acquisition in the parabrachial nucleus of rats.
Experimental Brain Research, 169(1), 50-57, 2006
IF = 1,959(06)

Petrović M. M. - Vales K. - Stojan G. - Basta-Jovanović G. - Mitrović D. M.
Regulation of selectivity and translocation of aquaporins: an update.
Folia Biologica, 52(5), 173-180, 2006
IF = 0,387(06)

Lansky P. - Sanda P. - He J.
The parameters of the stochastic leaky integrate-and-fire neuronal model.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 21(2), 211-223, 2006
IF = 1,667(06)

Olypher A.V. - Klement D. - Fenton A.A.
Cognitive disorganization in hippocampus: a physiological model of the disorganization in psychosis.
Journal of Neuroscience, 26(1), 158-168, 2006
IF = 7,453(06)

Kostal L. - Lansky P.
Classification of stationary neuronal activity according to its information rate.
Network-Computation in Neural Systems, 17(2), 193-210, 2006
IF = 1(06)

Horak M. - Vlcek K. - Chodounska H. - Vyklicky ml. L.
Subtype-dependence of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor modulation by pregnenolone sulfate.
Neuroscience, 137(1), 93-102, 2006
IF = 3,427(06)

Nekovarova T. - Bures J.
Spatial decisions in rats based on the geometry of computer-generated patterns.
Neuroscience Letters, 394(3), 211-215, 2006
IF = 2,092(06)

Vales K. - Bubenikova-Valesova V. - Klement D. - Stuchlik A.
Analysis of sensitivity to MK-801 treatment in a novel active allothetic place avoidance task and in the working memory version of the Morris water maze reveals differences between Long-Evans and Wistar rats.
Neuroscience Research, 55(4), 383-388, 2006
IF = 1,953(06)

Ditlevsen S. - Lansky P.
Estimation of the input parameters in the Feller neuronal model.
Physical Review E, 73(6), 061910 /1/-061910 /9/, 2006
IF = 2,438(06)

Kubik S. - Stuchlik A. - Fenton A.A.
Evidence for hippocampal role in place avoidance other than merely memory storage.
Physiological Research, 55(4), 445-452, 2006
IF = 2,093(06)

Nekovarova T. - Klement D.
Operant behavior of the rat can be controlled by the configuration of objects in an animated scene displayed on a computer screen.
Physiological Research, 55(1), 105-113, 2006
IF = 2,093(06)

Malm T. - Ort M. - Tahtivaara L. - Jukarainen N. - Goldsteins G. - Puolivali J. - Nurmi A. - Pussinen R. - Ahtoniemi T. - Miettinen T.K. - Kanninen K. - Leskinen S. - Vartiainen N. - Yrjanheikki J. - Laatikainen R. - Harris-White M.E. - Koistinaho M. - Frautschy S.A. - Bures J. - Koistinaho J.
beta-Amyloid infusion results in delayed and age-dependent learning deficits without role of inflammation or beta-amyloid deposits.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(23), 8852-8857, 2006
IF = 9,643(06)


Kalova E. - Vlcek K. - Jarolimova E. - Bures J.
Allothetic orientation and sequential ordering of places is impaired in early stages of Alzheimer's disease: corresponding results in real space tests and computer tests.
Behavioural Brain Research, 159(2), 175-186, 2005
IF = 2,865(05)

Stuchlik A. - Vales K.
Systemic administration of MK-801, a non-competitive NMDA-receptor antagonist, elicits a behavioural deficit of rats in the Active Allothetic Place Avoidance (AAPA) task irrespectively of their intact spatial pretraining.
Behavioural Brain Research, 159(1), 163-171, 2005
IF = 2,865(05)

Vales K. - Stuchlik A.
Central muscarinic blockade interferes with retrieval and reacquisition of active allothetic place avoidance despite spatial pretraining.
Behavioural Brain Research, 161(2), 238-244, 2005
IF = 2,865(05)

Greenwood P.E. - Lansky P.
Optimum signal in a simple neuronal model with signal-dependent noise.
Biological Cybernetics, 92(3), 199-205, 2005
IF = 1,398(05)

Marsalek P. - Lansky P.
Proposed mechanisms for coincidence detection in the auditory brainstem.
Biological Cybernetics, 92(6), 445-451, 2005
IF = 1,398(05)

Kelemen E. - Moron I. - Fenton A.A.
Is the hippocampal theta rhythm related to cognition in a non-locomotor place recognition task?.
Hippocampus, 15(4), 472-479, 2005
IF = 3,781(05)

Klement D. - Pastalkova E. - Fenton A.A.
Tetrodotoxin infusions into the dorsal hippocampus block non-locomotor place recognition.
Hippocampus, 15(4), 460-471, 2005
IF = 3,781(05)

Touretzky D. S. - Weisman W. E. - Fuhs M. C. - Skaggs W. E. - Fenton A.A. - Muller R. U.
Deforming the hippocampal map.
Hippocampus, 15(1), 41-55, 2005
IF = 3,781(05)

Duchamp-Viret P. - Kostal L. - Chaput M. - Lansky P. - Rospars J. P.
Patterns of spontaneous activity in single rat olfactory receptor neurons are different in normally breathing and tracheotomized animals.
Journal of Neurobiology, 65(2), 97-114, 2005
IF = 4,17(05)

Kubik S. - Fenton A.A.
Behavioral evidence that segregation and representation are dissociable hippocampal functions.
Journal of Neuroscience, 25(40), 9205-9212, 2005
IF = 7,506(05)

Wesierska M. - Dockery C. - Fenton A.A.
Beyond memory, navigation, and inhibition: behavioral evidence for hippocampus-dependent cognitive coordination in the rat.
Journal of Neuroscience, 25(9), 2413-2419, 2005
IF = 7,506(05)

Lansky P. - Greenwood P.E.
Optimal signal estimation in neuronal models.
Neural Computation, 17(10), 2240-2257, 2005
IF = 2,591(05)

Ditlevsen S. - Lansky P.
Estimation of the input parameters in the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck neuronal model.
Physical Review E, 71(1 /1/), 011907 /1/-011907 /9/, 2005
IF = 2,418(05)

Sykova E. - Vorisek I. - Antonova T. - Mazel T. - Meyer-Luehmann M. - Jucker M. - Hajek M. - Ort M. - Bures J.
Changes in extracellular space size and geometry in APP23 transgenic mice: a model of Alzheimer's disease.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(2), 479-484, 2005
IF = 10,231(05)

Vacik T. - Ort M. - Gregorova S. - Blatny R. - Strnad P. - Conte N. - Bradley A. - Bures J. - Forejt J.
Segmental trisomy of chromosome 17: a mouse model of human aneuploidy syndromes.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(12), 4500-4505, 2005
IF = 10,231(05)


Kubova H. - Mares P. - Suchomelova L. - Brozek G. - Druga R. - Pitkanen A.
Status epilepticus in immature rats leads to behavioural and cognitive impairment and epileptogenesis.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 19(12), 3255-3265, 2004
IF = 3,82(04)

Di Maio V. - Lansky P. - Rodriguez R.
Different types of noise in leaky integrate-and-fire model of neuronal dynamics with discrete periodical input.
General Physiology and Biophysics, 23(1), 21-38, 2004
IF = 0,694(04)

Lansky P. - Lanska V. - Weiss M.
A stochastic differential equation model for drug dissolution and its parameters.
Journal of Controlled Release, 100(2), 267-274, 2004
IF = 3,297(04)

Horak M. - Vlcek K. - Petrovic M. - Chodounska H. - Vyklicky ml. L.
Molecular mechanism of pregnenolone sulfate action at NR1/NR2B receptors.
Journal of Neuroscience, 24(46), 10318-10325, 2004
IF = 7,907(04)

Rospars J.P. - Lansky P.
Stochastic pulse stimulation in chemoreceptors and its properties.
Mathematical Biosciences, 188(1-2), 133-145, 2004
IF = 1,699(04)

Lansky P. - Rodriguez R. - Sacerdote L.
Mean instantaneous firing frequency is always higher than the firing rate.
Neural Computation, 16(3), 477-489, 2004
IF = 2,364(04)

Manrique T. - Molero A. - Ballesteros M. A. - Moron I. - Gallo M. - Fenton A.A.
Time of day-dependent latent inhibition of conditioned taste aversions in rats.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 82(2), 77-80, 2004
IF = 4,443(04)

Stepankova K. - Fenton A.A. - Pastalkova E. - Kalina M. - Bohbot V.D.
Object–location memory impairment in patients with thermal lesions to the right or left hippocampus.
Neuropsychologia, 42(8), 1017-1028, 2004
IF = 3,668(04)

Turecek R. - Vlcek K. - Petrovic M. - Horak M. - Vlachova V. - Vyklicky ml. L.
Intracellular spermine decreases open probability ofN-methyl-d-aspartate receptor channels.
Neuroscience, 125(4), 879-887, 2004
IF = 3,456(04)

Sambeth A. - Maes J.H.R. - Brankack J.
With long intervals, inter-stimulus interval is the critical determinant of the human P300 amplitude.
Neuroscience Letters, 359(3), 143-146, 2004
IF = 2,019(04)

Stuchlik A. - Rezacova L. - Vales K. - Bubenikova V. - Kubik S.
Application of a novel Active Allothetic Place Avoidance task (AAPA) in testing a pharmacological model of psychosis in rats: comparison with the Morris Water Maze.
Neuroscience Letters, 366(2), 162-166, 2004
IF = 2,019(04)

Bures J. - Lansky P.
From spreading depression to spatial cognition.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl.1), S177-S185, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)


Stepankova K. - Pastalkova E. - Kalova E. - Bures J.
A battery of tests for quantitative examination of idiothetic and allothetic place navigation modes in humans.
Behavioural Brain Research, 147(1-2), 95-105, 2003
IF = 2,817(03)

Lansky P. - Weiss M.
Role of heterogeneity in deterministic models of drug dissolution and their statistical characteristics.
BioSystems, 71(1-2), 123-131, 2003
IF = 0,971(03)

Rospars J.P. - Lansky P. - Duchamp A. - Duchamp-Viret P.
Relation between stimulus and response in frog olfactory receptor neurons in vivo.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 18(5), 1135-1154, 2003
IF = 3,872(03)

Meunier N. - Marion-Poll F. - Lansky P. - Rospars J. P.
Estimation of the individual firing frequencies of two neurons recorded with a single electrode.
Chemical Senses, 25(8), 671-679, 2003
IF = 2,691(03)

Rospars J.P. - Lansky P. - Krivan V.
Extracellular transduction events under pulsed stimulation in moth olfactory sensilla.
Chemical Senses, 28(6), 506-522, 2003
IF = 2,691(03)

Guenot M. - Bullier J. - Rospars J.P. - Lansky P. - Mertens P. - Sindou M.
Single-unit analysis of the spinal dorsal horn in patients with neuropathic pain.
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 20(2), 143-150, 2003
IF = 2,294(03)

Olypher A.V. - Lansky P. - Muller R.U. - Fenton A.A.
Quantifying location-specific information in the discharge of rat hippocampal place cells.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 127(2), 123-135, 2003
IF = 1,777(03)

Lansky P. - Weiss M.
Classification of dissolution profiles in terms of fractional dissolution rate and a novel measure of heterogeneity.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 92(8), 1632-1647, 2003
IF = 2,07(03)

Rodriguez R. - Lansky P. - Di Maio V.
Vesicular mechanisms and estimates of firing probability in a network of spiking neurons.
Physica D, 181(1-2), 132-145, 2003
IF = 1,559(03)

Pastalkova E. - Kelemen E. - Bures J.
Operant behavior can be triggered by the position of the rat relative to objects rotating on an inaccessible platform.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 100(4), 2094-2099, 2003
IF = 10,272(03)


Mazurova Y. - Valouskova V. - Osterreicher J.
The reaction of the subependymal layer of lateral brain ventricles to striatal ibotenic acid lesions in a long-term study.
Acta Histochemica, 104(4), 375-379, 2002
IF = 0,867(02)

Bielavska E. - Kren V. - Musilova A. - Zidek V. - Pravenec M.
Genome scanning of the HXB/BXH sets of recombinant inbred strains of the rat for quantitative trait loci associated with conditioned taste aversion.
Behavior Genetics, 32(1), 51-56, 2002
IF = 2,848(02)

Stuchlik A. - Bures J.
Relative contribution of allothetic and idiothetic navigation to place avoidance on stable and rotating arenas in darkness.
Behavioural Brain Research, 128(2), 179-188, 2002
IF = 2,791(02)

Krivan V. - Lansky P. - Rospars J.P.
Coding of periodic pulse stimulation in chemoreceptors.
Biosystems, 67(1-3), 121-128, 2002
IF = 0,846(02)

Olypher A.V. - Lansky P. - Fenton A.A.
On the location-specific positional and extra-positional information in the discharge of rat hippocampal cells.
Biosystems, 67(1-3), 167-175, 2002
IF = 0,846(02)

Sacerdote L. - Lansky P.
Interspike interval statistics in the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck neuronal model with signal-dependent noise.
Biosystems, 67(1-3), 213-219, 2002
IF = 0,846(02)

Fuhry L. - Nedvidek J. - Haburcakova C. - Buttner U.
Non-linear interaction of angular and translational vestibulo-ocular reflex during eccentric rotation in the monkey.
Experimental Brain Research, 143(3), 303-317, 2002
IF = 2,3(02)

Olypher A.V. - Lansky P. - Fenton A.A.
Properties of the extra-positional signal in hippocampal place cell discharge derived from the overdispersion in location-specific firing.
Neuroscience, 111(3), 553-566, 2002
IF = 3,457(02)

Bohbot V.D. - Jech R. - Ruzicka E. - Nadel L. - Kalina M. - Stepankova K. - Bures J.
Rat spatial memory tasks adapted for humans: characterization in subjects with intact brain and subjects with medial temporal lobe lesions.
Physiological Research, 51(Suppl. 1), S49-S65, 2002
IF = 0,984(02)

Jezek K. - Wesierska M. - Fenton A.A.
Hippocampus-dependent retrieval and hippocampus-independent extinction of place avoidance navigation, and stress-induced out-of-context activation of a memory revealed by reversible lesion experiments in rats.
Physiological Research, 51(Suppl. 1), S35-S47, 2002
IF = 0,984(02)

Koistinaho M. - Kettunen M.I. - Goldsteins G. - Keinanen R. - Salminen A. - Ort M. - Bures J. - Liu D. - Kauppinen R.A. - Higgins L.S. - Koistinaho J.
Beta-amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice that harbor diffuse A beta deposits but do not form plaques show increased ischemic vulnerability: role of inflammation.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99(3), 1610-1615, 2002
IF = 10,7(02)


Cimadevilla J.M. - Fenton A.A. - Bures J.
Transient sex differences in the between-sessions but not in the within-session memory underlying and active place avoidance task in weanling rats.
Behavioral Neuroscience, 115(3), 695-703, 2001
IF = 2,86(01)

Cimadevilla J.M. - Fenton A.A. - Bures J.
New spatial cognition tests for mice: passive place avoidance on rotating arenas.
Brain Research Bulletin, 54(5), 559-563, 2001
IF = 1,783(01)

Lansky P. - Getz W.M.
Receptor heterogeneity and its effect on sensitivity and coding range in olfactory sensory neurons.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 63(5), 885-908, 2001
IF = 1,316(01)

Lansky P. - Krivan V. - Rospars J.P.
Ligand-receptor interaction under periodic stimulation: a modeling study of concentration chemoreceptors.
European Biophysics Journal, 30(2), 110-120, 2001
IF = 1,917(01)

Getz W.M. - Lansky P.
Receptor dissociation constants and the information entropy of membranes coding ligand concentration.
Chemical Senses, 26(2), 95-104, 2001
IF = 2,647(01)

Czeh B. - Stuchlik A. - Wesierska M. - Cimadevilla J.M. - Pokorny J. - Seress L. - Bures J.
Effect of neonatal dentate gyrus lesion on allothetic and idiothetic navigation in rats.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 75(2), 190-213, 2001
IF = 1,83(01)

Krivanek J.
Conditioned taste aversion and Ca/calmodulin-dependent kinase II in the parabrachial nucleus of rats.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 76(1), 46-56, 2001
IF = 1,83(01)

Sacchetti B. - Baldi E. - Tassoni G. - Bielavska E.
CAMKII inhibition in the parabrachial nuclei elicits conditioned taste aversion in rats.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 75(3), 253-261, 2001
IF = 1,83(01)

Lansky P. - Fenton A.A. - Vaillant J.
The overdispersion in activity of place cells.
Neurocomputing, 38-40(-), 1393-1399, 2001
IF = 0,534(01)

Rospars J.P. - Lansky P. - Duchamp-Viret P. - Duchamp A.
Characterizing and modeling concentration-response curves of olfactory receptor cells.
Neurocomputing, 38-40(-), 319-325, 2001
IF = 0,534(01)

Moron I. - Ballesteros M.A. - Valouskova V. - Gallo M.
Conditioned blocking is re-established by neurotransplantation in mature rats.
Neuroreport, 12(11), 2297-2301, 2001
IF = 2,374(01)

Stuchlik A. - Kubova H. - Mares P.
Single systemic dose of vigabatrin induces early proconvulsant and later anticonvulsant effect in rats.
Neuroscience Letters, 312(1), 37-40, 2001
IF = 2,021(01)

Lansky P. - Weiss M.
Modeling heterogeneity of particles and random effects in drug dissolution.
Pharmaceutical Research, 18(7), 1061-1067, 2001
IF = 2,801(01)

Lansky P. - Sacerdote L.
The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck neuronal model with signal-dependent noise.
Physics Letters A, 285(3-4), 132-140, 2001
IF = 1,22(01)

Cimadevilla J.M. - Wesierska M. - Fenton A.A. - Bures J.
Inactivating one hippocampus impairs avoidance of a stable room-defined place during dissociation of arena cues from room cues by rotation of the arena.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 98(6), 3531-3536, 2001
IF = 10,896(01)

Koistinaho M. - Ort M. - Cimadevilla J.M. - Vondrous R. - Cordell B. - Koistinaho J. - Bures J. - Higgins L.
Specific spatial learning deficits become severe with age in beta -amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice that harbor diffuse beta -amyloid deposits but do not form plaques.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 98(4), 14675-14680, 2001
IF = 10,896(01)

Stuchlik A. - Fenton A.A. - Bures J.
Substratal idiothetic navigation of rats is impaired by removal of devaluation of extramaze and intramaze cues.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 98(6), 3537-3542, 2001
IF = 10,896(01)


Rossier J. - Kaminskij J. - Schenk F. - Bures J.
The place preference task: A new tool for studying the relation between behavior and place cell activity in rats.
Behavioral Neuroscience, 114(2), 273-284, 2000
IF = 2,751(00)

Cimadevilla J.M. - Fenton A.A. - Bures J.
Continuous place avoidance task reveals differences in spatial navigation in male and female rats.
Behavioural Brain Research, 107, 161-169, 2000
IF = 2,263(00)

Hort J. - Brozek G. - Komarek V. - Langmeier M. - Mares P.
Interstrain differences in cognitive functions in rats in relation to status epilepticus.
Behavioural Brain Research, 112, 77-83, 2000
IF = 2,263(00)

Kittlerova P. - Valouskova V.
Retinal ganglion cells regenerating through the peripheral nerve graft retain their electroretinographic responses and mediate light-induced behavior.
Behavioural Brain Research, 112, 187-194, 2000
IF = 2,263(00)

Lansky P. - Vaillant J.
Stochastic model of the overdispersion in the place cell discharge.
BioSystems, 58(1-3), 27-32, 2000
IF = 0,699(00)

Rodriguez R. - Lansky P.
A simple stochastic model of spatially complex neurons.
BioSystems, 58(1-3), 49-58, 2000
IF = 0,699(00)

Rospars J.P. - Lansky P. - Duchamp-Viret P. - Duchamp A.
Spiking frequency versus odorant concentration in olfactory receptor neurons.
BioSystems, 58(1-3), 133-141, 2000
IF = 0,699(00)

Bielavska E. - Miksik I. - Krivanek J.
Glutamate in the parabrachial nucleus of rats during conditioned taste aversion.
Brain Research, 887, 413-417, 2000
IF = 2,526(00)

Rospars J.P. - Krivan V. - Lansky P.
Periceptor and receptor events in olfaction. Comparison of concentration and flux detectors: a modeling study.
Chemical Senses, 25, 293-311, 2000
IF = 2,176(00)

Vaillant J. - Lansky P.
Multidimensional counting processes and evoked neuronal activity.
IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology, 17, 53-73, 2000
IF = 0,897(00)

Fenton A.A. - Csizmadia G. - Muller R.
Conjoint control of hippocampal place cell firing by two visual stimuli I. the effects of moving the stimuli on firing field positions.
Journal of General Physiology, 116, 191-209, 2000
IF = 6,082(00)

Fenton A.A. - Csizmadia G. - Muller R.
Conjoint control of hippocampal place cell firing by two visual stimuli II. A vector-field theory that predicts modifications of the representation of the environment.
Journal of General Physiology, 116, 211-221, 2000
IF = 6,082(00)

Cimadevilla J.M. - Kaminskij J. - Fenton A.A. - Bures J.
Passive and active place avoidance as a tool of spatial memory research in rats.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 102, 155-164, 2000
IF = 1,477(00)

Cimadevilla J.M. - Fenton A.A. - Bures J.
Functional inactivation of dorsal hippocampus impairs active place avoidance in rats.
Neuroscience Letters, 285(1), 53-56, 2000
IF = 2,091(00)

Bures J. - Fenton A.A.
Neurophysiology of spatial cognition.
News in Physiological Sciences, 15, 233-240, 2000
IF = 2,06(00)

Rodriguez R. - Lansky P.
Effect of spatial extension on noise-enhanced phase locking in a leaky integrate-and-fire model of a neuron.
Physical Review E, 62(6), 8427-8437, 2000
IF = 2,142(00)

Nedvidek J. - Zicha J.
Baroreflex control of heart rate in young and adult salt hypertensive inbred dahl rats.
Physiological Research, 49, 323-330, 2000
IF = 1,366(00)

Klement D. - Bures J.
Place recognition monitored by location-driven operant responding during passive transport of the rat over a circular trajectory.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 97(6), 2946-2951, 2000
IF = 10,789(00)

Zinjuk L. - Kubik S. - Kaminskij J. - Fenton A.A. - Bures J.
Understanding hippocampal activity by using purposeful behavior: place navigation induces place cell discharge in both task-relevant and task-irrelevant spatial reference frames.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 97(7), 3771-3776, 2000
IF = 10,789(00)


Fuhry L. - Nedvidek J. - Haburcakova C. - Glasauer S. - Brozek G. - Buttner U.
VOR gain modulation in the monkey due to convergence of otolith and semicircular canal afferences during eccentric sinusoidal rotation.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 871, 398-401, 1999
IF = 0,964(99)

Bures J. - Fenton A.A.
The gap between episodic memory and experiment: can c-fos expression replace recognition testing.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22, 445-446, 1999
IF = 11,276(99)

Miniaci M. - Scotto P. - Bures J.
Place navigation in rats guided by a vestibular and kinesthetic orienting gradient.
Behavioral Neuroscience, 113(6), 1115-1123, 1999
IF = 2,719(99)

Lansky P. - Rodriguez R.
The spatial properties of a model neuron increase its coding range.
Biological Cybernetics, 81(2), 161-197, 1999
IF = 1,199(99)

Migliore M. - Lansky P.
Computational model of the effects of stochastic conditioning on the induction of long-term potentiation and depression.
Biological Cybernetics, 81, 291-298, 1999
IF = 1,199(99)

Magliore M. - Lansky P.
Long-term potentiation and depression induced by a stochastic conditioning of a model synapse.
Biophysical Journal, 77, 1234-1243, 1999
IF = 4,58(99)

Koroleva V. - Korolev O. - Mares V. - Pastalkova E. - Bures J.
Hippocampal damage induced by carbon monoxide poisoning and spreading depression is alleviated by chronic treatment with brain derived polypeptides.
Brain Research, 816, 618-627, 1999
IF = 2,302(99)

Bures J.
Leao s spreading depression of EEG activity.
Brain Research Bulletin, 50, 459, 1999
IF = 1,977(99)

Hort J. - Brozek G. - Mares P. - Langmeier M. - Komarek V.
Cognitive functions after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus: changes during silent priod precede appearance of spontaneous recurrent seizures.
Epilepsia, 40(9), 1177-1183, 1999
IF = 3,218(99)

Muller R.U. - Poucet B. - Fenton A.A. - Cressant A.
Is the hippocampus of the rat part of a specialized navigational system?
Hippocampus, 9(1050-), 413-422, 1999
IF = 4,979(99)

Valouskova V. - Gschanses A.
Effects of NGF, b-FGF, and cerebrolysin on water maze performance and on motor activity of rats: Short- and long-term study.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 71, 132-149, 1999
IF = 2,805(99)

Lansky P. - Weiss M.
Does the dose-solubility ratio affect the mean dissolution time of drugs ?
Pharmaceutical Research, 16(9), 1472-1478, 1999
IF = 2,847(99)

Lansky P. - Rodriguez R.
Two-compartment stochastic model of a neuron.
Physica D, 132, 267-286, 1999
IF = 1,361(99)


Lanska V. - Lansky P.
Input parameters in a one-dimensional neuronal model with reversal potentials.
BioSystems, 48(1-3), 123-129, 1998
IF = 0,759(98)

Lansky P. - Rospars J.P.
Odorant concentration and receptor potential in olfactory sensory neurons.
BioSystems, 48(1-3), 131-138, 1998
IF = 0,759(98)

Koroleva V.I. - Korolev O. - Loseva E. - Bures J.
The effect of MK-801 and of brain-derived polypeptides on the development of ischemic lesion induced by photothrombotic occlusion of the distal middle cerebral artery in rats.
Brain Research, 786, 104-114, 1998
IF = 2,15(98)

Sacchetti B. - Bielavska E.
Chelerythrine, a specific PKC inhibitor, blocks asquisition but not consolidation and retrieval of conditioned taste aversion in rat.
Brain Research, 799(1), 84-90, 1998
IF = 2,15(98)

Czeh B. - Seress L. - Nadel L. - Bures J.
Lateralized fascia dentata lesion and blockade of one hippocampus:effect on spatial memory in rats.
Hippocampus, 8, 647-650, 1998
IF = 4(98)

Valouskova V. - Francis-Turner L.
Can Cerebrolysin influenece chronic deterioration of spatial learning and memory ?
Journal of Neural Transmission, 53, 343-349, 1998
IF = 1,654(98)

Bures J. - Fenton A.A. - Kaminskij J. - Wesierska M. - Zahalka A.
Rodent navigation after dissociation of the allocentric and idiothetic representations of space.
Neuropharmacology, 37, 689-699, 1998
IF = 3,24(98)

Gallo M. - Bielavska E. - Roldan G. - Bures J.
Tetrodotoxin inactivation of the gustatory cortex disrupts the effect of the N-methyl-d-aspartate antagonist ketamine on latent inhibition of conditioned taste aversion in rats.
Neuroscience Letters, 240(2), 61-64, 1998
IF = 1,934(98)

Fenton A.A. - Wesierska M.L. - Kaminskij J. - Bures J.
Both here and there: Simultaneous expression of autonomous spatial memories in rats.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 95(19), 11493-11498, 1998
IF = 9,821(98)

Bures J. - Koroleva V.I. - Korolev O. - Mares V.
Slow-potential concomitants of forebrain focal ischemia and systemic hypoxia in rat brain.
Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoj Deyatelnosti, 48, 640-653, 1998
IF = 0,253(98)


Save E.
The contribution of visual and inertial mechanisms to navigation in total darkness.
Animal Learning and Behavior, 25(3), 324-334, 1997
IF = 1,411(97)

Gallo M. - Valouskova V. - Candido A.
Fetal hippocampal transplants restore conditioned blocking in rats with dorsal hippocampal lesions: effect of age.
Behavioural Brain Research, 88, 67-74, 1997
IF = 2,34(97)

Vermeulen A. - Lansky P. - Tuckwell H. - Rospars J.P.
Coding of odour intensity in a sensory neuron.
BioSystems, 40, 203-210, 1997
IF = 0,591(97)

Lansky P. - Veliskova J. - Velisek L.
An indirect method for absorption rate estimation: flurothyl-induced seizures.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 59, 569-579, 1997
IF = 1,022(97)

Smith C.E. - Lansky P. - Lung T.H.
Cycle-time and residence-time density approximations in a stochastic model for circulatory transport.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 59(1), 1-22, 1997
IF = 1,022(97)

Tuckwell H.C. - Lansky P.
On the simulation of biological diffusion processes.
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 27(1), 1-7, 1997
IF = 0,63(97)

Galef B.G. - Whiskin E. - Bielavska E.
Interaction with demonstrator rats changes observer rats´ affective responses to flavors.
Journal of Comparative Psychology, 111(4), 393-398, 1997
IF = 1,563(97)

Gschanes A. - Valouskova V. - Windisch M.
Ameliorative influence of a nootropic drug on motor activity of rats after bilateral carotid artery occlusion.
Journal of Neural Transmission, 104, 1319-1327, 1997
IF = 1,303(97)

Bohbot V. - Jech R. - Bures J. - Nadel L. - Ruzicka E.
Spatial and nonspatial memory involvement in myasthenia gravis.
Journal of Neurology, 244, 529-532, 1997
IF = 1,976(97)

Kobayashi T. - Nishio H. - Fukuda M. - Bures J. - Ono T.
Task-dependent representations in rat hippocampal place neurons.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 78, 597-613, 1997
IF = 3,263(97)

Francis-Turner L. - Liu Z. - Bures J.
Retrieval of overtrained place navigation during occlusion of one eye and ipsi- or contralateral blockade of relevant brain centers in rats.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 68(1), 60-67, 1997
IF = 2,122(97)

Moghaddam M. - Bures J.
Rotation of water in the Morris water maze interferes with path integration mechanisms of place navigation.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 68(3), 239-251, 1997
IF = 2,122(97)

Krivanek J.
Protein kinase C in the parabrachial nucleus of rats during conditioned taste aversion induced by amphetamine.
Neuroscience Letters, 236(1), 17-20, 1997
IF = 1,768(97)

Bures J. - Fenton A.A. - Kaminskij J. - Rossier J. - Sacchetti B. - Zinjuk L.
Dissociation of exteroceptive and idiothetic orientation cues: effect on hippocampal place cells and place navigation.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London B, 353, 1515-1524, 1997
IF = 2,512(97)

Lansky P.
Sources of periodical force in noisy integrate-and-fire models of neuronal dynamics.
Physical Review E, 55(2), 2040-2043, 1997
IF = 2,233(97)

Bures J. - Fenton A.A. - Kaminskij J. - Zinjuk L.
Place cells and place navigation.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 94(1), 343-350, 1997
IF = 9,04(97)

Czurko A. - Czeh B. - Seress L. - Nadel L. - Bures J.
Severe spatial navigation deficit in the Morris water maze after single high dose of neonatal x-ray irradiation in the rat.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 94(6), 2766-2771, 1997
IF = 9,04(97)


Save E. - Moghaddam M.
Effects of lesions of the associative parietal cortex on the acquisition and use of spatial memory in egocentric and allocentric navigation tasks in the rat.
Behavioral Neuroscience, 110(1), 74-75, 1996
IF = 2,528(96)

Bielavska E. - Roldan G.
Ipsilateral connections between the gustatory cortex, amygdala and parabrachial nucleus are necessary for asquisition and retrieval of conditioned taste aversion in rats.
Behavioural Brain Research, 81(1), 25-31, 1996
IF = 1,613(96)

Moghaddam M. - Bures J.
Contribution of egocentric spatial memory to place navigation of rats in the Morris water maze.
Behavioural Brain Research, 78(1), 121-129, 1996
IF = 1,613(96)

Tuhackova Z. - Krivanek J.
GTP, a nonsubstrate of ATP citrate lyase, is a phosphodonor for the enzyme histidine autophosphorylation.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 218(12), 61-66, 1996
IF = 2,872(96)

Rashidy-Pour A. - Motamedi F. - Motaghed-Larijani Z.
Effects of reversible inactivations of the medial septal area on reference and working memory versions of the Morris water maze.
Brain Research, 709(1), 131-140, 1996
IF = 2,526(96)

Vermeulen A. - Rospars J.P. - Lansky P. - Tuckwell H.C.
Coding of stimulus intensity in an olfactory receptor neuron:Role of neuron spatial extent and passive dendritic backpropagation of action potentials.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 58(3), 493-512, 1996
IF = 1,3(96)

Musila M. - Suta D. - Lansky P.
Computation of first passage time moments for stochastic diffusion processes modelling nerve membrane depolarization.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 49(1), 19-27, 1996
IF = 0,367(96)

Tuckwell H.C. - Rospars J.P. - Vermeulen A. - Lansky P.
Time-dependent solutions for a cable model of an olfactory receptor neuron.
Journal of theoretical Biology, 181(1), 25-31, 1996
IF = 1,11(96)

Lansky P.
A stochastic model for circulatory transport in pharmocokinetics.
Mathematical Biosciences, 132, 141-167, 1996
IF = 0,883(96)

Krivanek J.
Conditioned taste aversion and protein kinase C in the parabrachial nucleus of rats.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 65(17), 154-162, 1996
IF = 1,574(96)

Francis-Turner L. - Valouskova V.
Nerve growth factor and nootropic drug Cerebrolysin but not fibroblast growth factor can reduce spatial memory impairment elicited by fimbria-fornix transection: short-term study.
Neuroscience Letters, 202(3), 193-196, 1996
IF = 2,09(96)

Krivanek J. - Koroleva V.I.
Protein kinase C in the rat cerebral cortex during spreading depression.
Neuroscience Letters, 210(2), 79-82, 1996
IF = 2,09(96)

Bohbot V. - Otahal P. - Liu Z. - Nadel L. - Bures J.
Electroconvulsive shock and lidocaine reveal rapid consolidation of spatial working memory in the water maze.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93(9), 4016-4019, 1996
IF = 10,244(96)

Brozek G. - Zhuravin I.A. - Megirian D. - Bures J.
Localization of the central rhythm generator involved in spontaneous consummatory licking in rats: Functional ablation and electrical brain stimulation studies.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93(7), 3325-3329, 1996
IF = 10,244(96)

Koroleva V.I. - Bures J.
The use of spreading depression waves for acute and long-term monitoring of the penumbra zone of focal ischemic damage in rats.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93(7), 3710-3714, 1996
IF = 10,244(96)

Moghaddam M. - Kaminskij J. - Zahalka A. - Bures J.
Vestibular navigation directed by the slope of terrain.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93(7), 3439-3443, 1996
IF = 10,244(96)


Rashidy-Pour A. - Motaghed-Larijani Z. - Bures J.
Reversible inactivation of the medial septal area impairs consolidation but not retrieval of passive avoidance learning in rats.
Behavioural Brain Research, 72, 185-188, 1995
IF = 1,862(95)

Lansky P. - Rospars J.P.
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model neuron revisited.
Biological Cybernetics, 72, 397-406, 1995
IF = 1,369(95)

Lansky P. - Sacerdote L. - Tomassetti F.
On the comparison of Feller and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models for neural activity.
Biological Cybernetics, 73(1), 1-9, 1995
IF = 1,369(95)

Rashidy-Pour A. - Motaghed-Larijani Z. - Bures J.
Tolerance to ketamine-induced blockade of cortical spreading depression transfers to MK-801 but not to AP5 in rats.
Brain Research, 693(1-2), 64-69, 1995
IF = 2,687(95)

Fenton A.A. - Arolfo M.P. - Nerad L. - Bures J.
Interhippocampal synthesis of lateralized place navigation engram.
Hippocampus, 5(1), 16-24, 1995
IF = 3,341(95)

Valouskova V. - Galik J.
Unilateral grafting of fetal neocortex into a cortical cavity improves healing of a symetric lession in the contralateral cortex of adult rats.
Neuroscience Letters, 186(2/3), 103-106, 1995
IF = 2,318(95)


Fenton A.A. - Arolfo M.P. - Nerad L. - Bures J.
Place navigation in the Morris water maze under minimum and redundant extra-maze cue conditions.
Behavioral and Neural Biology, 62, 178-189, 1994
IF = 2,199(94)

Arolfo M.P. - Nerad L. - Schenk F. - Bures J.
Absence of snapshot memory of the target view interferes with place navigation learning by rats in the water maze.
Behavioral Neuroscience, 108(2), 308-316, 1994
IF = 3,263(94)

Bielavska E. - Bures J.
Universality of parabrachial mediation of conditioned taste aversion.
Behavioural Brain Research, 60(1), 35-42, 1994
IF = 1,563(94)

Roldan G. - Bures J.
Tetradotoxin blockade of amygdala overlapping with poisoning impairs acquisition of conditioned taste aversion in rats.
Behavioural Brain Research, 65, 213-219, 1994
IF = 1,563(94)

Frigessi A. - Lansky P. - Mariotto A. B.
A stochastic model for neuronal bursting.
BioSystems, 33(1), 1-16, 1994
IF = 1,374(94)

Rospars J. P. - Lansky P. - Vaillant J. - Duchamp-Viret P. - Duchamp A.
Spontaneous activity of first- and second-order neurons in the frog olfactory system.
Brain Research, 662(1), 31-44, 1994
IF = 2,869(94)

Lansky P. - Lanska V.
First-passage-time problem for stimulated stochastic diffision processes.
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 24(2), 91-101, 1994
IF = 0,705(94)

Di Maio V. - Lansky P.
Perception of area of interpolated figures.
Cybernetics and Systems, 25(4), 567-579, 1994
IF = 0,507(94)

Krivanek J.
Effect of vanadium ions on ATP citrate lyase.
General Physiology and Biophysics, 13(1), 43-55, 1994
IF = 0,633(94)

Lanska V. - Lansky P. - Smith C. E.
Synaptic Transmission in a Diffusion Model for Neural Activity.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 166(4), 393-406, 1994
IF = 1,124(94)

Musila M. - Lansky P.
On the interspike intervals calculated from diffusion aproximation of Stein's neuronal model with reversal potentials.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 171(2), 225-232, 1994
IF = 1,124(94)

Fenton A.A. - Bures J.
Interhippocampal transfer of place navigation monocularly acquired by rats during unilateral functional ablation of the dorsal hippocampus and visual cortex with lidocaine.
Neuroscience, 58(3), 481-491, 1994
IF = 4,626(94)

Zhuravin I.A. - Brozek G. - Bures J.
Differential contribution of motor cortex and caudate nucleus to instrumental tongue-forelimb synchronization in rats: a functional ablation study.
Neuroscience, 58(1), 193-200, 1994
IF = 4,626(94)

Bielavska E. - Krivanek J.
Intracerebral injection of polymyxin B blocks the acquisition of conditioned taste aversion in rats.
Neuroscience Letters, 182, 239-242, 1994
IF = 2,703(94)

Liu Z. - Francis-Turner L. - Bures J.
Impairment of place navigation of rats in the Morris water maze by intermittent light is inversely related to the duration of the flash.
Neuroscience Letters, 180(1), 59-62, 1994
IF = 2,703(94)


Fenton A.A. - Bures J.
Place navigation in rats with unilateral tetrodotoxin inactivation of the dorsal hippocampus: Place but not procedural learning can be lateralized to one hippocampus.
Behavioral Neuroscience, 107(4), 552-564, 1993
IF = 2,99(93)

Rospars J. P. - Lansky P.
Stochastic model neuron without resetting of dendritic potential: application to the olfactory system.
Biological Cybernetics, 69, 283-294, 1993
IF = 1,372(93)

Lansky P. - Rospars J. P.
Coding of odor intensity.
BioSystems, 31, 15-38, 1993
IF = 0,773(93)

Koroleva V.I. - Vinogradova L. V. - Bures J.
Reduced incidence of cortical spreading depression in the course of pentylenetetrazol kindling in rats.
Brain Research, 608(1), 107-114, 1993
IF = 2,854(93)

Krivanek J.
Protein kinase C in nucleus parabrachialis: effect of drugs inducing conditioned taste aversion.
Brain Research, 629, 327-330, 1993
IF = 2,854(93)

Illnerova H. - Buresova O. - Presl J.
Melatonin rhythm in human milk.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 77(3), 838-841, 1993
IF = 4,22(93)

Koroleva V.I. - Bures J.
Rats do not experience cortical or hippocampal spreading depression as aversive.
Neuroscience Letters, 149(2), 153-156, 1993
IF = 2,645(93)

Bures J.
Critical appraisal of behavioral tests for evaluation of age-related memory deficits in animals.
Neuroscience Research Communications, 13(1), 35-38, 1993
IF = 1,191(93)

Kaminskij J. - Bures J. - Kittlerova P. - Krekule I.
IBM PC based visual evoked potential stimulator and averager.
Physiological Research, 42(1), 41-44, 1993
IF = 0,3(93)

Nedvidek J. - Zicha J.
Age-dependent Changes of Baroreflex Efficiency in Dahl Rats: Effects of High Salt Intake.
Physiological Research, 42(3), 209-212, 1993
IF = 0,3(93)
