Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Hydrobiology

Staff List

Šimek, K., Horňák, K., Jezbera, J., Nedoma, J., Znachor, P., Hejzlar, J., Seďa, J.
(2008) Spatio-temporal patterns of bacterioplankton production and community composition related to phytoplankton composition and protistan bacterivory in a dam reservoir. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 51 (3): 249–262.
Research impacted
Zapomělová, E., Hisem, D., Řeháková, K., Hrouzek, P., Jezberová, J., Komárková, J., Korelusová, J., Znachor, P.
(2008) Experimental comparison of phenotypical plasticity and growth demands of two strains from the Anabaena circinalis/A. crassa complex (cyanobacteria). Journal of Plankton Research, 30 (11): 1257–1269.
Research impacted
Znachor, P., Nedoma, J.
(2008) Application of the PDMPO technique in studying silica deposition in natural populations of Fragilaria crotonensis (Bacillariophyceae) at different depths in a eutrophic reservoir. Journal of Phycology, 44 (2): 518–525.
Research impacted
Znachor, P., Zapomělová, E., Řeháková, K., Nedoma, J., Šimek, K.
(2008) The effect of extreme rainfall on summer succession and vertical distribution of phytoplankton in a lacustrine part of a eutrophic reservoir. Aquatic Sciences, 70 (1): 77–86.
Research impacted
Zapomělová, E., Řeháková, K., Znachor, P., Komárková, J.
(2007) Morphological diversity of coiled planktonic types of the genus Anabaena (cyanobacteria) in natural populations – taxonomic consequences. Cryptogamie, Algologie, 28 (4): 353–371.
Research impacted
Znachor, P., Jurczak, T.*, Komárková, J., Jezberová, J., Mankiewicz, J.*, Kaštovská, K., Zapomělová, E.*
(2006) Summer changes in cyanobacterial bloom composition and microcystin concentration in eutrophic Czech reservoirs. Environmental Toxicology 21 (3): 236–243.
Research impacted
Boutte, Ch.*, Komárková, J., Grubisic, S.*, Znachor, P., Bataille, A.*, Zapomělová, E.*, Gullukaya, A.*, Jezberová, J., Wilmotte
(2005) Algological Studies (Cyanobacterial Research 6), 117: 177–195.
Research non impacted
Cao, X.*, Štrojsová, A., Znachor, P., Zapomělová, E., Liu, G.*, Vrba, J., Zhou, Y.*
(2005) Detection of extracellular phosphatases in natural spring phytoplankton of a shallow eutrophic lake (Donghu, China). European Journal of Phycology, 40 (3): 251–258.
Research impacted
Znachor, P., Jezberová, J.
(2005) The occurrence of a bloom-forming green alga Pleodorina indica (Volvocales) in the downstream reach of the River Malše (Czech Republic). Hydrobiologia, 541 (1): 221–228.
Research impacted
Znachor, P., Vrba, J., Nedoma, J., Kopáček, J.
(2005) Bacterial and phytoplankton responses to nutrient and pH changes during short term in situ experiments in two acidified lakes. Algological Studies, 115: 79–99.
Research non impacted
Znachor, P.
(2005) Vodní květy řas a sinic. Scientific American (červenec 2005)
Znachor, P.
(2005) Kalamita na řece Malši. Scientific American (červenec 2005)
Znachor, P., Nedoma, J.
(2004) Cell specific primary production of autotrophic and mixotrophic phytoplankton in acidified lakes of the Bohemian Forest. Algological Studies, 112: 141-155.
Research non impacted
Hejzlar, J., Kaštovská, K., Seďa, J., Znachor, P., Jarošík, J., Haider, Z.*
(2004) Obnova vodního ekosystému a kvality vody ve vodárenské nádrži Římov po povodni v roce 2002. In: Ambrožová, J. (ed.), Sborník konference Vodárenská biologie 2004, Praha, February 4-5, 2004, Vodní zdroje EKOMONITOR, Chrudim, pp. 62-67. ISBN 80-903203-9-2.
Znachor, P., Lodeová, J.
(2004) Hromadný výskyt zelené řasy v řece Malši [Massive occurrence of green alga Pleodorina indica (Volvocales) in the downstream reach of the River Malse (Czech Republic)]. Živa, 52 (4): 155-156.
Nedoma, J., Straškrábová, V., Znachor, P., Vrba, J.
(2003) Primary and bacterial production in three acidified lakes in the Bohemian Forest. Silva Gabreta, 9: 53-70.
Research non impacted
Štrojsová, A.,Vrba, J., Nedoma, J., Komárková, J., Znachor, P.
(2003) Seasonal study of extracellular phosphatase expression in the phytoplankton of a eutrophic reservoir. European Journal of Phycology, 38: 295-306.
Research impacted
Nedoma, J., Vrba, J., Štrojsová, A., Šimek, K., Znachor, P.
(2003) Možnosti využití analýzy obrazu při vyhodnocování mikrobiální biomasy a aktivity ve vzorcích přirozených vod [Use of image analysis for estimation of microbial biomass and activity in samples of natural aquatic ecosystems]. Acta Facultatis Ecologiae: 10 (Suppl. 1): 59-61.
Znachor, P.
(2003) Vodní květy sinic a problémy spojené s jejich výskytem v našich nádržích [Cyanobacterial blooms and problems associated with their occurence in our reservoirs]. Vodní hospodářství, 53 (9): 251-253.
Znachor, P.
(2002) Kvetoucí přehrady (Blooming reservoirs ). Živa, 3: 112–113.
Znachor, P., Komárková, J.
(2002) Phytoplankton bloom species diversity in several Czech reservoirs In: Hydrobiological Institute AS CR (eds.): ResLim 2002, Extended Abstracts, 4th International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality, České Budějovice, August 12–16, 2002, Institute of Hydrobiology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia, pp. 380-382.
Znachor, P., Hrubý, P.*
(2000) Cell specific primary production and phagotrophy of phytoplankton in acidified lakes of Bohemian Forest. Silva Gabreta, 4: 223-232.
Research non impacted

© 2009 Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i.
Institute of Hydrobiology