theory of science
![]() Theory of Science (Journal for Theory of Science, Technology, and Communication) is the only periodical title in the Czech Republic that conducts systematically an integral research of science and technology. The Journal is focused on inquiry into the philosophical as well as methodological foundations of scientific knowledge; however, relations of science, technology and society are extensively treated as well. Texts published in the Journal cover variety of disciplines concerned with scientific analysis of science and technology: philosophy, sociology, and economy of science, science policy, the technology assessment. Recently, the growing relevance of new technological means of communication is adequately reflected in its impact within the content of the Journal. instructions for authors archive 2007 - I 2007 - II 2007 - III 2007 - IV 2006 - I 2006 - II 2006 - III 2006 - IV 2005 - I 2005 - II 2005 - III 2005 - IV 2004 - I 2004 - II 2004 - III 2004 - IV 2003 - I 2003 - II 2003 - III 2003 - IV 2002 - I 2002 - II 2002 - III 2002 - IV older issues editorial council Gerhard Banse (Forschungzentrum
Karlsruhe, Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse, Karlsruhe) editorial board Jiří Loudín (editor-in-chief) address Kabinet pro studium vědy, techniky a společnosti při Filozofickém ústavu Akademie České republiky Jilská 1110 00, Praha 1 |
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