We study the stability of the classical optimal sequential probability ratio test based on independent identically distributed observations X1, X2, ... when testing two simple hypotheses about their common density f : f=f0 versus f=f1. As a functional to be minimized, it is used a weighted sum of the average (under f=f0) sample number and the two types error probabilities. We prove that the problem is reduced to stopping time optimization for a ratio process generated by X1, X2, ... with the density f0. For t* being the corresponding optimal stopping time we consider a situation when this rule is applied for testing between f0 and an alternative ~f1, where ~f1 is some approximation to f1. An inequality is obtained which gives an upper bound for the expected cost excess, when t* is used instead of the rule ~t* optimal for the pair (f0,~f1). The inequality found also estimates the difference between the minimal expected costs for optimal tests corresponding to the pairs (f0, f1) and (f0,~f1).
Keywords: sequential hypotheses test; simple hypothesis; optimal stopping; sequential probability ratio test; likelihood ratio statistic; stability inequality;
AMS: 62L10; 62L15;