18th European Seminar on Applied Thermodynamics Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, June 8 - 11, 2000 FINAL REGISTRATION FORM Use typewriter or legible block letters. The form must reach the organisers by March 10, 2000. Electronic version may be downloaded from ESAT 2000 web site at http://www.icpf.cas.cz/esat18 and after editing sent to esat18@vscht.cz. Hardcopy form should be mailed to: 18th ESAT, Department of Physical Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic, or sent by fax to +420-2-2431 0273. Surname: First name(s): Title: Affiliation: Mailing address: Street/Square: City: Zip Code: Country: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Date of arrival to Kutna Hora, if different from Thursday, June 8, 2000: Date of departure from Kutna Hora, if different from Sunday, June 11, 2000: Number of nights, if different from 3: I will be accompanied by ___ persons, of which ___ are children. I am going to share a room with I am going to use the chartered bus on June 8, 2000, at  12:00  14:30  17:00  I am sending English abstract(s) prepared according to the instructions (see 2nd Circular) for __ contribution(s) as:  attachment file(s) by e-mail (preferred)  hardcopy(ies) enclosed (please do not use fax) (To appear in the Book of ESAT 2000, the abstract must reach the organisers by March 10, 2000.) Payment of conference fees, indicate and check as appropriate: Technical participant (single room) EUR 380 (EUR 420 after March 10, 2000) ______ Technical participant (double room) EUR 350 (EUR 390 after March 10, 2000) ______ Accompanying person (single room) EUR 280 (EUR 320 after March 10, 2000) ______ Accompanying person (double room) EUR 250 (EUR 290 after March 10, 2000) ______ Reduced (student) fee EUR 200 (EUR 240 after March 10, 2000) ______ Total amount due: EUR ========== (Please make sure that any transfer charges are not deducted from the total net amount required.)  My international cheque (dated __________) is enclosed, made payable to ESAT18  I am paying by direct bank transfer (see the enclosed copy of the paying document dated __________) to: Bank: Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka (CSOB) a.s. Address: Na prikope 14, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic Account No.: 01-35171280/0300 Variable Symbol: 403 64 0009  Please charge my credit card:  Mastercard  Eurocard  Visa Card number: Expiry Date: Signature: Date: