Leona Vlková





Born in Strakonice, South Bohemia.



Study and graduation at Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Clinical and Toxicological Analysis. Diploma work in the field of organic chemistry, Phytoremediation of isotopes 90Sr and 137Cs by using in vitro cultivated plant species Zea mays, under supervision of Assoc. Prof. S. Smrček.



Study and graduation at Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Analytical chemistry. Diploma work in the field of analytical and environmental chemistry, Dehalogenation of chlorinated phenols on fly ash and determination of their isomers by GC/MS, under supervision of Prof. V. Pacáková and Dr. V. Pekárek.



Research assistent at Ithe Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals (ICPF), Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. Environmental Process Engineering Laboratory. Chemistry of persistent organic pollutants, preparation of electrodeless discharge lamps.




Environmental and analytical chemistry of persistent organic pollutants, De novo synthesis and dehalogenation studies, dechlorination and analytics of PCP, PCDD/PCDF. Preparation of electrodeless discharge lamps.



English, Russian, French



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