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List of impacted publications in journals covered by Science Citation Index.

Year 2004.

Sorted by journal, first author, volume, and pages.
Authors of the Institute of Physiology are underlined.
Updated 2.4.2009

Popinigis J. - Antosiewicz J. - Kaczor J.J. - Rauchova H. - Lenaz G.
Oxidation of glycerol-3-phosphate in porcine and bovineadrenal cortex mitochondria.
Acta Biochimica Polonica, 51(4), 1075-1080, 2004
IF = 1,032(04)

Vesela K. - Hansikova H. - Tesarova M. - Martasek P. - Elleder M. - Houstek J. - Zeman J.
Clinical, biochemical and molecular analyses of six patients with isolated cytochrome c oxidase deficiency due to mutations in the SCO2 gene.
Acta Paediatrica, 93(10), 1312-1317, 2004
IF = 1,143(04)

Pecina P. - Gnaiger E. - Zeman J. - Pronicka E. - Houstek J.
Decreased affinity for oxygen of cytochrome-c oxidase in Leigh syndrome caused by SURF1 mutations.
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 287(5), C1384-C1388, 2004
IF = 3,939(04)

Myslivecek J. - Ricny J. - Palkovits M. - Kvetnansky R.
The effects of short-term immobilization stress on muscarinic receptors, beta-adrenoceptors, and adenylyl cyclase in different heart regions.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1018(), 315-322, 2004
IF = 1,789(04)

Zemanova Z.
Pattern of trypan blue storage in the chick embryonic kidney reflects development of absorptive capacity of the proximal tubules.
Avian and Poultry Biology Reviews, 15(3-4), 160-165, 2004
IF = 0,724(04)

Dubot A. - Godinot C. - Dumur V. - Sablonniere B. - Stojkovic T. - Cuisset J.M. - Vojtiskova A. - Pecina P. - Jesina P. - Houstek J.
GUG is an efficient initiation codon to translate the human mitochondrial ATP6 gene.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 313(3), 687-693, 2004
IF = 2,904(04)

Janata J. - Hola K. - Kubala M. - Gakh O. - Parkhomenko N. - Matuskova A. - Kutejova E. - Amler E.
Substrate evokes translocation of both domains in the mitochondrial processing peptidase alpha-subunit during which the C-terminus acts as a stabilizing element.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 316(1), 211-217, 2004
IF = 2,904(04)

Jesina P. - Tesarova M. - Fornuskova D. - Vojtiskova A. - Pecina P. - Kaplanova V. - Hansikova H. - Zeman J. - Houstek J.
Diminished synthesis of subunit a (ATP6) and altered function of ATP synthase and cytochrome c oxidase due to the mtDNA 2 bp microdeletion of TA at positions 9205 and 9206.
Biochemical Journal, 383(3), 561-571, 2004
IF = 4,278(04)

Lansky Z. - Kubala M. - Ettrich R. - Kuty M. - Plasek J. - Teisinger J. - Schoner W. - Amler E.
The hydrogen bonds between Arg423 and Glu472 and other key residues, Asp443, Ser477, and Pro489, are responsible for the formation and a different positioning of TNP-ATP and ATP within the nucleotide-binding site of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase.
Biochemistry, 43(26), 8303-8311, 2004
IF = 4,008(04)

Houstek J. - Mracek T. - Vojtiskova A. - Zeman J.
Mitochondrial diseases and ATPase defects of nuclear origin.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1658(1-2), 115-121, 2004
IF = 3,503(04)

Paucek P. - Jaburek M.
Kinetics and ion specificity of Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange mediated by the reconstituted beef heart mitochondrial Na(+)/Ca(2+) antiporter.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1659(1), 83-91, 2004
IF = 3,503(04)

Moravcova Z. - Rudajev V. - Stohr J. - Novotny J. - Cerny J. - Parenti M. - Milligan G. - Svoboda P.
Long-term agonist stimulation of IP prostanoid receptor depletes the cognate G(s)alpha protein in membrane domains but does not change the receptor level.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research, 1691(1), 51-65, 2004
IF = 3,482(04)

Sedo A. - Busek P. - Scholzova E. - Malik R. - Vlasicova K. - Janackova S. - Mares V.
'Dipeptidyl peptidase-IV activity and/or structure homologs' (DASH) in growth-modulated glioma cell lines.
Biological Chemistry, 385(6), 557-559, 2004
IF = 3,598(04)

Cserhati T. - Forgacs E. - Deyl Z. - Miksik I. - Eckhardt A.
Chromatographic determination of herbicide residues in various matrices.
Biomedical Chromatography, 18(6), 350-359, 2004
IF = 1,069(04)

Engler A. - Bacakova L. - Newman C. - Hategan A. - Griffin M. - Discher D.
Substrate compliance versus ligand density in cell on gel responses.
Biophysical Journal, 86(1), 617-628, 2004
IF = 4,585(04)

Zbankova S. - Bryndova J. - Kment M. - Pacha J.
Expression of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase types 1 and 2 in colorectal cancer.
Cancer Letters, 210(1), 95-100, 2004
IF = 2,938(04)

Zemkova H. - Balik A. - Kretschmannova K. - Mazna P. - Stojilkovic S.S.
Recovery of Ins(1,4,5)-trisphosphate-dependent calcium signaling in neonatal gonadotrophs.
Cell Calcium, 36(2), 89-97, 2004
IF = 5,186(04)

Dobiasova M.
Atherogenic index of plasma [log(triglycerides/HDL-cholesterol)]: theoretical and practical implications.
Clinical Chemistry, 50(7), 1113-1115, 2004
IF = 6,501(04)

Mracek T. - Cannon B. - Houstek J.
IL-1 and LPS but not IL-6 inhibit differentiation and downregulate PPAR gamma in brown adipocytes.
Cytokine, 26(1), 9-15, 2004
IF = 1,986(04)

Bendova Z. - Sumova A. - Illnerova H.
Development of circadian rhythmicity and photoperiodic response in subdivisions of the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Developmental Brain Research, 148(1), 105-112, 2004
IF = 1,854(04)

Stohr J. - Bourova L. - Hejnova L. - Ihnatovych I. - Novotny J. - Svoboda P.
Increased baclofen-stimulated G protein coupling and deactivation in rat brain cortex during development.
Developmental Brain Research, 151(1-2), 67-73, 2004
IF = 1,854(04)

Meyer B. - Bazzi H. - Zidek V. - Musilova A. - Pravenec M. - Kurtz T.W. - Nurnberg P. - Christiano A.M.
A spontaneous mutation in the desmoglein 4 gene underlies hypotrichosis in a new lanceolate hair rat model.
Differentiation, 72(9-10), 541-547, 2004
IF = 4,481(04)

Thompson K.W. - Suchomelova L.
Transplants of cells engineered to produce GABA suppress spontaneous seizures.
Epilepsia, 45(1), 4-12, 2004
IF = 3,329(04)

Krsek P. - Mikulecka A. - Druga R. - Kubova H. - Hlinak Z. - Suchomelova L. - Mares P.
Long-term behavioral and morphological consequences of nonconvulsive status epilepticus in rats.
Epilepsy and Behavior, 5(2), 180-191, 2004
IF = 1,63(04)

Mikulecka A. - Kubova H. - Mares P.
Lamotrigine does not impair motor performance and spontaneous behavior in developing rats.
Epilepsy and Behavior, 5(4), 464-471, 2004
IF = 1,63(04)

Mares P. - Mikulecka A.
MPEP, an antagonist of metabotropic glutamate receptors, exhibits anticonvulsant action in immature rats without a serious impairment of motor performance.
Epilepsy Research, 60(1), 17-26, 2004
IF = 2,897(04)

Tolmacheva E. - van Luijtelaar G. - Chepurnov S.A. - Kaminskij J. - Mares P.
Cortical and limbic excitability in rats with absence epilepsy.
Epilepsy Research, 62(2-3), 189-198, 2004
IF = 2,897(04)

Krumscheid R. - Ettrich R. - Sovova Z. - Susankova K. - Lansky Z. - Hofbauerova K. - Linnertz H. - Teisinger J. - Amler E. - Schoner W.
The phosphatase activity of the isolated H4-H5 loop of Na+/K+ ATPase resides outside its ATP binding site.
European Journal of Biochemistry, 271(19), 3923-3936, 2004
IF = 3,26(04)

Cebasek V. - Kubinova L. - Ribaric S. - Erzen I.
A novel staining method for quantification and 3D visualisation of capillaries and muscle fibres.
European Journal of Histochemistry, 48(2), 151-157, 2004
IF = 0,845(04)

Kubova H. - Mares P. - Suchomelova L. - Brozek G. - Druga R. - Pitkanen A.
Status epilepticus in immature rats leads to behavioural and cognitive impairment and epileptogenesis.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 19(12), 3255-3265, 2004
IF = 3,82(04)

Matejkova O. - Mustard K.J. - Sponarova J. - Flachs P. - Rossmeisl M. - Miksik I. - Thomason-Hughes M. - Hardie D.G. - Kopecky J.
Possible involvement of AMP-activated protein kinase in obesity resistance induced by respiratory uncoupling in white fat.
FEBS Letters, 569(1-3), 245-248, 2004
IF = 3,843(04)

Kinclova-Zimmermannova O. - Flegelova H. - Sychrova H.
Rice Na+/H+- antiporter Nhx1 partially complements the alkali-metal-cation sensitivity of yeast strains lacking three sodium transporters.
Folia Microbiologica, 49(5), 519-525, 2004
IF = 1,034(04)

Kubrycht J. - Borecky J. - Soucek P. - Jezek P.
Sequence similarities of protein kinase substrates and inhibitors with immunoglobulins and model immunoglobulin homologue: cell adhesion molecule from the living fossil sponge Geodia cydonium. Mapping of coherent database similarities and implications for evolution of CDR1 and hypermutation.
Folia Microbiologica, 49(3), 219-246, 2004
IF = 1,034(04)

Di Maio V. - Lansky P. - Rodriguez R.
Different types of noise in leaky integrate-and-fire model of neuronal dynamics with discrete periodical input.
General Physiology and Biophysics, 23(1), 21-38, 2004
IF = 0,694(04)

Rauchova H. - Zacharova G. - Soukup T.
Influence of chronically altered thyroid status on the activity of liver mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in female inbred lewis rats.
Hormone and Metabolic Research, 36(5), 286-290, 2004
IF = 1,946(04)

Benson S.C. - Pershadsingh H.A. - Ho C.I. - Chittiboyina A. - Desai P. - Pravenec M. - Qi N. - Wang J. - Avery M.A. - Kurtz T.W.
Identification of telmisartan as a unique angiotensin II receptor antagonist with selective PPARgamma-modulating activity.
Hypertension, 43(5), 993-1002, 2004
IF = 5,342(04)

Wise P.M. - Radil T. - Wysocki C.J.
Temporal integration in nasal lateralization and nasal detection of carbon dioxide.
Chemical Senses, 29(2), 137-142, 2004
IF = 2,594(04)

Konopasek I. - Vecer J. - Strzalka K. - Amler E.
Short-lived fluorescence component of DPH reports on lipid-water interface of biological membranes.
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 130(2), 135-144, 2004
IF = 1,971(04)

Rossmeisl M. - Flachs P. - Brauner P. - Sponarova J. - Matejkova O. - Prazak T. - Ruzickova J. - Bardova K. - Kuda O. - Kopecky J.
Role of energy charge and AMP-activated protein kinase in adipocytes in the control of body fat stores.
International Journal of Obesity, 28(Suppl. 4), S38-S44, 2004
IF = 3,459(04)

Jaburek M. - Miyamoto S. - Di Mascio P. - Garlid K.D. - Jezek P.
Hydroperoxy fatty acid cycling mediated by mitochondrial uncoupling protein UCP2.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(51), 53097-53102, 2004
IF = 6,355(04)

Obsilova V. - Herman P. - Vecer J. - Sulc M. - Teisinger J. - Obsil T.
14-3-3zeta C-terminal stretch changes its conformation upon ligand binding and phosphorylation at Thr232.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(6), 4531-4540, 2004
IF = 6,355(04)

Silhan J. - Obsilova V. - Vecer J. - Herman P. - Sulc M. - Teisinger J. - Obsil T.
14-3-3 protein C-terminal stretch occupies ligand binding groove and is displaced by phosphopeptide binding.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(47), 49113-49119, 2004
IF = 6,355(04)

Malinska K. - Malinsky J. - Opekarova M. - Tanner W.
Distribution of Can1p into stable domains reflects lateral protein segregation within the plasma membrane of living S. cerevisiae cells.
Journal of Cell Science, 117(25), 6031-6041, 2004
IF = 6,91(04)

Lansky P. - Lanska V. - Weiss M.
A stochastic differential equation model for drug dissolution and its parameters.
Journal of Controlled Release, 100(2), 267-274, 2004
IF = 3,297(04)

Sajko S. - Kubinova L. - Cvetko E. - Kreft M. - Wernig A. - Erzen I.
Frequency of M-cadherin-stained satellite cells declines in human muscles during aging.
Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry, 52(2), 179-185, 2004
IF = 2,513(04)

Kurtz T.W. - Pravenec M.
Antidiabetic mechanisms of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists: beyond the renin-angiotensin system.
Journal of Hypertension, 22(12), 2253-2261, 2004
IF = 4,871(04)

Pechanova O. - Dobesova Z. - Cejka J. - Kunes J. - Zicha J.
Vasoactive systems in L-NAME hypertension: the role of inducible nitric oxide synthase.
Journal of Hypertension, 22(1), 167-173, 2004
IF = 4,871(04)

Eckhardt A. - Miksik I. - Deyl Z. - Charvatova J.
Separation of low-molecular mass peptides by capillary electrophoresis with the use of alkylamines as dynamic coating agents at low pH.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1051(1-2), 111-117, 2004
IF = 3,359(04)

Forgacs E. - Cserhati T. - Miksik I. - Eckhardt A. - Deyl Z.
Simultaneous effect of organic modifier and physicochemical parameters of barbiturates on their retention on a narrow-bore PGC column.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 800(1-2), 259-262, 2004
IF = 2,176(04)

Charvatova J. - Deyl Z. - Klevar M. - Miksik I. - Eckhardt A.
Plastic substrates based separation channels in electromigration techniques.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 800(1-2), 83-89, 2004
IF = 2,176(04)

Miksik I. - Mikulikova K. - Pacha J. - Kucka M. - Deyl Z.
Application of liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for study of steroid-converting enzymes.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 800(1-2), 145-153, 2004
IF = 2,176(04)

Miksik I. - Charvatova J. - Eckhardt A. - Deyl Z.
Peptide mapping by capillary electrophoresis with Pluronic F127.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 800(1-2), 155-160, 2004
IF = 2,176(04)

Miksik I. - Charvatova J. - Eckhardt A. - Cserhati T. - Forgacs E. - Deyl Z.
Capillary electrophoretic separation of proteins and peptides by ion-pairing with heptanesulfonic acid.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 800(1-2), 161-167, 2004
IF = 2,176(04)

Ruangyuttikarn W. - Miksik I. - Pekkoh J. - Peerapornpisal Y. - Deyl Z.
Reversed-phase liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric determination of microcystin-LR in cyanobacteria blooms under alkaline conditions.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 800(1-2), 315-319, 2004
IF = 2,176(04)

Patel S.N. - Serghides L. - Smith T.G. - Febbraio M. - Silverstein R.L. - Kurtz T.W. - Pravenec M. - Kain K.C.
CD36 mediates the phagocytosis of Plasmodium falciparuminfected erythrocytes by rodent macrophages.
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 189(2), 204-213, 2004
IF = 4,943(04)

Forgacs E. - Cserhati T. - Farkas O. - Eckhardt A. - Miksik I. - Deyl Z.
Interaction between cholesterol and non-ionic surfactants studied by thin-layer chromatography.
Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 27(13), 1981-1992, 2004
IF = 0,836(04)

Krejci A. - Bruce A.W. - Dolezal V. - Tucek S. - Buckley N.J.
Multiple promoters drive tissue-specific expression of the human M muscarinic acetylcholine receptor gene.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 91(1), 88-98, 2004
IF = 4,824(04)

Mazna P. - Obsilova V. - Jelinkova I. - Balik A. - Berka K. - Sovova Z. - Ettrich R. - Svoboda P. - Obsil T. - Teisinger J.
Molecular modeling of human MT2 melatonin receptor: the role of Val204, Leu272 and Tyr298 in ligand binding.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 91(4), 836-842, 2004
IF = 4,824(04)

Horak M. - Vlcek K. - Petrovic M. - Chodounska H. - Vyklicky ml. L.
Molecular mechanism of pregnenolone sulfate action at NR1/NR2B receptors.
Journal of Neuroscience, 24(46), 10318-10325, 2004
IF = 7,907(04)

Zemkova H. - He M.L. - Koshimizu T. - Stojilkovic S.S.
Identification of ectodomain regions contributing to gating, deactivation, and resensitization of purinergic P2X receptors.
Journal of Neuroscience, 24(31), 6968-6978, 2004
IF = 7,907(04)

Jakubik J. - Tucek S. - El-Fakahany E.E.
Role of receptor protein and membrane lipids in xanomeline wash-resistant binding to muscarinic M1 receptors.
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 308(1), 105-110, 2004
IF = 4,335(04)

Nikolsky E.E. - Vyskocil F. - Bukharaeva E.A. - Samigullin D. - Magazanik L.G.
Cholinergic regulation of the evoked quantal release at frog neuromuscular junction.
Journal of Physiology-London, 560(1), 77-88, 2004
IF = 4,346(04)

Philimonenko A. - Jackson D. A. - Hodny Z. - Janacek J. - Cook P. R. - Hozak P.
Dynamics of DNA replication: an ultrastructural study.
Journal of Structural Biology, 148(3), 279-289, 2004
IF = 3,132(04)

Schofer C. - Janacek J. - Weipoltshammer K. - Pourani J. - Hozak P.
Mapping of cellular compartments based on ultrastructural immunogold labeling.
Journal of Structural Biology, 147(2), 128-135, 2004
IF = 3,132(04)

Kaplanova V. - Zeman J. - Hansikova H. - Cerna L. - Houstkova H. - Misovicova N. - Houstek J.
Segregation pattern and biochemical effect of the G3460A mtDNA mutation in 27 members of LHON family.
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 223(2), 149-155, 2004
IF = 2,366(04)

Hudecova S. - Vadaszova A. - Soukup T. - Krizanova O.
Effect of thyroid hormones on the gene expression of calcium transport systems in rat muscles.
Life Sciences, 75(8), 923-931, 2004
IF = 2,158(04)

Ruzickova J. - Rossmeisl M. - Prazak T. - Flachs P. - Sponarova J. - Vecka M. - Tvrzicka E. - Bryhn M. - Kopecky J.
Omega-3 PUFA of marine origin limit diet-induced obesity in mice by reducing cellularity of adipose tissue.
Lipids, 39(12), 1177-1185, 2004
IF = 1,679(04)

Rospars J.P. - Lansky P.
Stochastic pulse stimulation in chemoreceptors and its properties.
Mathematical Biosciences, 188(1-2), 133-145, 2004
IF = 1,699(04)

Difato F. - Mazzone F. - Scaglione S. - Fato M. - Beltrame F. - Kubinova L. - Janacek J. - Ramoino P. - Vicidomini G. - Diaspro A.
Improvement in volume estimation from confocal sections after image deconvolution.
Microscopy Research and Technique, 64(2), 151-155, 2004
IF = 2,609(04)

Lazareno S. - Dolezal V. - Popham A. - Birdsall N.J.M.
Thiochrome enhances acetylcholine affinity at muscarinic M4 receptors: receptor subtype selectivity via cooperativity rather than affinity.
Molecular Pharmacology, 65(1), 257-266, 2004
IF = 5,08(04)

Churchill G.A. - Airey D.C. - Allayee H. - Angel J.M. - Attie A.D. - Beatty J. - Beavis W.D. - Belknap J.K. - Bennett B. - Berrettini W. - Bleich A. - Bogue M. - Broman K.W. - Buck K.J. - Buckler E. - Burmeister M. - Chesler E.J. - Cheverud J.M. - Clapcote S. - Pravenec M.
The Collaborative Cross, a community resource for the genetic analysis of complex traits.
Nature Genetics, 36(11), 1133-1137, 2004
IF = 24,695(04)

Mares P. - Slamberova R.
Biphasic action of vigabatrin on cortical epileptic after-discharges in rats.
Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology, 369(3), 305-311, 2004
IF = 1,963(04)

Lansky P. - Rodriguez R. - Sacerdote L.
Mean instantaneous firing frequency is always higher than the firing rate.
Neural Computation, 16(3), 477-489, 2004
IF = 2,364(04)

Manrique T. - Molero A. - Ballesteros M. A. - Moron I. - Gallo M. - Fenton A.A.
Time of day-dependent latent inhibition of conditioned taste aversions in rats.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 82(2), 77-80, 2004
IF = 4,443(04)

Tousova K. - Susankova K. - Teisinger J. - Vyklicky st. L. - Vlachova V.
Oxidizing reagent copper-o-phenanthroline is an open channel blocker of the vanilloid receptor TRPV1.
Neuropharmacology, 47(2), 273-285, 2004
IF = 3,734(04)

Stepankova K. - Fenton A.A. - Pastalkova E. - Kalina M. - Bohbot V.D.
Object–location memory impairment in patients with thermal lesions to the right or left hippocampus.
Neuropsychologia, 42(8), 1017-1028, 2004
IF = 3,668(04)

Turecek R. - Vlcek K. - Petrovic M. - Horak M. - Vlachova V. - Vyklicky ml. L.
Intracellular spermine decreases open probability ofN-methyl-d-aspartate receptor channels.
Neuroscience, 125(4), 879-887, 2004
IF = 3,456(04)

Sambeth A. - Maes J.H.R. - Brankack J.
With long intervals, inter-stimulus interval is the critical determinant of the human P300 amplitude.
Neuroscience Letters, 359(3), 143-146, 2004
IF = 2,019(04)

Stuchlik A. - Rezacova L. - Vales K. - Bubenikova V. - Kubik S.
Application of a novel Active Allothetic Place Avoidance task (AAPA) in testing a pharmacological model of psychosis in rats: comparison with the Morris Water Maze.
Neuroscience Letters, 366(2), 162-166, 2004
IF = 2,019(04)

Rockova-Hlavackova K. - Svorcik V. - Bacakova L. - Dvorankova B. - Heitz J. - Hnatowicz V.
Bio-compatibility of ion beam-modified and RGD-grafted polyethylene.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 225(3), 275-282, 2004
IF = 0,997(04)

Svorcik V. - Rockova K. - Ratajova E. - Heitz J. - Huber N. - Bauerle D. - Bacakova L. - Dvorankova B. - Hnatowicz V.
Cell proliferation on UV-excimer lamp modified and grafted polytetrafluoroethylene.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 217(2), 307-313, 2004
IF = 0,997(04)

Palecek J. - Neugebauer V. - Carlton S.M. - Iyengar S. - Willis W.D.
The effect of a kainate GluR5 receptor antagonist on responses of spinothalamic tract neurons in a model of peripheral neuropathy in primates.
Pain, 111(1-2), 151-161, 2004
IF = 4,061(04)

Mayr J.A. - Paul J. - Pecina P. - Kurnik P. - Forster H. - Fotschl U. - Sperl W. - Houstek J.
Reduced respiratory control with ADP and changed pattern of respiratory chain enzymes as a result of selective deficiency of the mitochondrial ATP synthase.
Pediatric Research, 55(6), 988-994, 2004
IF = 2,875(04)

Ueno T. - Tremblay J. - Kunes J. - Zicha J. - Dobesova Z. - Pausova Z. - Deng A.Y. - Sun Y. - Jacob H.J. - Hamet P.
Rat model of familial combined hyperlipidemia as a result of comparative mapping.
Physiological Genomics, 17(1), 38-47, 2004
IF = 3,855(04)

Bacakova L. - Filova E. - Rypacek F. - Svorcik V. - Stary V.
Cell adhesion on artificial materials for tissue engineering.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl. 1), S35-S45, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Balik A. - Kretschmannova K. - Mazna P. - Svobodova I. - Zemkova H.
Melatonin action in neonatal gonadotrophs.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl. 1), S153-S166, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Bures J. - Lansky P.
From spreading depression to spatial cognition.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl.1), S177-S185, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Cejka J. - Zelezna B. - Velek J. - Zicha J. - Kunes J.
LVV-hemorphin-7 lowers blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats: radiotelemetry study.
Physiological Research, 53(6), 603-607, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Drahota Z. - Milerova M. - Stieglerova A. - Houstek J. - Ostadal B.
Developmental changes of cytochrome c oxidase and citrate synthase in rat heart homogenate.
Physiological Research, 53(1), 119-122, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Frohlich J. - Dobiasova M. - Adler L. - Francis M.
Gender differences in plasma levels of lipoprotein (a) in patients with angiographically proven coronary artery disease.
Physiological Research, 53(5), 481-486, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Horak J.
Down-regulation of model yeast proteins by ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl. 1), S99-S102, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Jesina P. - Kholova D. - Bolehovska R. - Cervinkova Z. - Drahota Z. - Houstek J.
Glycerophosphate-dependent hydrogen peroxide production by rat liver mitochondria.
Physiological Research, 53(3), 305-310, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Jezek P. - Zackova M. - Ruzicka M. - Skobisova E. - Jaburek M.
Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins--facts and fantasies.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl. 1), S199-S211, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Kadlecova M. - Cejka J. - Zicha J. - Kunes J.
Does Cd36 gene play a key role in disturbed glucose and fatty acid metabolism in Prague hypertensive hypertriglyceridemic rats?
Physiological Research, 53(3), 265-271, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Kolar F. - Ostadal B.
Molecular mechanisms of cardiac protection by adaptation to chronic hypoxia.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl.1), S3-S13, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Kopecky J. - Rossmeisl M. - Flachs P. - Brauner P. - Sponarova J. - Matejkova O. - Prazak T. - Ruzickova J. - Bardova K. - Kuda O.
Energy metabolism of adipose tissue – Physiological aspects and target in obesity treatment.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl.1), S225-S232, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Krejci A. - Michal P. - Jakubik J. - Ricny J. - Dolezal V.
Regulation of signal transduction at M2 muscarinic receptor.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl.1), S131-S140, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Kretschmannova K. - Zemkova H.
Characterization of neuromuscular transmission in mice with progressive motoneuronopathy.
Physiological Research, 53(5), 541-548, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Krusek J.
Allostery and cooperativity in the interaction of drugs with ionic channel receptors.
Physiological Research, 53(6), 569-579, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Krusek J. - Dittert I. - Hendrych T. - Hnik P. - Horak M. - Petrovic M. - Sedlacek M. - Susankova K. - Svobodova L. - Tousova K. - Ujec E. - Vlachova V. - Vyklicky st. L. - Vyskocil F. - Vyklicky ml. L.
Activation and modulation of ligand-gated ion channels.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl.1), S103-S113, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Kubala M. - Obsil T. - Obsilova V. - Lansky Z. - Amler E.
Protein modeling combined with spectroscopi techniques: an attractive quick alternative to obtain structural information.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl. 1), S187-S197, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Kubinova L. - Janacek J. - Karen P. - Radochova B. - Difato F. - Krekule I.
Confocal stereology and image analysis: methods for estimating geometrical characteristics of cells and tissues from three-dimensional confocal images.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl. 1), S47-S55, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Kunes J. - Zicha J. - Jelinek J.
The role of chloride in deoxycorticosterone hypertension: selective sodium loading by diet or drinking fluid.
Physiological Research, 53(2), 149-154, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Kunes J. - Hojna S. - Kadlecova M. - Dobesova Z. - Rauchova H. - Vokurkova M. - Loukotova J. - Pechanova O. - Zicha J.
Altered balance of vasoactive systems in experimental hypertension: The role of relative NO deficiency.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl.1), S23-S34, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Mares P. - Folbergrova J. - Kubova H.
Excitatory aminoacids and epileptic seizures in immature brain.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl.1), S115-S124, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Matousek P. - Novotny J. - Svoboda P.
Resolution of G(s)alpha and G(q)alpha/G(11)alpha proteins in membrane domains by two-dimensional electrophoresis: the effect of long-term agonist stimulation.
Physiological Research, 53(3), 295-303, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Neckar J. - Ostadal B. - Kolar F.
Myocardial infarct size-limiting effect of chronic hypoxia persists for five weeks of normoxic recovery.
Physiological Research, 53(6), 621-628, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Pacha J. - Miksik I. - Mrnka L. - Zemanova Z. - Bryndova J. - Mazancova K. - Kucka M.
Corticosteroid regulation of colonic ion transport during postnatal development: methods for corticosteroid analysis.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl. 1), S63-S80, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Palecek J.
The role of dorsal columns pathway in visceral pain.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl. 1), S125-S130, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Pavelka S.
Metabolism of bromide and its interference with the metabolism of iodine.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl.1), S81-S90, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Pecina P. - Houstkova H. - Hansikova H. - Zeman J. - Houstek J.
Genetic defects of cytochrome c oxidase assembly.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl. 1), S213-S223, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Pravenec M. - Zidek V. - Landa V. - Simakova M. - Mlejnek P. - Kazdova L. - Bila V. - Krenova D. - Kren V.
Genetic analysis of "metabolic syndrome" in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl. 1), S15-S22, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Sumova A. - Bendova Z. - Sladek M. - Kovacikova Z. - Illnerova H.
Seasonal molecular timekeeping within the rat circadian clock.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl.1), S167-S176, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Svoboda P. - Teisinger J. - Novotny J. - Bourova L. - Drmota T. - Hejnova L. - Moravcova Z. - Lisy V. - Rudajev V. - Stohr J. - Vokurkova A. - Svandova I. - Durchankova D.
Biochemistry of transmembrane signaling mediated by trimeric G proteins.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl. 1), S141-S152, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Sychrova H.
Yeast as a model organism to study transport and homeostasis of alkali metal cations.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl. 1), S91-S98, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Vadaszova A. - Zacharova G. - Machacova K. - Jirmanova I. - Soukup T.
Influence of thyroid status on the differentiation of slow and fast muscle phenotypes.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl.1), S57-S61, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Velisek L. - Mares P.
Hippocampal afterdischarges in rats. I. Effects of antiepilepticus.
Physiological Research, 53(4), 453-461, 2004
IF = 1,14(04)

Di Nicolantonio R. - Kren V. - Zidek V. - Pravenec M.
Salt preference of congenic strains derived from the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Physiology & Behavior, 80(5), 617-622, 2004
IF = 2,044(04)

Sladek M. - Sumova A. - Kovacikova Z. - Bendova Z. - Laurinova K. - Illnerova H.
Insight into molecular core clock mechanism of embryonic and early postnatal rat suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101(16), 6231-6236, 2004
IF = 10,452(04)

Stastny F. - Lisy V. - Mares V. - Lisa V. - Balcar V.J. - Santamaria A.
Quinolinic acid induced NMDA receptor-mediated lipid peroxidation in rat brain microvessels.
Redox Report, 9(4), 229-233, 2004
IF = 1,724(04)

Bryndova J. - Zbankova S. - Kment M. - Pacha J.
Colitis up-regulates local glucocorticoid activation and down-regulates inactivation in colonic tissue.
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 39(6), 549-553, 2004
IF = 1,824(04)

Tesarova M. - Hansikova H. - Kytnarova J. - Houstkova H. - Bohm M. - Cerna L. - Zeman J. - Houstek J.
Clinical heterogeneity, tissue distribution, and intergenerational segregation of mtDNA mutation A3243G.
Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 14(1-2), 79-84, 2004
IF = 0,464(04)

Vojtiskova A. - Jesina P. - Kalous M. - Kaplanova V. - Houstek J. - Tesarova M. - Fornuskova D. - Zeman J. - Dubot A. - Godinot C.
Mitochondrial membrane potential and ATP production in primary disorders of ATP synthase.
Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 14(1-2), 7-11, 2004
IF = 0,464(04)
