This is to tell you how pleased and honoured we would be to have you among the speakers of the


5th Prague Interpretation Colloquium,


to be held on April 25-27, 2005,


this time on



(the literal meaning and a variety of indirect meanings in the interpretation of ordinary utterances and

of literary texts)


The Prague Interpretation Colloquia are intended to provide opportunity for discussions among people

working in philosophy, literary theory and aesthetics. Their style is rather informal, which means, among

other things, that the discussion need not stop in the scheduled time, if it is found inspiring, and that the

agenda is reduced to minimum, so that the organizers are hardly distinguishable from other participants

(except by their perfect Czech and poor English). The only restriction concerns the presentation of

the papers, which should not exceed 40 minutes.


The colloquia are held by the Department for Analytical Philosophy at the Philosophical Institute of the

Czech Academy of Sciences, within an inter-disciplinary project on the Theory of Interpretation. The

Department has organized in the nineties a series of symposia on analytical philosophy, with W. V. O.

Quine, D. Davidson, H. Putnam, J. Searle and many others as speakers. Several volumes of proceedings

have been published (the last two are: Questions for Quine, ed. by A. Orenstein and Petr Koťátko, Kluwer

2000, Interpreting Davidson, ed. by P. Kotatko, P. Pagin and G. Segal, CSLI 2001).


If you are interested and able to join us, please, let us know until the end January the (preliminary) title of

your paper and the dates of your stay in Prague. There is no conference fee, but unfortunately also no

funds for covering the participants' expenses. The organizers will be happy to reserve accommodation in

Prague (and in exceptional cases might be able to assist with its cost).


With best regards


Petr Koťátko

Head of the Department for Analytical Philosophy

Philosophical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Jilská 1

110 00 Prague 1