A means of detecting features which lie below the ground surface, based on the measurement of electrical resistivity and the identification of magnetic anomalies. The Institute of Archaeology has its own, high-power equipment of this type - including two caesium magnetometers. With the aid of this equipment, measurements are taken at various kinds of site, although most attention is devoted to features of a linear character (enclosures) discovered by aerial prospection. |
Fig. 1. Using two SMARTMAG SM-4g Caesium magnetometers in the field . Enlarge. |
Fig. 2. Measuring the magnetic susceptibility of the fill of a palisade trench with the a fluxgate gradiometer. Enlarge. |
Fig. 3. Results of measurements of a tumulus taken with a PM-2 proton magnetometer at Černouček (Litoměřice district). The perimeter ditch and grave chamber are conspicuous. The feature was later excavated. Author: R. Křivánek. Enlarge. |
Fig. 4. Results of measurements taken of large, irregular circular enclosure at Chleby (Nymburk district). Author: R. Křivánek. Enlarge. |
Fig 5. Results of measurements taken of large, irregular circular enclosure at Trpoměchy (Slaný distr.). Author: R. Křivánek. Enlarge. |