Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, v.v.i.
Vídeňská 1083 Prague 4, CZ-14220 map Czech Republic
Phone: +420 241 063 215 Phone: +420 224 310 234 Fax: +420 224 310 955
IC: 68378050 DIC: CZ68378050
The new Institute's building (completed in December 2006)
Detached sites:Flemingovo nám. 2 Prague 6, CZ-166 37 map
Phone: +420 220 183 280 Phone: +420 220 183 212 E-mail: sedlacek@img.cas.czKoleč č.10 Koleč, CZ-27329 Czech Republic
Phone: +420 315 783 827 Fax: +420 315 783 445
ATTENTION! As of January 1st, 2007, the legal status and the site of the Institute have changed.