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Časopis pro moderní filologii / Journal for Modern Philology


Journal for Modern Philology accepts only original texts that have not been published elsewhere. In the case of a Czech version of a text which was published previously in another language, the Editors will decide according to circumstances.

Journal for Modern Philology accepts texts written in Microsoft Word. The manuscripts should be submitted to the Editors by e-mail (or on CD or in printed form in two copies, if so agreed) in the following format: spacing 1.5, font Times New Roman, font size 13, left margin 3.5, right margin 2.5, top and bottom margins 2.5 (the maximum length of particular types of contributions specified below refers to this format). The printed text must not include the name and workplace of the author.

The text should be formatted as little as possible: only the title, subtitles and paragraphs should be typographically demarcated. Boldface should be used for emphasizing parts of the text. Examples should be written in italics.

Texts sent to the Editors are assigned to the following sections: Articles, Critical Overviews, Book Reviews, Current Issues and Chronicle. The format of texts for individual sections is as follows:

Articles and Critical Overviews

  • the titles of the articles should not be indented, the name and surname of the author should come below the title and be followed by the city of the author’s residence in brackets;
  • footnotes (commenting briefly on the text) are best created automatically using the Microsoft Word feature;
  •  the literature in the text should be referred to by the author’s surname and the year of publication in brackets, including the page references in the case of citations (Kopečný 1980, s. 34);
  • the bibliography at the end of the text (LITERATURA) should be arranged alphabetically according to the authors’ surnames and should not be numbered; it should include only publications quoted or referred to in the text; if there are more publications by the same author, they should be arranged chronologically; the bibliographic data should be presented as follows:

Vachek, J. (1966): The Linguistic School of Prague: An Introduction to its Theory and Practice. Bloomington – London: Indiana University Press.

Poštolková, B. – Roudný, M. – Tejnor, A. (1983): O české terminologii. Praha: Academia.

Popela, J. (1991): Prospects of V. Skalička’s linguistic typology. In: B. Palek – P. Janota (eds.), Proceedings of Linguistics and Phonetics. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, s. 237–243.

Leška, O. (1995): Vilém Mathesius (1882–1945). Slovo a slovesnost, 56, s. 81–97.

  • articles should be supplied with an English abstract of some 150 words; this abstract should summarize the content of the whole paper, not just its results; the title should start from the left margin in boldface; the Editors welcome abstracts in another foreign language (French, German, Spanish, Italian) with the same format and size (the quality of language of this abstract is the author’s responsibility)
  • the text should not exceed 15 pages (including the references and abstract).

Reviews, Current Issues and Chronicle

  •  the Editors accept reviews of book publications that appeared in the last three years and reports on current issues;
  • the maximum size should not exceed 5 pages in the case of reviews and reports on current issues; items for the Chronicle are restricted to 3 pages only;
  • reviews should be headed by full-length bibliographic information (including the publisher and the number of pages);
  • references to the literature should be included in the text (items of this type are typically not  provided with a literature list or notes at the end);
  • texts should conclude with the author’s first name and surname and the city of residence.


All contributions (including reviews and current issues) must be provided with an English title and 5 keywords in Czech and English (supplied by the author) and the address of the author’s workplace and email address at the end.


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© ÚJČ AV ČR, v. v. i. - Letenská 4, 118 51  Praha 1 - Poslední aktualizace: 6. 08. 2009