Curriculum Vitae


Barbara Zitova

Education :       

1995 -  Mgr. degree, Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, topic of the diploma thesis: "Textures, the reaction diffusion generation"

2000 - Ph.D. degree, Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, topic of the Ph.D. thesis: "Registration of Radiometrically Deformed Images by Invariant Descriptors"


Affiliation :

1995 - now: Department of Image Processing, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic

2008 - now: head of the department


Educational activities :

1995 - now: undergraduate and graduate courses (lectures and tutorials; jointly with prof. Ing. J. Flusser,CSc.), Faculty  of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague

Digitální zpracování obrazu (NPGR002) MFF UK
Speciální funkce a transformace ve zpracování obrazu (NPGR013) MFF UK, FJFI CVUT
Speciální seminář ze zpracovaní obrazu (NPGR022) MFF UK

1998, 2001, 2005 : graduate course "Digital image processing II", the University of Veracruz, Jalapa, Mexico,


Master thesis students: 5 finished, 2 running, 1 in preparation
PhD students: 1 running

Grants :
Grant GAČR 102/01/P065 2001-2003
S. Vitus mosaic restoration: change analysis based on historical pphotographs

Tutorials, invited talks, lectures :

1997: James Cook University of North Queensland, Australia, „The Moment invariants and Their Application for the Recognition of Distorted Images“

2001: the Center for Applied Mathematics, St. Thomas University, St.Paul, Minnesota, USA, „Digital image processing in the restoration of historical art pieces“

2002: the Center for Applied Mathematics, St. Thomas University, St.Paul, Minnesota, USA, „How to Capture All the Spacious World „

2002: Leigh University, Bethlehem, USA, Invariant-based registration of rotated and blurred images“

2005: Zitová Barbara, Flusser Jan, Šroubek Filip: Image registration: A survey and recent advances. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP'05, Janov, IT, 11.09.2005-14.09.2005

2007: Flusser Jan, Šroubek Filip, Zitová Barbara: Tutorial: Image Fusion - Principles, Methods, and Applications , the 15th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2007, Poznan, PL, 03.09:2007-07.09.2007

2007: Flusser Jan, Zitová Barbara, Suk Tomáš: Image registration: MOMENTS AND MOMENT INVARIANTS IN IMAGE ANALYSIS. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP'07, San Antonio, 2007

2008: Flusser Jan, Šroubek Filip, Zitová Barbara: Tutorial: Overview of image fusion techniques; Fusion for restoration and super-resolution , CVPR2008, Anchorage, USA, 24.06:2008-26.06.2008

Awards :

2003: Hlávkva award
2003: Best paper award, ÚTIA AV ČR
2006: Otto Wichterle award
2007: member of the prof. Jana Flussera, DrSc. team - Grant agency CR chairman award
2007: Awards of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic