» Projects » Grant List » Interaction of micellar additives with turbulent flow

Interaction of micellar additives with turbulent flow

  • Identification: IAA2060204 - Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • Duration: 2002 - 2004
  • Principal investigator: Ing. Zdeněk Chára CSc.

Subject of research

Micellar agents (surfactants) are able, due to their inner structure, to reduce considerably the friction losses in turbulent flow even in recirculating systems (e.g. systems of central heating) where the appyling of other additives (like polymers) is falling. Despite of a large number of scientific papers which were published the mechanism of interaction of micellar additives with turbulent flow is still unclear. The research will be focused on experimental investigation of turbulent characteristics of aqueous solutions of sufactants (mainly zwitterionic) to determine profiles of turbulence parameters in a wide range of Reynolds numbers covering whole range of effective drag reduction, on investigation of regeneration of micellar structure beyond pipe singularities and on investigation of drag reduction efficiency in industry made pipes. The results will help us to better understand the mechanism of micelles/turbulent interaction from both theoretical and application viewpoints.

Research Goal

Influence of micellar additives on hydraulic parameters (turbulence characteristics, drag reduction efficiency, scale-up) was analyzed. It was proved that a transition from laminar to turbulent flow regimes was shifted towards higher velocities.