» Projects » Grant List » Interaction of hard particles with turbulent flow of a liquid

Interaction of hard particles with turbulent flow of a liquid

  • Identification: A2060907 - Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • Duration: 1999 - 2003
  • Co-investigator: Prof. Ing. Pavel Ditl DrSc. (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU)
  • Co-investigator: Ing. Vladimír Lovicar CSc. (Mathematical Institute ASCR)

The project proposes a continuation of our current and fruitful research. We have already proved that we are able to measure using LDA/PDA technique all basic characteristic of turbulent two-phase flow and that we are able to simulate such flow in process equipment using PHOENICS software (CHISA-98). It was found that the crutial point for calculation and simulation is a knowledge of the velocity of hindered sedimentation and knowledge of particle drag coefficient in a turbulent flow which is in some cases substantionally larger than in a still liquid. We expect

  • to formulate and to derive theoretical backgrounds for drag coefficient determination of sphere in a turbulent flowing suspension,
  • to verify experimentally the theory proposed using LDA/PDA method,
  • to formulate simulation models and to solve them using PHOENICS or FLUENT for complex two-phase flow in process equipment (mixed vessels, fluidisation). For solving suspension mixing we will use so called sliding mesh technique. We expect that we will be able to contribute to the basic hydrodynamics, to apply experimental LDA/PDA technique for solid-liquid system and to simulate complex two-phase solid-liquid systems in process equipment.