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Contributions are accepted in English, French, Italian or German. Authors using a non-native language are requested to have their contribution carefully checked by a native speaker before submitting it.

Contributions should be submitted electronically: on a diskette or as an attachment to e-mail, with two printed copies of the manuscript supplementing  the electronic version.

Manuscripts to the article section should be reasonably divided into paragraphs, and where necessary, have section headings, not numbers.

Titles of the articles should be written in capitals with a maximum length of 50 characters, including spaces.  The author´s name and address to which proofs should be sent should be enclosed on a separate sheet. 

Contributions to the article section should include an English resumé 100-200 words in length and a list of 5 key words in English and in the langauge of the article. The resumé should summarize the content of the entire article.

The contributions to the section of  reviews, news and anniversaries have no resumé.

All pages of the manuscript should carry the page number. Figures and photographs must be reproducible originals and should be submitted on separate sheets, carefully numbered and labelled. Also tables should be numbered and have titles, and must be referred to in the text.

The printed manuscripts should have margins of a reasonable width, sufficiently legible font size and broader spacing (e.g. Times New Roman, 12-point, 1.5 spacing in Microsoft Word).

Notes should be typed on a separate sheet of paper  and placed at the end of the manuscript. References are cited in the text by giving the name of the author/s and the year of publication, e.g.:  „…as mentioned by Vachek (1989)“. References to books should also include pagination, e.g. „…as has been argued  (Čermák, 1994, 287-294)“.

Submitted papers are considered only if they have not have been published before in any widely available publication, and/or if they are under review elsewhere. 

All works referred to  must be listed at the end of the article, double-spaced and in alphabetical order, for example:

ADAM, J.M. (1987): Textualité et séquentialité. L´exemple de la description.  Langue française, 74, pp.51-72.

ADAM, J.-M. (1999): Linguistique textuelle. Des genres de discours aux textes. Nathan, Paris. 

BENVENISTE, E. (1966): Problèmes de linguistique générale, Tome 1. Gallimard, Paris.

CHARAUDEAU, P. (1992): Grammaire du sens et de l´expression. Hachette, Paris.

COMBETTES, B. (1988): Pour une grammaire textuelle. de Boeck-Duculot, Bruxelles.

DANEŠ, F. (1985): Věta a text. Academia, Praha.

DANEŠ, F. ed.(1974): Papers on Functional Sentence Perspective. Academia, Praha.

Contributions should be sent to: Michaela Lašťovičková Linguistica Pragensia, The Institute of the Czech Language, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Letenská 4, 11851 Praha 1, Czech Republic

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© ÚJČ AV ČR, v. v. i. - Letenská 4, 118 51  Praha 1 - Poslední aktualizace:  4. 09. 2009