Česká verze English version

Journal for popularization of biology, founded in 1853 by J.E. Purkyně

Vertebrates of the Lower Elbe River

Benda P.

The only partially canalized Elbe River stretch (with a total length 40 km), flowing through the České středohoří/Bohemian Mittelgebirge Hills and Elbe Sandstones is unique not only in the Czech Republic, but also at least in Central Europe. The river floodplain and its surroundings is remarkable due to the occurrence of numerous amphibian, reptile and particularly bird and mammalian species. It is an important migratory corridor (e.g., for the European Beaver Castor fiber, Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra, Ural Field/Pygmy Mouse Apodemus uralensis), a nesting site (e.g., the Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos, Sand Martin Riparia riparia) and a wintering ground (e.g., for the Common Merganser Mergus merganser).

p. 176

© Foto M. Rohlík

© Foto M. Rohlík