» Projects » Grant List » Biological model of stratified reservoirs

Biological model of stratified reservoirs

  • Identification: A2060504 - Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • Duration: 1995 - 1997
  • Principal investigator: Ing. Martin Růžička CSc.

The aim of the project is to create a biological model of reservoir of small and middle size (order 10 resp. 100 mil. m3). The input quantity distribution like as concentrations of nutrients, water temperature and light intensity will be solved by model DYRESM (taking into account diffusion, inflow dynamic, mixing in euphotic layer, entrainment etc.). The model of algae dynamic will use these and also another data for prediction of growth of algae. Biomass loss and decay will be solved in the first phase by user-defined function, in the next phases it can be spread by simulation of predation, mortality, respiration and sedimentation. Results of simulations will be temperature, dissolved matter and phytoplankton concentration description. Verification of the model will be done on the reservoirs Římov and Želivka. There are more-years series of necessary data available on these reservoirs and further gaining of special set of data should be quite easy.