Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Hydrobiology - homeBiology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Hydrobiology
Petr Znachor

Petr Znachor, Ph.D.

Personal data
Date and place of birth: 29. 10. 1973, České Budějovice
Status: Married, two children
Telephone: +420 604 314 751
, +420 38 777 5884
Email: znachy at

1988 – 1992 – High school of J.V. Jirsíka in Českých Budějovicích
1992 – 1995 – Bachelor study at Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
1995 – 1998 – Master study at Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
1998 – 2003 – Ph.D. study at Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice; 1999 – 2001 – civil duty

Since 1998 - research scientist at Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre of Czech Academy of Sciences, České Budějovice

Major interests
- phytoplankton ecology in lakes and reservoirs, structure, function and diversity of phytoplankton assemblages in freshwater ecosystems
- ecology of cyanobacterial blooms
- diatom ecology
- microphotography and photography, graphic design, digital photography processing
- public communication

Membership in scientific organizations
Czech Limnological Society

Scientific papers

Iluz D., Dishon G., Capuzzo E., Meeder E., Astoreca R., Montecino V.,
ZNACHOR P., Edider D. & Marra J. (2009): Short-term variability in primary productivity during a wind-driven diatom bloom in the Gulf of Eilat (Aqaba). AME XX: xx-xx.

Cao X, Song Ch, Zhou Y. Štrojsová A.,
ZNACHOR P., Zapomělová E. & Vrba J. (2009): Extracellular phosphatases produced by phytoplankton and other sources in shallow eutrophic lakes (Wuhan, China): taxon-specific versus other sources. Limnology XX: xx-xx.

Čtvrtlíková M., Vrba J.,
ZNACHOR P. & Hekera P. (2009): Effects of aluminium toxicity and low pH on the early developement of Isoetes echinospora. Preslia 81: 135–149.

Zapomělová E, Hisem D, Řehaková K, Hrouzek P, Jezberová J, Komárková J, Korelusová J,
ZNACHOR, P. (2008): Experimental comparison of phenotypical plasticity and growth demands of two strains from the Anabaena circinalis/A. crassa complex (cyanobacteria). J. Plankt. Res. 30: 12571269.

Šimek K., Horňák K., Jezbera J., Nedoma J.,
ZNACHOR, P., Hejzlar J. & Seďa J. (2008): Spatio-temporal patterns of bacterioplankton production and community composition related to phytoplankton composition and protistan bacterivory in a dam reservoir. AME 51: 249262.

ZNACHOR, P., Zapomělová, E., Řeháková, K., Nedoma, J. & Šimek, K. (2008): The effect of extreme rainfall on summer succession and vertical distribution of phytoplankton in a lacustrine part of a eutrophic reservoir. Aquatic Sci. 70: 77–86.

ZNACHOR, P. & Nedoma J. (2008): Application of the PDMPO technique in studying silica deposition in natural populations of Fragilaria crotonensis (Bacillariophyceae) at different depths in a eutrophic reservoir, J. Phycol. 44: 518525.

Zapomělová, E.; Řeháková, K.; ZNACHOR, P.; Komárková, J. (2007): Morphological diversity of coiled planktonic types of the genus Anabaena (cyanobacteria) in natural populations – taxonomic consequences. Cryptogamie/Algologie 28: 353

Jurczak, T., Komárková, J., Jezberová, J., Mankiewicz, J., Kaštovská, K. & Zapomělová, E. (2006): Summer changes of cyanobacterial bloom composition and microcystin concentration in eutrophic Czech reservoirs. – Environ. Toxicol. 21: 236243. Pdf file is here.

ZNACHOR, P., Vrba, J., Nedoma, J. & Kopáček, J. (2005): Bacterial and phytoplankton responses to nutrient and pH changes during short term in situ experiments in two acidified lakes. – Arch. Hydrobiol./Algolog. Studies 115: 79–99.

(2005): Vodní květy řas a sinic (Cyanobacterial and algal blooms). Scientific American (Czech Edition) July 2005: 4251. Pdf file is here.

ZNACHOR, P. & LODEOVÁ, J. (2005): Kalamita na řece Malši (Calamity on the River Malše). Scientific American (Czech Edition) July 2005: 52
55. Pdf file is here.

ZNACHOR, P. & LODEOVÁ, J. (2005): The occurrence of a bloom-forming green alga Pleodorina indica (Iyengar) Nozaki (Volvocales) in the downstream reach of the River Malše (Czech Republic). Hydrobiologia 541: 221–228. Pdf file is here

Cao, X., Štrojsová, A., ZNACHOR, P., Zapomělová, E., LIU, G., Vrba, J. & Zhou, Y. (2005): Detection of extracellular phosphatases in natural spring phytoplankton of a shallow eutrophic lake (Donghu, China). Eur. J. Phycol. 40: 251–258.

Boutte, C., Komárková, J., Grubisić, S., ZNACHOR, P., Bataille, A., Zapomělová, E., Gullukaya, A., Jezberová, J. & Wilmotte, A. (2005): A polyphasic approach to assess the cyanobacterial diversity of summer samples from Czech water bodies. Hoffmann,L., Komárek, J.: Cyanobacteria/Cyanophyta - 16. Symposium Internat. Assoc. for Cyanophyte Research (IAC), Luxemburg, 2004 / Proceedings, Morphology, Taxonomy, Ecology (Papers on Cyanobacterial Research, No. 6).

ZNACHOR, P. & Nedoma, J. (2004): Cell specific primary production of autotrophic and mixotrophic phytoplankton in acidified lakes of the Bohemian Forest. – Arch. Hydrobiol./Algolog. Studies 112: 141–155.

ŠTROJSOVÁ, A., VRBA, J., NEDOMA, J., KOMÁRKOVÁ, J. & ZNACHOR, P. (2003): Seasonal study on expression of extracellular phosphatases in the phytoplankton of a eutrophic reservoir. – Eur. J. Phycol. 38: 295–306.

NEDOMA, J., STRAŠKRABOVÁ VIERA, ZNACHOR, P. & VRBA, J. (2003): Primary and bacterial production in three acidified lakes in the Bohemian Forest. – Silva Gabreta Vimperk, 9: 53 – 70.

(2003): Cell specific primary production of autotrophic and mixotrophic phytoplankton in acidified lakes of the Bohemian forest.
–PhD thesis, BF JU, České Budějovice, 55 pp.

ZNACHOR, P. & KOMÁRKOVÁ, J. (2002): Phytoplankton bloom species diversity in several Czech Reservoirs. – Extended Abstracts from the 4th International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality, České Budějovice, 380–383.

ZNACHOR, P. & HRUBÝ, P. (2000): Cell specific primary production and phagotrophy of phytoplankton in acidified lakes of Bohemian Forest. – Silva Gabreta Vimperk, 4: 223–232.

ZNACHOR, P. (1997): Phytoplankton diversity, intracellular phosphorus content and spatial heterogenity in the longitunidal profile of the Lipno Reservoir, in Czech. – Master thesis BF JU, České Budějovice, 51 pp.

ZNACHOR, P. (1995): Seasonal dynamics of the phytoplankton in the Lipno Reservoir in 1993, in Czech. – Bachelor thesis BF JU, České Budějovice, 32 pp.

Other papers

ZNACHOR, P. (2008): Rozsivky - podivuhodné řasy v krabičce (Diatoms - remarkable algae in the box). Živa 1/2008: 10–11.

Kaštovská,K., ZNACHOR, P., Rychtecký, P. & Zapomělová, E. (2006): Comparison of suitability of two experimental mesocosmos for phytoplankton in situ experiments. In: Reservoir limnology and water quality, Extended abstract, Book of Abstracts. Brno, Czech Republic, August 27–31, 2006, p 180–183.

ZNACHOR, P., Nedoma, J., Horňák, k., Šimek, K. & Jezberová, J. (2006): Primary production and glucose uptake of size-fractionated phytoplankton in a eutrophic reservoir. In: Reservoir limnology and water quality, Extended abstract, Book of Abstracts. Brno, Czech Republic, August 27–31, 2006, p 190–194.

ZNACHOR, P. (2005): Dokážeme výhrát bitvu se sinicemi? 21. STOLETÍ, červenec 2005: 20–23.

ZNACHOR, P. (2005): Svět ukrytý v kapce vody (World hidden in a drop of water). – Obzor 1/2005: 6–7.

ZNACHOR, P. (2004): Nevítané květy sinic (Cyanobacterial blooms).- National Geographic (Czech Edition only), June 2004: 3 pp.

. (2004): Vodní květy nejsou o vůni .... (Cyanobacterial blooms) – Česká hlava, svět vědy 9: 34–36.

ZNACHOR, P. (2004): Cyanobacterial blooms, reality and myths. August 9th 2004,

Zalewski, M. & Wagner-Lotkowska (2004): Integrated Watershed Management – Ecohydrology & Phytotechnology – Manual. – UNESCO, 246 pp. (photographs only)

ZNACHOR, P. (2004): Toxic bloom in reservoirs and fishponds.–

ZNACHOR, P. (2004): – Water bloom: The fight against it.–

ZNACHOR, P. (2004): – Cyanotoxins: Effect on human organism.–

ZNACHOR, P. (2004): – Blue-green algae: Production and Function of Cyanotoxins.–

ZNACHOR, P. (2003): Mikrofotografování vodního květu řas a sinic (Microphotography of water blooms, in Czech). – Magazín Fotografie 12: 58–61.

ZNACHOR, P. (2003): Cyanobacterial blooms, reality and myths. – www.neviditelny pes, 25.8. 2003.

ZNACHOR, P. (2003): Cyanobacterial blooms in Czech reservoirs. – Rybářství 11. 642–643.

ZNACHOR, P. (2003): Algae and cyanobacteria in standing freshwaters, part 1. – Dobrá Voda 6 (1): 29.

ZNACHOR, P. (2003): Algae and cyanobacteria in standing freshwaters, part 2. - Dobrá Voda 6 (2): 32.

VRTIŠKA, O. & ZNACHOR, P. (2003): Blooming water. – ABC 18: 8-9.

Oral presentations

ZNACHOR, P. & Nedoma, J. (2006): Vizualization of silica deposition using fluorescence staining. 46th conference of Algological Section of Czech Society of Botany, Rožmberk, Czech Republic, September 19 – 23, 2006.

& LODEOVÁ, J. (2005): The occurrence of a bloom-forming green alga Pleodorina indica (Iyengar) Nozaki (Volvocales) in the downstream reach of the River Malše (Czech Republic). 14th workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Research (IAP), Sapanca, Turkey, September 1. – 11.

ZNACHOR, P. (2005): Algal and cyanobacterial blooms in Czech freshwaters, Observatory and Planetarium, České Budějovice, May 25., 2005.

ZNACHOR, P. (2004): Algae, cyanobacteria and water blooms in Czech reservoirs, Chantransia 2004, Lednice, October 13 – 15, 2004.

ZNACHOR, P. (2004): Microphotography in hydrobiology, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, November 8, 2004.

ZNACHOR, P., LODEOVÁ, J., & KOMÁRKOVÁ, J. (2003): A massive occurrence of green alga Pleodorina indica in the River Malše. 43th international conference of Algological Section of Czech Society of Botany, Rožmberk, Czech Republic, September 22 – 25, 2003.

ZNACHOR, P. (2003): Cyanobacterial blooms in Czech reservoirs, Water Management News 2003, Pardubice, Czech Republic, December 9 – 10, 2003.


1999 – Primary production of phytoplankton species in acidified lakes of the Bohemian Forest measured by microautoradiography, FRVŠ No. 140/1999 – J. Komárková

2000 – 2004 – Water quality in reservoirs, Program Support of Targeted Research in the Academy of Sciences of ČR, No. S6017004.

2004 – 2009
– ALTER-NET A long-term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awareness Research Network GOCE-CT-2003-505298 - V.Straškrabová (coordinated by Natural Environment Research Council,UK).

2005 –2007 – Changes in bacterioplankton structure and functioning in a reservoir related to single-cell activities of major phylogenetic groups of bacteria GA ČR 206/05/0007 - K.Šimek

2005 – 2009 Limnological basis of suitable management of reservoirs, Program Support of Targeted Research in the Academy of Sciences of ČR, No. 1QS600170504.

2006 – 2008 – Competion relationships among dominant species of phytoplankton in the reservoirs, GA ČR No 206/06/0462, K. Kaštovská.

2007 – 2009 – Mixotrophic nutrition of summer phytoplankton species in the Římov Reservoir , GA ČR No 206/07/P407, P. Znachor.

Teaching activities - lectures and practices

1999 – 2002 Algal ecology - practice at Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia
1999 – 2002 Basic limnological methods - practice at Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia
1999 – 2002 Modern limnological methods - practice at Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia
2000 – 2003 Biology of freshwater organisms I - practice at Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia
1999 – 2003 Advanced limnological methods - practice at Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague
– present: Phytoplankton Ecology - semestral course, Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia


2008 – 14th workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Research (IAP), November  23–30, Ramot, Israel.

2008 – GAP workshop, March 30 – April 8,
Eilat, Israel.

2007 – 5th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, July 8 – 13, Palermo, Sicily.

2006 –- 5th International Conference on Reservoir Limnology, "Reservoirs - establishing the balance between human use and biotic integrity", August 27-30, 2006, Brno.

2005 – 14th workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Research (IAP), Sapanca, Turkey, September 1. – 11.

2004 – Cyanobakteria, Brno, January 21.

2004 – 6th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, June 21-27, Bergen, Norway.

2003 – 43. International conference of Algological section of Czech Society of Botany, Rožmberk, September 22–25.

2003 – Water management news 2003, Pardubice, December 9. – 10.

2003 – Ecotoxicological biotests II, Praha, February 3 – 4.

2002 – Ecotoxicological biotests I, Seč, September 18. – 19.

2002 – 4th International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality, Č. Budějovice, August 12 – 16.

2002, 2001, 2000 – Digital imaging in biology and medical science, České Budějovice.

2001 – Ecosocial Youth Conference, Vídeň 2001

2000 – “Acidified Lakes in the Bohemian/Bavarian Forest – History, Present and Future”, České Budějovice, March 21 – 23.

1999 –
GAP workshop "Dynamics of Primary Production in spatially and temporally heterogeneous aquatic enviroments", Zurych, Švýcarsko, September 9. – 17.

Microphotographic exhibitions and other activities

Microworld – exhibition of Czech science microphotography, Galery Upstairs, DK Metropol, České Budějovice,
October 14 – November 28, 2008.

Microphotography of fluorescence staining in diatoms received 10th price and Honorable Mention Olympus BioScapes International Digital Imaging Competition, December 2008.

Microphotography of a coiled cyanobacterium Anabaena received Honorable Mention in Nikon Microworld photography contest, November 2006.

Plankton - exhibition of micro and other photographs from our PhytoAtlas and Gallery, The Moravian Museum, Brno, June 26 - October 13, 2007.

Microphotography of a planktonic desmid Closterium received Honorable Mention Olympus BioScapes International Digital Imaging Competition, November 2006.

"Microscopic pictures" exhibiton of microphotographs by Petr Znachor and František Weyda, Gallery Nahoře, České Budějovice, May 2006. Exhibition catalogue can be downloaded here.

"Microworld in a drop of water" - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague, April 2006.

"Microworld 2005" - exhibition of the best microphotographs sent to Microworld 2005 competition, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové, Charles University in Prague, Hradec Králové, November 2005 - January 2006.

Microphotography of Anabaena planctonica received Honorable Mention Olympus BioScapes International Digital Imaging Competition, November 2005.

"Microworld 2005" - exhibition of the best microphotographs sent to Microworld 2005 competition, Nikon Gallery, Na rybníčku 5, Prague 2, October 2005.

"Ecofilm" - exhibition of microphotographs, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Biohemia, Branišovská 31, České Budějovice, October 3.
10. 2005.

"European Science Day" - exhibition of microphotographs, c.k. Solnice, Česká 66, České Budějovice, September 23., 2005.

"Beauty of the microworld" - exhibition of microphotographs, 14th workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Research (IAP), Sapanca, Turkey, September 1. – 11., 2005.

Photographic exhibition ”Phytoplankton and water blooms in Czech reservoirs", Observatory and Planetarium, České Budějovice, March-June 2005.

Photographic exhibition ”Water blooms in Czech reservoirs" in cooperation with Foundation Živa and Olympus, C&S, Academia Bookstore, Wencezslav square 34., Prague, December 2004.

”Water 2004", set of photographs ”Water blooms in Czech reservoirs”, June 2004, Prague.

"Focused on Ecology - Planet of the elements", ”Water blooms in Czech reservoirs”, October 2004, organized with cooperation of Bayer s.r.o., UNEP and Ministry of Environment, Bookstore Kanzelsberger, Wencezslav square no. 4, Prague.

“Czech Press Photo" category Nature and Environment, set of microphotographs “Water bloom in Czech reservoirs”, international exhibition “Czech Press Photo" September 2003 February 2004, Prague.

“How do cyanobacterial blooms look like?", Jírovcova High School, České Budějovice. Microphotography exhibition, September 2003.

“Science at the European threshold ", Czech Academy of Sciences , Národní 3, Prague, Presentation of the projects awarded to HBI – water bloom microphotographs. May – June 2003.

"Blooming reservoirs" – Microphotographic exhibition of water blooms in a framwork of international agricultural exhibition "Země živitelka", České Budějovice 2001.

"Algae and cyanobacteria in Czech reservoirs" – set of microphotographic postcards, sponsored by Olympus company, 2002.

"Cyanobacterial blooms in Czech reservoirs"
information brochure with colour photographs, 2004.

© 2009 - Laboratory of Phytoplankton Ecology
Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Hydrobiology