Eliška Zapomělová, MSc.
Personal data
Date of birth: 15.února 1980
Place of birth: Jihlava
· Telephone: +420 604 550 937
· E-mail: Eliska.Zapomelova@seznam.cz
· Biology Centre of AS CR, Institute of Hydrobiology, Na Sádkách 7, CZ-370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic; laboratory No. 032, telephone: 38 777 5886
· University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Branišovská 31, CZ-370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
2004-present - University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Biological Sciences: Ph.D. studies, Hydrobiology, dissertation thesis Morphological variability of selected strains fo the genus Anabaena (Cyanobacteria) with coiled trichomes in dependence on environmental conditions (in Czech); supervisor RNDr. Jaroslava Komárková, CSc.
2001-2004 - University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Biological Sciences: MSc. studies, Ecology, diploma thesis Morphological variability and growth of selected strains of the genera Anabaena and Aphanizomenon in dependence on environmental conditions (in Czech); supervisor RNDr. Jaroslava Komárková, CSc.
1998-2001 - University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Biological Sciences: Bc. studies, Biology, bachelor thesis Comparison of phytoplankton of the Malše river and Římov reservoir on the basis of mesocosm experiments (in Czech); supervisor RNDr. Jaroslava Komárková, CSc.
1994-1998 – High school, Jana Masaryka 1, Jihlava: high school diploma (Czech language, English language, biology, chemistry).
October 2000 to October 2003 – Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia; cyanobacterial culture collection.
April 2004 to April 2006 – Vltava River Authority, Laboratory of Hydrobiology; hydrobiologist.
2006 – present – Biology Centre of AS CR, Institute of Hydrobiology; Ph.D. student.
Membership in scientific organizations
Czech Algological Society (ČAS)
Other activities
October 2006 – Determination workshop of bloom-forming cyanobacteria, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague.
June 2005 – Determination course for limnologists and hydrobiologists (Czech Algological Society) – oral presentation: Morphological variability of planktonic cyanobacteria a of the genera Anabaena and Aphanizomenon in natural water bodies, Roztoky u Křivoklátu, Czech Republic.
Academic year 2001/02 – membership in preparatory commitee of Biological olympiad (Czech Ministry of Education) for students of secondary schools.
Zapomělová, E., Řeháková-Kaštovská, K., Znachor, P. & Komárková, J. (2007): Morphological diversity of coiled planktonic types of the genus Anabaena (cyanobacteria) in natural populations – taxonomic consequences. Cryptogamie/Algologie 28: 353-371.
Komárek, J., Zapomělová, E. (in press): Planktic morphospecies of the cyanobacterial genus Anabaena (= subg. Dolichospermum) – 1. part: coiled types. Czech Phycology.
Zapomělová, E. (2006): Current taxonomic issues with planktonic representatives of the genus Anabaena (Cyanobacteria) with special reference to their morphological features; literary review. Czech Phycology 6: 33-47.
Zapomělová, E. (2006): Ekologie planktonních sinic rodu Anabaena – literární přehled [Ecology of planctonic representatives of the genus Anabaena – literary review]. In: Maršálek, B., Feldmannová M. & Maršálková E. (eds): Sborník konference, Brno, 13-21 (in Czech).
Kaštovská,K., Znachor,P., Rychtecký, P. & Zapomělová, E. (2006): Comparison of suitability of two experimental mesocosmos for phytoplankton in situ experiments. The 5th International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and water quality. August 27-31 2006, Brno, Czechia, 180-183.
Znachor, P., Jurczak, T., Komárková, J., Jezberová, J., Mankiewicz, J., Kaštovská, K. & Zapomělová, E. (2006): Summer changes of cyanobacterial bloom composition and microcystin concentration in eutrophic Czech reservoirs. – Environmental Toxicology 21: 236 - 243.
Boutte, C., Komárková, J., Grubisić, S., Znachor, P., Bataille, A., Zapomělová, E., Gullukaya, A., Jezberová, J. & Wilmotte, A. (2005): A polyphasic approach to assess the cyanobacterial diversity of summer samples from Czech water bodies. – in Hoffmann,L., Komárek, J. & Lhotský, O. (Eds): Cyanobacteria/Cyanophyta - 16. Symposium Internat. Assoc. for Cyanophyte Research (IAC), Luxemburg, 2004 / Proceedings Morphology, Taxonomy, Ecology (Papers on Cyanobacterial Research, No. 6) p. 177-195.
Cao, X., Štrojsová, A., Znachor, P., Zapomělová, E., LIU, G., Vrba, J. & Zhou, Y. (2005): Detection of extracellular phosphatases in natural spring phytoplankton of a shallow eutrophic lake (Donghu, China), Eur. J. Phycol. 40(3): 251-258.
Šejnohová, L., Komárek, J., Zapomělová, E., Pumann, P., Maršálek, B. & Babica, P. (2005): Interaktivní klíč k určování vodních květů [Interactive key for identification of water blooms]. – Centrum pro cyanobakterie a jejich toxiny, CD (in Czech).
Zapomělová, E. (2004): Vodní květy sinic [Cyanobacterial water blooms]. Rančířovský občasník, ročník 1 (srpen 2004): 1-3 (in Czech).
Komárková, J. & Zapomělová, E. (2002): Cultivation of planktonic cyanobacteria, a tool for definition of taxonomic morphotypes. – In: Libro de Resúmenes y Programma Científico. - Madrid, CEDEX Sección de Edición 2002. - S. 319. [Congresso de la Asociación Espanola de Limnología /11./ y Congreso Ibérico de Limnología /3./. Madrid (ES), 02.06.17-02.06.21 (WRD)]
2007-2009 – Project GAAV No. KJB 600960703 (Application of combined morphological, ecological and molecular approach in the classification of planktonic representatives of the genus Anabaena (Cyanobacteria); awarded to E. Zapomělová).
2006-2008 - Project GA ČR No. 206/06/0462 (Competion relationships among dominant species of phytoplankton in the reservoirs.; awarded to RNDr. K. Řeháková, Ph.D.) - collaboration.
2005 – Grant FRVŠ 3491/2005 (Morphological variability of selected strains of the genus Anabaena with coiled trichomes in dependence on environmental conditions; awarded to E. Zapomělová).
2003-2005 – Grant GA ČR č. 206/03/P024 (Polyphasic approach to the chosen genera from the family Nostocales; awarded to RNDr. K Kaštovská, Ph.D.) - collaboration.
2002 – Mattoni Award, Biologická fakulta, Jihočeská univerzita (Ecology and diversity of morphotypes in cyanobacterial genera Anabaena and Aphanizomenon in Central Europe; awarded to E. Zapomělová).
1999-2003 – EU – č. MIDI-CHIP EVK2-CT-1999-0026 MIDI-CHIP (Design and testing of DNA microarrays to measure and monitoring microbial diversity, using cyanobacteria in freshwater as model system - Environment and Sustainable Development) - collaboration.
International cooperation
2005 – CNR, Italy, Institute for Ecosystem Study - Section of Firenze (Dr. Stefano Ventura) – ARDRA on planktonic cyanobacteria of the genus Anabaena (three weeks).
2001 - University of Helsinky, Finland; Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology - Division of Microbiology (Dr. Kaarina Sivonen) – isolation DNA and sequencing methods on planktonic nostocalean cyanobacteria (two weeks).
Zapomělová, E., Komárková J., Řeháková, K., Znachor, P., Jezberová, J. (2006): Složení vodních květů v jihočeských rybnících v letech 2004-2006 s přihlédnutím k výskytu nepůvodních a vzácnějších druhů [Composition of water blooms in south-bohemian fishponds in 2004-2006 with a reference to alien and rare species]. 46th workshop of CAS, Czech Republic, oral presentation.
Zapomělová, E. (2006): Ekologie planktonních sinic rodu Anabaena. Conference Cyanobakterie 2006, Brno, Czech Republic, oral presentation.
Zapomělová, E., Kaštovská, K., Znachor, P. & Komárková, J. (2005): Morphological variability of coiled representatives of the genus Anabaena in natural populations. The 14th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP), Sapanca, Turkey, poster.
Zapomělová, E., Kaštovská, K., Znachor, P., Komárková J. (2005): Morfologická variabilita spirálních druhů sinic rodu Anabaena v přírodních populacích [Morphological variability of coiled representatives of the genus Anabaena in natural populations]. 45th workshop of CAS, Czech Republic, oral presentation.
Zapomělová, E., Kaštovská, K., Hrouzek, P., Šabacká, M., Stibal, M. & Caisová, L. (2005): Morphological variability in the family Nostocales. The 15th Hungarian Algological Meeting, Balatonfüred, Hungary, poster.
Zapomělová, E., Komárková, J., Kaštovská, K., Znachor, P. (2005): Stability of trichome coiling in selected strains of the genus Anabaena during tje cultivation. The 15th Hungarian Algological Meeting, Balatonfüred, Hungary, poster.
Cao X., Štrojsová A., Znachor P., Zapomělová E., Liu G., Vrba J. & Zhou Y. (2005): Can extracellular phosphatase of phytoplankton play as a bio-indicator of phosphorus deficiency in eutrophic shallow lakes? The 10th International Conference on Applied Phycology. Kunming, China, oral presentation.
Zapomělová, E., Kaštovská, K., Hrouzek, P., Šabacká, M., Stibal, M. & Caisová, L. (2004): Morphological variability of eight cyanobacterial strains as a response to varied temperature, light intensity and media. The 16th Symposium of the International Association for Cyanophyte Research (IAC), Luxembourg, Luxembourg, poster.
Cao X., Štrojsová A., Znachor P., Zapomělová E., Liu G., Vrba J. & Zhou Y. (2004): Detection of extracellular phosphatases in natural phytoplankton of a shallow eutrophic lake (Donghu, China). The 12th International Symposium on River and Lake Environments. Wuhan, China, oral presentation.
Znachor P., Jurczak T., Komárková, J., Mankiewicz J., Lodeová J., Zapomělová E. & Kaštovská K. (2004): Cyanobacterial bloom species composition and microcystin concentrations in Czech reservoirs. The 6th ICTC, Bergen, June 21–27, 2004, poster.
Zapomělová, E. (2003): Changes in morphology of several strains of planktonic cyanobacteria Anabaena and Aphanizomenon under different environmental conditions. The 7th MIDI-CHIP Workshop, Brussel, Belgium, poster.
Zapomělová, E. (2002): Morphological variability of selected cyanobacterial strains in crossed gradients of temperature and light. The 6th MIDI-CHIP Workshop, Varenna, Italy, oral presentation.
Komárková, J. , Znachor, P., Zapomělová, E. & Kubečková, K. (2002): Water-bloom forming cyanobacteria in the reservoirs of Czech republic – three summer expeditions. The 6th MIDI-CHIP Workshop, Varenna, Italy, oral presentation.
Zapomělová E., Komárková J. (2002) Stability of morphological features in Anabaena planctonica strain NECH2000 Anabaena cf. planctonica (A. viguieri Denis et Frémy 1923). The 5th MIDI-CHIP Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, oral presentation.
Lodeová, J. & Zapomělová, E. (2001): Isolation and culturing of water blooms forming cyanobacteria. The 4th MIDI-CHIP Workshop, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, oral presentation.
Komárková, J., Volf, A. & Zapomělová, E. (2001): Vital vs. hardly cultivated cyanobacteria from the summer water-bloom expedition. The 3rd MIDI-CHIP Workshop, Bertinoro, Italy, oral presentation.