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The European Centre for Women and Technology
ECWT is a sustainable European multi-stakeholder partnership representing high-level expertise in women and technology development from business, government, academia and non-profit sectors and supporting regional innovation through leveraging resources, research, best practices and services.

Cílem těchto stránek je motivovat pro obor IT více dívek a žen, které se zatím IT narozdíl od chlapců a mužů vyhýbají. Na těchto stránkách se mohou dívky a ženy se zájmem o moderní technologie dozvědět, že existuje celá řada různých profesí, v nichž mohou uplatnit svou kreativitu, komunikativnost a znalost cizích jazyků. Některé z těchto profesí představují samy ženy, které v IT pracují, a jejichž příběhy dokazují, že mohou v IT uspět nejen muži.

Women in Construction Scientific Research - WOMEN CORE
WOMEN-CORE contributes to the activities supported by the Work Programme for Specific Targeted Research Projects aimed at improving European competitiveness and meeting the needs of society or Community policies.

UNICAFE – Survey of the University Career of Female Scientists at Life Sciences versus Technical Universities
Women contributions to engineering-technology and life sciences sectors have been exponentially increasing in the last decade. On the other hand women still face great difficulties in developing professional careers in equal opportunities to those of men in these sectors, especially regarding their proportion and representation at the higher levels of hierarchical ladder. UNICAFE Project (2006-2008) aimed to conduct a survey with seven partnering universities from six countries, on university career of female scientists at life sciences versus technical universities.

PROMETEA – Empowering Women Engineers Careers in Industrial and Academic Research
The aim of the PROMETEA project was to develop a better understanding of gender issues in engineering and technology research settings, in order to propose effective measures and recommendations to empower women engineers careers in academic and industrial research in Europe. A technological and economical sustainable development depends on the ability to promote a diverse and creative research sector, which is a key issue both in the European and in national research policies.

říjen 2006 - Egalité des Chances dans les Etudes et la Profession d'Ingénieur en Europe
ECEPIE, Egalité des Chances dans les Etudes et la Profession d’Ingénieur en Europe, is a non-profit making organization created by men and women willing to commit themselves, outside their professional sphere, to the promotion of women in the technical and scientific fields and in particular to the promotion of women engineers.

březen 2005 - Equalitec (Equal Itec for women)
Stánky Equalitec byly vytvořeny s cílem poskytovat informace o přijímaní a udržení žen v oblasti informačních technologií, elektroniky a komunikací. Na stránkách lze nalézt případové studie, informace o mentoringu, harmonizaci rodiny a kariéry a také databázi pracovních příležitostí, která by měla studentkám ulehčit hledání práce v oblasti informačních a komunikačních technologií, která je většinou doménou mužů.

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