GAPP – Gender Awareness participation process
GAPP is a two-year project funded by the European Union (involving Italy, Portugal, Poland, Netherlands, Denmark and Belgium) meant to explore gender differences in the choice of a science career.
Imagining Ourselves
What Defines Your Generation of Women? In the Fall of 2001, Paula Goldman partnered with the International Museum of Women. They sent this question out by email to women aged twenty to forty around the world—and received thousands of replies from over 105 countries. The goals of Imagining Ourselves are to increase young women in leadership positions, to connect our esteemed partners (such as the Global Fund for Women and the World YWCA) to a broad audience, and to increase international community among this first global generation of women. The magic happens when young women are able to form connections across international boundaries—and use those connections to improve each other’s lives.
The EU-sponsored EuroWistdom (European Women in Science TV Drama On Message) project seeks to build on the many years of experience gained from a British initiative set up by BBC Producers. It aims to find new ways of using science and technology as a source of inspiration for themes and characters in popular TV formats, and to develop positive role models for young women rather than the usual clichéd stereotypes. The project provides financial and other support for European TV scriptwriters and producers seeking to make current science and technology issues a central focus of their work, and to view these from a female perspective. This is done by putting them in contact with scientists who have interesting stories to tell.
European Platform of Women Scientists
From its location in Brussels the European Platform of Women Scientists seeks to support the work of a whole range of existing national, European and international networks of women scientists by “networking the networks”. At the same time the platform aims to make women scientists better understand the role they can play in the research policy debate and how to fully benefit from these opportunities by bundling their powers and forces.
The purpose of this site is to provide a gateway into Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) for individuals and organisations working towards more equal representation and advancement of women in SET. Portia works with key players and target groups to deliver projects and initiatives of common interest.
leden 2005 - Academic Climate
Tato stránka byla vytvořena za účelem stimulace nové diskuse o klimatu, které se utváří ve vědeckých ústavech v USA. Tuto stránku provozuje AWIS, najdete na ní mnoho zdrojů (odkazy na profesionální společnosti a organizace, studie, statistiky, mailing listy atd.) určených jak vědkyním, tak institucím, které se pokouší zlepšit jejich vlastní prostředí pro vědkyně.
listopad 2004 - Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science (CEC-WYS)
CEC-WYS se zaměřuje na rozvoj aktivit směřujících k dosažení rovných příležitostí ve vědě a výzkumu ve čtyřech středoevropských zemích (ČR, Maďarsko, SR a Slovinsko) a na zkoumání a zlepšení postavení mladých lidí ve vědě. Centrum rozvíjí aktivity jak na úrovni aktivní asistence ženám a mladým lidem ve vědě, tak na úrovni vytváření doporučení týkajících se politik rovných příležitostí ve vědě a výzkumu. Projekt je financován v rámci 6. Rámcového programu Evropské komise. Partnerskými zeměmi projektu jsou Česká republika, Francie, Itálie, Maďarsko, Rumunsko, Slovensko a Slovinsko.
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